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70 docs tagged with "Kubernetes Monitoring"

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Agent deletion

It provides the method how to delete the Kubernetes agent.


You can set event conditions and receive notifications in various forms.

Application Stack

It uses the thread stacks collected every 10 seconds (default value) to analyze the performance delay sections in the method level.

Call Information

You can see the call flow of the applications running on the container and the status of the outbound call targets.

Cluster Summary

Through the Cluster Summary menu, you can check the Kubernetes object counts for nodes, pods, and containers, and you can also see the related versions within the cluster.

Container Alert

Alerts are sent through event conditions for the container resource usage, active transactions, and error conditions.

Container images

It provides information about the images used by the containers.

Container List

You can check the container status and detailed information of the current project.

Container Map

The container map in WhaTap Kubernetes is the starting point for Kubernetes monitoring.


WhaTap Kubernetes Monitoring provides Kubernetes events and WhaTap events.

Event History

You can see the history of alerts that occurred through Event History.

Installing Docker Java

This step allows you to install the agent to monitor Java applications in the container.

Kubernetes agent

Let's learn about the configuration of the installed agent to monitor applications running in Kubernetes.


You can immediately check the logs output by the containers or applications inside containers.


You can check various logs related to Kubernetes.

Log alert

Alerts can be set by filtering the log messages.


You can check the resource usage of Kubernetes and make sure the usage is set appropriately.


Let's learn about the metrics that are used in WhaTap Kubernetes Monitoring.

Metrics alert

Use the metrics event settings to set specific and complex events.

MSA Analysis

The MSA analysis function analyzes the proportion of calls between transactions collected through the WhaTap's MTRACE (multi-server tracing) function.

Multi Service Hitmap

You can see the hitmap chart for multiple services and compare and analyze the status of each service.

Namespace Management

You can manage namespace projects through the ***Namespace Management*** menu in the cluster project.

Namespace Status

You can check the status of the WhaTap Kubernetes cluster project and sub namespace projects.

Node List

You can check the node status and detailed information of the current project.

Performance Summary

You can see what changes have been made to key Kubernetes metrics through the Performance Summary menu.

Pod Startup Analysis

If you use the Pod initialization analysis function, you can analyze the peak usage and initialization time at the Pod startup to help you set the optimal initial delay.


You can check various reports related to Kubernetes.

Target grouping

The grouping function allows you to meet the needs of various users in the Kubernetes environment.


WhaTap Kubernetes Monitoring's trace function provides information about status monitoring for applications running on containers.

Transaction search

You can search for the desired transaction based on the individual transaction's performance properties.


It allows checking problems that may occur when installing the Java agent.