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Installation troubleshooting based on the Helm chart

In case there is a whatap Helm repository with the same name

"whatap" already exists with the same configuration, skipping

If another whatap repository with the same name already exists, delete the existing whatap repository by using the following command and then proceed with installation.

helm repo remove whatap

In case there is another namespace named whatap-monitoring in the cluster

Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: Unable to continue with install: Namespace "whatap-monitoring" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release

If the whatap-monitoring namespace exists in the cluster, it is because the user has already installed the Whatap Kubernetes agent based on the yaml file. In this case, delete the existing whatap-monitoring namespace and related resources by using the following commands.

kubectl delete namespace whatap-monitoring
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding whatap
kubectl delete clusterrole whatap

In case the clusterrole and clusterrolebinding resources exist in the cluster

Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: Unable to continue with install: ClusterRole "whatap" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release

If the clusterrole and clusterrolebinding resources already exist in the cluster, delete them by using the following commands.

kubectl delete clusterrolebinding whatap
kubectl delete clusterrole whatap