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After installing the WhaTap agent, log in WhaTap Monitoring Service. The WhaTap monitoring service provides information for smooth service provision, stable operation, and monitoring and identification of anomalies.

Kubernetes includes various functions that allow you to operate microservices efficiently. It provides all functions necessary for service operations, such as scheduling for efficient use of computing resources, distribution for application updates, and storage and network management required for container execution.

The monitoring service aims to help users run Kubernetes in all aspects. In addition to the basic monitoring functions that monitor problem conditions in real time to notify failure conditions and help solve problems, operational works to distribute resources and save infrastructure costs, or multiple microservices integrated with Kubernetes, the monitoring service can be used as a collaboration tool between the related business departments.

As the usability of Kubernetes becomes diverse, the monitoring needs differ depending on the operation environment and business situation. For this purpose, the WhaTap monitoring service provides the function to collect and comprehensively control all data managed or produced by Kubernetes, such as application transactions, resource usage, logs, and events.

Real-time Monitoring

  • Kubernetes integrated monitoring on the multi-cloud and hybrid cloud
  • Container Map - A dynamic dashboard that provides data for nodes (host), containers, applications, logs, and events.
    • Individual or grouped display for the Kubernetes components such as namespace, deployment, replica set, and pod
    • Real-time checking of individual target/group data
      • Real-time status by container status and core resource metrics is divided into 3 levels of color (Normal, Warning, Critical).
      • CPU limit, request, and actual usage (core) assigned to the container
      • Memory limit, request, and actual usage (MiB, GiB) assigned to the container
      • Disk I/O and network I/O being used by the container
      • Hitmap-based application monitoring
      • Stdout/Stderr occurred in the pod or container
      • Container/application logs searched by the period
      • Warnings specified in containers/applications
      • Event data in the Kubernetes cluster
  • Resource monitoring - container and node detailed monitoring
    • Container
      • Entire container list and utilization status
      • CPU, memory, disk (volume), and network utilization for individual containers
      • Volume data attached to containers
    • Node
      • Entire node list and utilization status
      • CPU, memory, disk, and network utilization for individual nodes (host)
  • Application monitoring - containerized application monitoring on Kubernetes
    • Supported applications: Java. Node.js, Python
    • Monitoring the specific applications using the filtering
    • Monitoring of active transactions and completed transactions
    • TPS and response time trends for application groups and individual applications
    • User count trend aggregated for 5 minutes
  • Checking the Kubernetes master meta data
    • Master meta data stored in ETCD can be checked on the WhaTap console.
    • A list of major Kubernetes components, individual components, and some detailed specifications (YAML) for each component.

Performance analysis

  • Kubernetes pod's peak usage and initialization time
  • Out of Memory container data and memory chart by period
  • Same function as application (APM)
    • Metrics Chart
    • MSA Analysis
    • Stack

Event notification

  • Email, SMS, and SNS (Telegram, Slack) transmission
  • Event occurrence by event duration and threshold setting
  • Same event notification suppression function by registration of the silence setting time
  • CPU, memory, and disk notifications
  • Notification by the real-time transaction count threshold setting
  • Notification by the transaction error count threshold setting
  • Notification by the number of transactions exceeding the response time threshold
  • Notification by horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of response times

Statistics and reports

  • Daily/Weekly Report: Real-time users, TPS, response times, CPU trend, etc.
  • Monthly Report
    • Real-time users, TPS, response times, CPU trend, etc.
    • Daily visitor count trend, Monthly visitor count, and customer loyalty metrics
  • Daily Report per Application
  • Application Peak Performance Comparison Report: Comparison with peak times of the previous day and the previous week
  • Weekly CPU and Memory Report by Pod