WhaTap Open API
To extract the monitoring data being collected and use it separately, the function to extract data is provided through Open API. You can obtain the collected data by passing the account API token, project API token, and project code as parameters.
For older versions of Open API documentation, see the following.
Tokens are divided into account API tokens and project API tokens. The account API token is used to acquire the project list, and the project API token is used to acquire project monitoring data.
You can check the project code through the data displayed like "[{project code}]
Cloud Application Monitoring" in the window or tab title at the top
of the browser screen when entering the project. To change the API token,
select Reissue or Reissue Token on each screen.
Type | Key | Set value | Remarks |
Header | x-whatap-token |
API token | Account API Token |
Header | x-whatap-token |
API token | Project API Token |
Header | x-whatap-pcode |
Project code | Check in the window or browser tab title |
Checking the account token
Select the profile icon on the upper right of the screen.
If a pop-up menu appears, select Manage Accounts.
Scroll down the screen, go to the Api token section.
Checking the project token.
Select a project in the Home screen.
After entering the project, select Management > Project Management on the left.
Check the Api token.
Viewing the project list
This API provides the list of projects.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects | |
accountEmail | string Email address of the user account |
total | integer Project count |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/projects"
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "0": {
- "groupName": "",
- "projectCode": 35,
- "projectName": "APM_TEST2",
- "createTime": "2018-10-19T07:17:03.774",
- "status": "subscribe",
- "productType": "APM",
- "platform": "JAVA",
- "gatewayName": "LOCAL",
- "apiToken": "5**********************R"
}, - "accountEmail": "xxx@whatap.io",
- "total": 6
Viewing the project information
This API provides the projects for applications and servers.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
platform | string Application Product Platform |
createTime | string Project creation date |
gatewayName | string Data Server Region |
projectCode | number pcode |
status | string Enum: "pending" "trial" "subscribe" "close_pending" "limited" "closed" "trial_limited" Project status |
lastUpdatedTime | string Project modification date |
name | string Project name |
productType | string Application Product Type |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/project"
Response samples
- 200
{- "platform": "JAVA",
- "createTime": "Tue Sep 18 08:34:27 GMT 2018",
- "gatewayName": "Office-OTE",
- "projectCode": 1234,
- "status": "Subscribe",
- "lastUpdatedTime": "Tue Sep 18 08:34:34 GMT 2018",
- "name": "SEO_APM",
- "productType": "APM"
Viewing the project member list
This API provides the list of members in the project.
path Parameters
projectCode required | integer pcode |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects | |
total | integer Project member count |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/project/{projectCode}/members"
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "0": {
- "email": "honggildong@whatap.io",
- "name": "Hong",
- "desc": "",
- "sms": "010XXXXXXX"
}, - "totla": 8
Viewing the group list
This API provides a list of groups to which the user belongs.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects | |
total | integer Group Count |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/v2/json/groups"
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "0": {
- "groupName": "WHATAP APM",
- "groupKey": "grp****ab123kskd*****q",
- "description": "APM Group"
}, - "total": 3
Viewing the group member list
This API provides a list of members in the group to which the user belongs.
path Parameters
groupKey required | integer Group's unique identifier (ID) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects | |
total | integer Group Member Count |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/group/{groupKey}/members"
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "0": {
- "email": "honggildong@whatap.io",
- "name": "Hong",
- "desc": "",
- "sms": "010XXXXXXX"
}, - "totla": 8
Viewing the project in the group
This API views meta information of the projects in the group.
path Parameters
groupKey required | integer Group's unique identifier (ID) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects | |||||||||||||
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/group/{groupKey}/projects"
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "0": {
- "projectCode": 35,
- "name": "APM_TEST2",
- "status": "Subscribe",
- "productType": "APM",
- "platform": "JAVA",
- "gatewayName": "LOCAL"
Viewing the agent status and host IP
This API provides the status and IP addresses of the agents in the project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects | |||||||
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/json/agents"
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "0": {
- "host_ip": "",
- "oname": "TC-29-96-8082",
- "active": true
Calling the oid list
This API allows you to view active agents during the desired period. The
query time (stime
, etime
) is limited to one day and its unit is ms
Among the sample codes in the example, change the parameter values such
as stime
and etime
according to the user environment. The parameter
values can be requested in various formats.
1693475430087 (unix timestamp)
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
stime | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
Response Schema: application/json
stime | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
timestamp | integer <int64> Data creation time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
Array of objects |
Request samples
- Payload
- curl
{- "stime": 1690850183000,
- "etime": 1693321200000
Response samples
- 200
{- "stime": 1690850183000,
- "etime": 1693321200000,
- "timestamp": 1693388196965,
- "data": {
- "0": {
- "oid": 757639646,
- "oname": "DBX-0-107-3306",
- "alias": "",
- "initial": "",
- "otype": "database",
- "subtype": "0",
- "active": false,
- "okind": 0,
- "okindName": "",
- "onode": 0,
- "onodeName": "",
- "ip": "",
- "agent.version": "",
- "cpuCores": 0
Querying the event history
You can querying the event records that occurred in the project.
query Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
progress | boolean
oid | integer <int32>
okinds | integer <int32>
onodes | integer <int32>
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
metricName | string Metrics name |
pcode | integer Project code |
onodeName | string Agent Group Name per Server |
displayTag | string Value for displaying event status tags |
metricValue | float Metrics value |
oid | integer Agent's unique identifier (ID) |
title | string Event title |
uuid | integer Event unique identifier |
okind | integer Agent Group IDs for each Type |
ackCount | integer Acknowledge count |
eventTime | integer <int64> Time when the event occurred |
disabled | boolean Whether the event has ended:
id | integer Event unique identifier (ID) |
acknowledges | Array of arrays Acknowledge |
stateful | boolean Whether to enable the resolved event notification feature |
product | string Server type |
level | string Warning level |
updateTime | integer <int64> Event update time |
message | string Event message |
metricThreshold | string Threshold |
oname | string Agent name |
escalation | boolean Whether to repeat notifications |
tagCount | boolean TagCount Category Event |
systemEvent | boolean System event |
offTime | integer Resolved time |
category | string TagCount Category |
okindName | sting Agent Group Name per Type |
onode | integer Agent Group IDs for each Server |
snapshot | string Snapshot at the time the event occurred (only for basic events on the server) |
status | string Event status |
Request samples
- curl
curl --location \ -w "\n" \ -H 'x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}' \ -H 'x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}' \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/event/history?stime=1733065200000&etime=1733103557000&progress=true&oids=-17079562%2C352247167"
Response samples
- 200
{- "0": {
- "metricName": "mem",
- "pcode": "7",
- "onodeName": "",
- "displayTag": "inprogress",
- "metricValue": "99.73802",
- "oid": -17079562,
- "title": "Server Memory",
- "uuid": "c5cf01fe9daf43ce99a9028e0a804d35",
- "okind": "0,",
- "ackCount": "0,",
- "eventTime": "1733288350068,",
- "disabled": "false,",
- "id": "44,",
- "acknowledges": { },
- "stateful": true,
- "process": 0,
- "product": "ap",
- "level": "Critical",
- "triggerId": 0,
- "updateTime": 1733288350128,
- "message": "Server Memory = 99.738",
- "metricThreshold": "90",
- "oname": "front",
- "escalation": true,
- "tagCount": true,
- "systemEvent": false,
- "offTime": 0,
- "category": "app_host_resource",
- "okindName": "",
- "onode": 0,
- "snapshot": null,
- "status": "ON"
}, - "1": {
- "metricName": "cpu",
- "pcode": 7,
- "onodeName": "",
- "displayTag": "inprogress",
- "metricValue": "19.947985",
- "oid": -17079562,
- "title": "Server CPU",
- "uuid": "5d7a40d11a1144a8b7bad7e2c71cda2e",
- "okind": 0,
- "ackCount": 0,
- "eventTime": 1733288325022,
- "disabled": false,
- "id": 42,
- "acknowledges": { },
- "stateful": true,
- "process": 0,
- "product": "ap",
- "level": "Warning",
- "triggerId": 0,
- "updateTime": 1733288325055,
- "message": "Server CPU = 19.948",
- "metricThreshold": "0",
- "oname": "front",
- "escalation": false,
- "tagCount": true,
- "systemEvent": false,
- "offTime": 0,
- "category": "app_host_resource",
- "okindName": "",
- "onode": 0,
- "snapshot": null,
- "status": "ON"
It provides a list of APIs that allow you to view the agent information and related metrics for application monitoring projects.
Viewing all information
This API allows you to view all information of the application monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pcode | integer pcode |
act_agent | string Active agent count |
inact_agent | string Inactive agent count |
host | string Host count |
cpucore | string Total number of CPU cores on the host |
txcount | string Transaction Count |
tps | string TPS |
user | string Active users (5 minutes) |
actx | string Active Transaction |
rtime | string Average Response Time (ms) |
cpu | string Average CPU utilization(%) |
threadpool_active | string Active thread count of the thread pool |
threadpool_queue | string Queuing thread count of the thread pool |
dbconn_total | string Total DB connection count |
dbconn_act | string Active DB connection count |
dbconn_idle | string Idle DB connection count |
act_method | string Active Method Count |
act_sql | string Active SQL Count |
act_httpc | string Active HTTP Call Count |
act_dbc | string Number of Active Database Connections |
act_socket | string Number of Active Socket Connections |
apdex | string Apdex (Application Performance Index, user satisfaction for applications) |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/spot"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pcode": 8,
- "act_agent": "6",
- "inact_agent": "6",
- "host": "1",
- "cpucore": "2",
- "txcount": "459",
- "tps": "93.07",
- "user": "1007",
- "actx": "149",
- "rtime": "1873",
- "cpu": "29.35",
- "threadpool_active": "0",
- "threadpool_queue": "0",
- "dbconn_total": "600.0",
- "dbconn_act": "239.0",
- "dbconn_idle": "361.0",
- "act_method": "51",
- "act_sql": "24",
- "act_httpc": "64",
- "act_dbc": "10",
- "act_socket": "0",
- "apdex": "0.9871"
Viewing the active agent count
This API allows you to view the number of active agents in the application monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: text/plain
Active agent count
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/act_agent"
Response samples
- 200
Viewing the inactive agent count
This API allows you to view the number of inactive agents in the application monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: text/plain
Inactive agent count
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/inact_agent"
Response samples
- 200
Host count
This API allows you to view the number of hosts connected to the application monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: text/plain
Host Count
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/host"
Response samples
- 200
Sum of CPU cores of the host
This API allows you to view the sum of CPU cores of the host connected to the application monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: text/plain
CPU core count
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/cpucore"
Response samples
- 200
Transaction Count
This API allows you to view the number of transactions in the application monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: text/plain
Transaction Count
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/txcount"
Response samples
- 200
This API allows you to view the number of transactions per second (TPS) in the application monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: text/plain
Number of Processed Transactions per second
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/tps"
Response samples
- 200
Active users (5 minutes)
This API allows you to view concurrent users in the application monitoring project, which measures users who issued transactions within the last 5 minutes.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: text/plain
Real-time user count for 5 minutes
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/user"
Response samples
- 200
Active Transaction
This API allows you to view the number of active transactions in the application monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: text/plain
Active transaction count
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/actx"
Response samples
- 200
Average Res. Time
This API allows you to view the average response time in the application monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: text/plain
Average Res. Time
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/rtime"
Response samples
- 200
Average CPU utilization
This API allows you to view the average CPU utilization in the application monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: text/plain
Average CPU utilization
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/cpu"
Response samples
- 200
This API allows you to view the Apdex (Application Performance Index, application user satisfaction) in the application monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: text/plain
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/apdex"
Response samples
- 200
It provides a list of APIs that allow you to view the statistical data for application monitoring projects.
This API allows you to view the exception details during the time set in the application monitoring project.
path Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects | |
total | integer Total Number of Exception Records |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/exception/{stime}/{etime}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "records": {
- "0": {
- "oids": "[-1459620666]",
- "time": 1535557500000,
- "classHash": -1811136020,
- "count": 14,
- "service": "/account/delete/dept/daegu",
- "class": "java.sql.SQLException(0)",
- "serviceHash": 1900616259,
- "snapSeq": "6068699991557528332",
- "msg": "Sql Exception"
}, - "total": 2063
HTTP outbound call
This API allows you to view the HTTP outbound call records during the time set in the application monitoring project.
path Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects | |
total | integer Total Number of HTTP Connection Records |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/httpc/{stime}/{etime}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "records": {
- "0": {
- "Sum": 22628,
- "Port": 10002,
- "Url": "/remote/account/save/employee/kwangju",
- "Host": "",
- "Max": 1815,
- "Stdev": "247.95",
- "Actived": 0,
- "Avg": 1131,
- "HostHash": -675813464,
- "Min": 1002,
- "Error": 0,
- "Total": 20,
- "UrlHash": -243814510
}, - "total": 4923
HTTP Outbound Call Filtering
This API allows you to filter HTTP outbound call records based on the host address and port number during the time set in the application monitoring project.
path Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
host required | string Host Address for Filtering |
port required | string Host Port Number for Filtering |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects | |
total | integer Total Number of HTTP Connection Records |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/httpc/{stime}/{etime}/filter/host/{host}/port/{port}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "records": {
- "0": {
- "Service": "/sales/remove/unit/kwangju",
- "Host": "",
- "HostHash": -675813464,
- "Avg": 1080,
- "Error": 0,
- "Sum": 2411644,
- "Port": 10007,
- "Service_hash": -1003301916,
- "Url": "/remote/account/save/employee/seoul",
- "Max": 2442,
- "Stdev": "159.01",
- "UrlHash": 180997672,
- "Total": 2233,
- "Min": 1001
}, - "1": {
- "Service": "/product/delete/employee/daejun",
- "Host": "",
- "HostHash": -675813464,
- "Avg": 1085,
- "Error": 0,
- "Sum": 2075036,
- "Port": 10007,
- "Service_hash": 2100205994,
- "Url": "/remote/account/save/employee/pusan",
- "Max": 2462,
- "Stdev": "173.06",
- "UrlHash": -924053750,
- "Total": 1911,
- "Min": 1001
}, - "total": 1080
This API allows you to view the SQL statements during the time set in the application monitoring project.
path Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects | |
total | integer Total Number of SQL Query Records |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/sql/{stime}/{etime}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "records": {
- "0": {
- "time_max": 4164,
- "dbcHash": 450678784,
- "db": "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306,localhost:3310/fake",
- "time_min": 0,
- "fetch_count": 0,
- "hash": 796628118,
- "fetch_time": 0,
- "sql_crud": 0,
- "count_total": 5224,
- "count_error": 0,
- "sql": "update table set x=# where key=#",
- "time_sum": 581391,
- "time_avg": 111,
- "time_std": "240.79",
- "count_actived": 0
}, - "total": 130
Client IP
This API allows you to view the remote client IPs during the time set in the application monitoring project. WhaTap basically stores the client-related information.
path Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects | |
total | integer Total Number of Remote Client IP Records |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/remote/{stime}/{etime}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "records": {
- "0": {
- "count": 86,
- "city": "Winnipeg",
- "country": "CA (CANADA)",
- "ip": ""
}, - "total": 1000
This API allows you to view the transaction records during the time set in the application monitoring project.
path Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects | |
total | integer Total Transaction Record Count |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/transaction/{stime}/{etime}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "records": {
- "0": {
- "apdex_tolerated": 98,
- "apdex_satisfied": 279,
- "apdex": 0.830379746835443,
- "time_max": 44735,
- "sql_fetch_time": 363,
- "sql_time": 2628663,
- "count": 10743,
- "error": 29,
- "sql_count": 22635,
- "hash": -1485863373,
- "sql_fetch": 6741607,
- "httpc_avg": 1084,
- "cpu_avg": 0,
- "time_sum": 19911778,
- "time_avg": 1853,
- "httpc_count": 7072,
- "service": "/account/save/employee/seoul",
- "mem_avg": 0
}, - "total": 1080
Heap use - statistics average
This API allows you to view the average statistics for heap usage during the time set in the application monitoring project. The query time is limited to one hour and is measured in milliseconds (ms).
path Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pcode | integer pcode |
stime | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
timeMerge | string Data Collection Method (avg or max) |
unit | string Heap Usage Unit (e.g. byte) |
Array of objects |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/heap_use/{stime}/{etime}/avg"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pcode": 5490,
- "stime": 1677747600000,
- "etime": 1677749594269,
- "timeMerge": "avg",
- "unit": "byte",
- "data": {
- "0": {
- "oid": -1143239575,
- "oname": "demo-8101",
- "heap_use": "36121554.72"
}, - "1": {
- "oid": -857948929,
- "oname": "demo-8105",
- "heap_use": "37498925.139"
Heap use - statistics maximum
This API allows you to view the maximum statistics for heap usage during the time set in the application monitoring project. The query time is limited to one hour and is measured in milliseconds (ms).
path Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pcode | integer pcode |
stime | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
timeMerge | string Data Collection Method (avg or max) |
unit | string Heap Usage Unit (e.g. byte) |
Array of objects |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/heap_use/{stime}/{etime}/max"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pcode": 5490,
- "stime": 1677747600000,
- "etime": 1677749594269,
- "timeMerge": "max",
- "unit": "byte",
- "data": {
- "0": {
- "oid": -1143239575,
- "oname": "demo-8101",
- "heap_use": "36121554.72"
}, - "1": {
- "oid": -857948929,
- "oname": "demo-8105",
- "heap_use": "37498925.139"
Viewing the agent data
This API allows you to view the data for all agents during the time set in the application monitoring project.
path Parameters
metric_type | string Enum: "thread_count" "thread_daemon" "thread_peak_count" "threadpool_active" "threadpool_queue" "apdex" "tx_caller" Metric that can be viewed |
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pcode | integer pcode |
type | string Enum: "thread_count" "thread_daemon" "thread_peak_count" "threadpool_active" "threadpool_queue" "apdex" "tx_caller" Metric that can be viewed |
stime | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
interval | integer Data Point Interval (sec) |
timeMerge | string Data Collection Method (sum) |
Array of objects |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/{metric_type}/{stime}/{etime}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pcode": 1234570141,
- "type": "metric_type",
- "stime": 1536050100000,
- "etime": 1536050700000,
- "interval": 300,
- "timeMerge": "sum",
- "objects": {
- "0": {
- "oname": "8080",
- "oid": -1234257485,
- "series": {
- "0": {
- "0": 1536050100000,
- "1": 95.2
}, - "1": {
- "0": 1536050400000,
- "1": 85.3
}, - "2": {
- "0": 1536050700000,
- "1": 91.43
}, - "1": {
- "oname": "TC-29-96-8082",
- "oid": 1482741919,
- "series": {
- "0": {
- "0": 1536050100000,
- "1": 98.11
}, - "1": {
- "0": 1536050400000,
- "1": 81.44
}, - "2": {
- "0": 1536050700000,
- "1": 90.05
Query for average agent data
This API allows you to view the average data for all agents during the time set in the application monitoring project.
path Parameters
metric_type | string Enum: "thread_count" "thread_daemon" "thread_peak_count" "threadpool_active" "threadpool_queue" "apdex" Metric that can be viewed |
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pcode | integer pcode |
type | string Enum: "thread_count" "thread_daemon" "thread_peak_count" "threadpool_active" "threadpool_queue" "apdex" Metric that can be viewed |
stime | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
interval | integer Data Point Interval (sec) |
timeMerge | string Data Collection Method (sum) |
objectMerge | string Data Merge Method (avg) |
Array of items |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/{metric_type}/{stime}/{etime}/avg"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pcode": 1234570141,
- "type": "metric_type",
- "stime": 1536050100000,
- "etime": 1536050700000,
- "interval": 300,
- "timeMerge": "sum",
- "objectMerge": "avg",
- "series": {
- "0": {
- "0": 1536050100000,
- "1": 122.86
}, - "1": {
- "0": 1536050400000,
- "1": 99.26
}, - "2": {
- "0": 1536050700000,
- "1": 109.68
Viewing the specified agent data
This API allows you to view the thread counts of the specified agents (oids) during the time set in the application monitoring project. Multiple agents (oids) can be specified using comma (,) as the delimiter.
path Parameters
metric_type | string Enum: "thread_count" "thread_daemon" "thread_peak_count" "threadpool_active" "threadpool_queue" "apdex" "tx_caller" Metric that can be viewed |
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
oids required | integer <int32> Multiple agent identifiers (ID) can be entered using comma (,) as the delimiter. |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pcode | integer pcode |
type | string Enum: "thread_count" "thread_daemon" "thread_peak_count" "threadpool_active" "threadpool_queue" "apdex" "tx_caller" Metric that can be viewed |
stime | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
interval | integer Data Point Interval (sec) |
timeMerge | string Data Collection Method (sum) |
Array of objects |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/{metric_type}/{stime}/{etime}/{oids}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pcode": 1234570141,
- "type": "metric_type",
- "stime": 1536050100000,
- "etime": 1536050700000,
- "interval": 300,
- "timeMerge": "sum",
- "objects": {
- "0": {
- "oname": "8080",
- "oid": -1234257485,
- "series": {
- "0": {
- "0": 1536050100000,
- "1": 95.2
}, - "1": {
- "0": 1536050400000,
- "1": 85.3
}, - "2": {
- "0": 1536050700000,
- "1": 91.43
}, - "1": {
- "oname": "TC-29-96-8082",
- "oid": 1482741919,
- "series": {
- "0": {
- "0": 1536050100000,
- "1": 98.11
}, - "1": {
- "0": 1536050400000,
- "1": 81.44
}, - "2": {
- "0": 1536050700000,
- "1": 90.05
Viewing the specified average agent data
This API allows you to view the average data of the specified agents (oids) during the time set in the application monitoring project. Multiple agents (oids) can be specified using comma (,) as the delimiter.
path Parameters
metric_type | string Enum: "thread_count" "thread_daemon" "thread_peak_count" "threadpool_active" "threadpool_queue" "apdex" Metric that can be viewed |
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pcode | integer pcode |
type | string Enum: "thread_count" "thread_daemon" "thread_peak_count" "threadpool_active" "threadpool_queue" "apdex" Metric that can be viewed |
stime | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
interval | integer Data Point Interval (sec) |
timeMerge | string Data Collection Method (sum) |
objectMerge | string Data Merge Method (avg) |
Array of items |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/{metric_type}/{stime}/{etime}/avg/{oids}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pcode": 1234570141,
- "type": "metric_type",
- "stime": 1536050100000,
- "etime": 1536050700000,
- "interval": 300,
- "timeMerge": "sum",
- "objectMerge": "avg",
- "series": {
- "0": {
- "0": 1536050100000,
- "1": 117.49
}, - "1": {
- "0": 1536050400000,
- "1": 100.26
}, - "2": {
- "0": 1536050700000,
- "1": 120.2
Viewing active users per 5 minutes
This API allows you to view the concurrent users at an interval of 5 minutes during the time set in the application monitoring project. The measure of concurrent users is for users who issued transactions within the last 5 minutes.
path Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of items | |
pcode | integer pcode |
stime | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
total | integer Total Visitor Count |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/visitor_5m/{stime}/{etime}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "0": {
- "0": 1554444005000,
- "1": 12
}, - "1": {
- "0": 1554444010000,
- "1": 12
}, - "pcode": 3000000079,
- "stime": 1554444000000,
- "etime": 1554444300000,
- "total": 59
Viewing active users per 1 hour
This API allows you to view the concurrent users at an interval of 1 hour during the time set in the application monitoring project.
path Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of items | |
pcode | integer pcode |
stime | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
total | integer Total number of data arrays |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/visitor_h/{stime}/{etime}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "0": {
- "0": 1554444000000,
- "1": 18
}, - "1": {
- "0": 1554444010000,
- "1": 16
}, - "pcode": 3000000079,
- "stime": 1554444000000,
- "etime": 1554454800000,
- "total": 59
Viewing active users per 1 day
This API allows you to view the concurrent users at an interval of 1 day during the time set in the application monitoring project.
path Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of items | |
pcode | integer pcode |
stime | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
total | integer Total Visitor Count |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/visitor_d/{stime}/{etime}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "0": {
- "0": 1554163200000,
- "1": 1007
}, - "1": {
- "0": 1554249600000,
- "1": 1007
}, - "2": {
- "0": 1554336000000,
- "1": 1007
}, - "pcode": 3000000079,
- "stime": 1554163200000,
- "etime": 1554422400000,
- "total": 3
Viewing active users per 1 month
This API allows you to view the concurrent users at an interval of 1
month during the time set in the application monitoring project. As the
unique user statistics aggregated for 1 month, etime
cannot exceed 365
days based on stime
path Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects User Statistical Data per Month | |
pcode | integer pcode |
stime | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
sdate | string String expression on the search start time |
edate | string String expression on the search end time |
total | integer Total Visitor Count |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/visitor_m/{stime}/{etime}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "0": {
- "stime": 1535760000000,
- "etime": 1538352000000,
- "sdate": "Sat Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT 2018",
- "edate": "Mon Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT 2018",
- "mau": 1007
}, - "1": {
- "stime": 1538352000000,
- "etime": 1541030400000,
- "sdate": "Mon Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT 2018",
- "edate": "Thu Nov 01 00:00:00 GMT 2018",
- "mau": 1007
}, - "pcode": 1234570141,
- "stime": 1535760000000,
- "etime": 1541030400000,
- "sdate": "Sat Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT 2018",
- "edate": "Thu Nov 01 00:00:00 GMT 2018",
- "total": 2
Call Statistics Filtering
You can filter cross-project transaction call statistics or transaction domain call statistics for view.
filterkey: Query condition keys (
)filterval: Query condition (base64 encoding if
path Parameters
metric_type | string Enum: "tx_caller" "tx_domain" Metric that can be viewed |
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
filterkey required | string Enum: "caller_pcode" "caller_spec" "caller_url" "spec" "url" Query condition key |
filterval required | string Query condition (if |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/{metric_type}/{stime}/{etime}/filter/{filterkey}/{filtereval}"
Filtering the designated agent's calls
You can filter cross-project transaction call statistics or transaction domain call statistics based on the specified agent for view.
filterkey: Query condition keys (
)filterval: Query condition (base64 encoding if
path Parameters
metric_type | string Enum: "tx_caller" "tx_domain" Metric that can be viewed |
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
oids required | integer <int32> Multiple agent identifiers (ID) can be entered using comma (,) as the delimiter. |
filterkey required | string Enum: "caller_pcode" "caller_spec" "caller_url" "spec" "url" Query condition key |
filterval required | string Query condition (if |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/{metric_type}/{stime}/{etime}/{oids}/filter/{filterkey}/{filtereval}"
This API allows you to view the TPS (Transaction Per Second) data during the time set in the application monitoring project.
query Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
timeMerge required | string Value: "avg" Data collection method |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: text/plain
TPS Count
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/raw/tag/app_counter/tps?stime={stime}&etime={etime}&timeMerge={timeMerge}"
Response samples
- 200
Average response time
This API allows you to view the average response time during the time set in the application monitoring project.
query Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
timeMerge required | string Value: "avg" Data collection method |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: text/plain
Average response time
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/raw/tag/app_counter/resp_time?stime={stime}&etime={etime}&timeMerge={timeMerge}"
Response samples
- 200
Average CPU utilization
This API allows you to view the average CPU utilization during the time set in the application monitoring project.
query Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
timeMerge required | string Value: "avg" Data collection method |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: text/plain
Average CPU utilization
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/raw/tag/app_host_resource/cpu?stime={stime}&etime={etime}&timeMerge={timeMerge}"
Response samples
- 200
DB connection counts for each data source
This API allows you to view the DB connection counts for each data source during the time set in the application monitoring project.
query Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
timeMerge required | string Value: "avg" Data collection method |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pcode | integer pcode |
time | integer <int64> Lookup time |
Array of objects (ConnectionDetail) |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/tag/db_pool_detail/dbconn?stime={stime}&etime={etime}&timeMerge={timeMerge}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pcode": 35,
- "time": 1554163200000,
- "dbc_total": {
- "0": {
- "oid": -963710734,
- "oname": "TC-29-96-8082",
- "databaseUrl": "jdbc:db:virtual",
- "active": 49,
- "idle": 51,
- "total": 100
DB connection counts for each data source - short-term search
This API allows you to view the DB connection counts for each data source based on the end time set in the application monitoring project.
query Parameters
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Account API Token {{ACCOUNT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pcode | integer pcode |
time | integer <int64> Lookup time |
Array of objects (ConnectionDetail) |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/tag/db_pool_detail/dbconn?etime={etime}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pcode": 17,
- "time": 1667467012037,
- "dbc_total": {
- "0": {
- "oid": -959062357,
- "oname": "TC-0-1-8087",
- "databaseUrl": "jdbc:db:virtual",
- "active": 63,
- "idle": 37,
- "total": 100
}, - "1": {
- "oid": -1311576515,
- "oname": "TC-0-1-8086",
- "databaseUrl": "jdbc:db:virtual",
- "active": 10,
- "idle": 90,
- "total": 100
IP-based transaction search
For one hour from the user-specified start time (stime
), transactions
requested by a specific IP are sorted in descending order of the call
count and up to 100 URLs are delivered by this API.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
type | string |
path | string |
pcode | string pcode |
object |
Response Schema: application/json
elapsed | number Elapsed time from the start time ( |
count | number HTTP Call Count |
url | string Name of the transaction requested by the client |
Request samples
- Payload
- curl
{- "type": "profiles",
- "path": "/filter/search",
- "pcode": "12345",
- "params": {
- "stime": 1690850183000,
- "filter": {
- "ip": ""
Response samples
- 200
{- "elapsed": 0,
- "count": 0,
- "url": "string"
It provides a list of APIs that allow you to view the agent information and related metrics for server monitoring projects.
Viewing the active agent count
This API allows you to view the number of active agents in the server monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pname | string Project name |
values | string Count |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/json/act_agent"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pname": "LOCAL_INFRA",
- "values": "57.0"
Viewing the inactive agent count
This API allows you to view the number of inactive agents in the server monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pname | string Project name |
values | string Count |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/json/inact_agent"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pname": "LOCAL_INFRA",
- "values": "4.0"
Host count
This API allows you to view the number of hosts connected to the server monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pname | string Project name |
values | string Count |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/json/host"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pname": "LOCAL_INFRA",
- "values": "57.0"
Sum of CPU cores of the host
This API allows you to view the sum of CPU cores of the host connected to the server monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pname | string Project name |
values | string Count |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/json/cpucore"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pname": "LOCAL_INFRA",
- "values": "108.0"
CPU Utilization
This API allows you to view the CPU utilization of the host connected to the server monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pcode | integer pcode |
pname | string Project name |
timezone | integer Time Zone |
regionName | string Data Server Region |
object CPU Utilization per Server (%) | |
language | string Alert Language |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/json/infra_cpu"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pcode": 29763,
- "pname": "Server Monitoring Demo",
- "timezone": 9,
- "regionName": "LOCAL",
- "values": {
- "mysql-official-demo-03": 0.9009018,
- "php-official-demo": 1.6949158,
- "python-demo-attacker": 0.50099945,
- "virtual-java-agent": 55.08919
}, - "language": "en"
Sum of disk IOPS
This API allows you to view the sum of disk IOPS of the host connected to the server monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pcode | integer pcode |
pname | string Project name |
timezone | integer Time Zone |
regionName | string Data Server Region |
object | |
language | string Alert Language |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/json/infra_disk_iops"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pcode": 29763,
- "pname": "Server Monitoring Demo",
- "timezone": 9,
- "regionName": "LOCAL",
- "values": {
- "mysql-official-demo-03": {
- "bps": 8208.67,
- "iops": 1.402849
}, - "php-official-demo": {
- "bps": 3951.273,
- "iops": 0.771733
}, - "python-demo-attacker": {
- "bps": 7376.34,
- "iops": 1.00048
}, - "virtual-java-agent": {
- "bps": 6563.1836,
- "iops": 0.40058494
}, - "language": "en"
Sum of network traffic (IN/OUT)
This API allows you to view the sum of network traffic (IN/OUT) of the host connected to the server monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pcode | integer pcode |
pname | string Project name |
timezone | integer Time Zone |
regionName | string Data Server Region |
object | |
language | string Alert Language |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/json/infra_net_traffic"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pcode": 29763,
- "pname": "Server Monitoring Demo",
- "timezone": 9,
- "regionName": "LOCAL",
- "values": {
- "mysql-official-demo-03": 128204.76878652698,
- "python-demo-attacker": 16231.465016029671,
- "virtual-java-agent": 10820618.160992496
}, - "language": "en"
Process status
This API allows you to view the process status of the host connected to the server monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pname | string Project name |
object | |
language | string Alert Language |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/json/infra_proc"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pname": "LOCAL_INFRA",
- "values": {
- "s-p-gtw-03": {
- "0": {
- "memoryBytes": 1274269696,
- "bps": 819.2,
- "cmd1": "java",
- "cpu": 2.8507125
}, - "1": {
- "memoryBytes": 2895872,
- "bps": 0,
- "cmd1": "rsyslogd",
- "cpu": 0
}, - "t-a-yrd-01": {
- "0": {
- "memoryBytes": 2583621632,
- "bps": 1175961.5,
- "cmd1": "java",
- "cpu": 10.621243
Server List
This API allows you to view a list of servers of the server monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
pcode | integer pcode |
pname | string Project name |
timezone | integer Time Zone |
regionName | string Data Server Region |
Array of objects | |
language | string Alert Language |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/json/sm_servers"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pcode": 29763,
- "pname": "Server Monitoring Demo",
- "timezone": 9,
- "regionName": "LOCAL",
- "values": {
- "0": {
- "os.status": "warning",
- "oname": "php-official-demo",
- "os.name": "linux",
- "oid": -1413588424,
- "isActive": true
}, - "1": {
- "os.status": "ok",
- "oname": "dotnet-official-demo",
- "os.name": "windows",
- "oid": -1755389652,
- "isActive": true
}, - "2": {
- "os.status": "ok",
- "oname": "mysql-official-demo-02",
- "os.name": "linux",
- "oid": -1816982090,
- "isActive": true
}, - "language": "en"
Server monitoring details
This API allows you to view the details for each server in the server monitoring project.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/json/sm"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pname": "LOCAL_INFRA",
- "values": {
- "servers": {
- "0": {
- "public_ip": "",
- "os_cpuvendor": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 v3 @ 2.60GHz",
- "agent_created": "49572130779",
- "ip": ",",
- "os_arch": "amd64",
- "actTime": 1570672662216,
- "cpu_cores": "1",
- "oid": -1359816680,
- "isActive": true,
- "version": "1.2.5",
- "tags": {
- "0": "gateway",
- "1": "python",
- "2": "network:",
- "3": "@PRX"
}, - "inactTime": 0,
- "oname": "h-db-prx-01",
- "os_name": "linux",
- "startTime": 1570672662000,
- "os_memory": "2088476672",
- "os_status": "ok",
- "snapshot": {
- "disk": {
- "/boot": {
- "writeIops": 0,
- "fileSystem": "ext4",
- "mountPoint": "/boot",
- "queueLength": 0,
- "usedSpace": 58863616,
- "blksize": 4096,
- "freeSpace": 841175040,
- "display": true,
- "count": 1,
- "readBps": 0,
- "totalSpace": 966778880,
- "ioPercent": 0,
- "mountOption": "rw,relatime",
- "deviceId": "/dev/sda1",
- "usedPercent": 6.540122985839844,
- "freePercent": 93.45987701416016,
- "writeBps": 0,
- "readIops": 0
}, - "/home": {
- "writeIops": 0,
- "fileSystem": "ext4",
- "mountPoint": "/home",
- "queueLength": 0,
- "usedSpace": 1670574080,
- "blksize": 4096,
- "freeSpace": 69533446144,
- "display": true,
- "count": 1,
- "readBps": 0,
- "totalSpace": 75039498240,
- "ioPercent": 0,
- "mountOption": "rw,relatime",
- "deviceId": "/dev/sda3",
- "usedPercent": 2.3461761474609375,
- "freePercent": 97.65382385253906,
- "writeBps": 0,
- "readIops": 0
}, - "/": {
- "writeIops": 0,
- "fileSystem": "ext4",
- "mountPoint": "/",
- "queueLength": 0,
- "usedSpace": 5079060480,
- "blksize": 4096,
- "freeSpace": 22798901248,
- "display": true,
- "count": 1,
- "readBps": 0,
- "totalSpace": 29394726912,
- "ioPercent": 0,
- "mountOption": "rw,relatime",
- "deviceId": "/dev/sda2",
- "usedPercent": 18.218902587890625,
- "freePercent": 81.78109741210938,
- "writeBps": 0,
- "readIops": 0
}, - "memory": {
- "shared": 21590016,
- "swapused": 0,
- "buffers": 182550528,
- "available": 1746370560,
- "swaptotal": 0,
- "used": 342106112,
- "pused": 16.380653381347656,
- "slab": 85729280,
- "total": 2088476672,
- "sunreclaim": 23261184,
- "cached": 521756672,
- "pavailable": 83.61934661865234,
- "pagefaults": 0,
- "sreclaimable": 62468096,
- "free": 1167208448,
- "swappused": 0
}, - "cpu": {
- "softirq": 0,
- "usr": 0,
- "idle": 100,
- "steal": 0,
- "irq": 0,
- "load5": 0,
- "iowait": 0,
- "sys": 0,
- "nice": 0,
- "load1": 0,
- "load15": 0
}, - "open_filedescriptors": 249,
- "netstat": {
- "established": 1,
- "syn_sent": 1,
- "syn_recv": 0,
- "closing": 0,
- "time_wait": 19,
- "last_ack": 0,
- "fin_wait1": 0,
- "close_wait": 0,
- "fin_wait2": 0,
- "listen": 3,
- "unknown": 0
}, - "uptime": 16313689,
- "network": {
- "lo": {
- "errorOut": 0,
- "packetOut": 0.3991734786600438,
- "trafficIn": 281.0181289766709,
- "trafficOut": 281.0181289766709,
- "hwAddr": "",
- "errorIn": 0,
- "ip": "",
- "count": 1,
- "droppedIn": 0,
- "droppedOut": 0,
- "packetIn": 0.3991734786600438,
- "desc": "lo"
}, - "eth0": {
- "errorOut": 0,
- "packetOut": 8.1830563125309,
- "trafficIn": 11314.173079140282,
- "trafficOut": 19447.731880317337,
- "hwAddr": "00:1d:d8:b7:87:18",
- "errorIn": 0,
- "ip": "",
- "count": 1,
- "droppedIn": 0,
- "droppedOut": 0,
- "packetIn": 24.549168937592693,
- "desc": "eth0"
}, - "max": {
- "disk": {
- "writeIops": 240.9893,
- "usedPercent": 94.38699,
- "freePercent": 100,
- "usedSpace": 2464956810000,
- "freeSpace": 0,
- "writeBps": 2917852,
- "readBps": 118646.15,
- "readIops": 75.80727,
- "totalSpace": 9223372000000000000,
- "ioPercent": 100,
- "freespace": 158926471000
}, - "nic": {
- "errorOut": 0,
- "packetOut": 2175.8743,
- "trafficIn": 4856648,
- "trafficOut": 2503208.8,
- "errorIn": 1,
- "droppedIn": 1,
- "droppedOut": 0,
- "packetIn": 2175.8743
}, - "compound_eye_traffic": 1000000000
}, - "count": {
- "total": 14,
- "paused": 0,
- "inactive": 0,
- "warning": 1,
- "ok": 13,
- "close": 0,
- "fatal": 0
}, - "tags": { }
Server statistics details
This API allows you to view the statistical data of the server monitoring project. The query time is limited to one hour and is measured in milliseconds (ms).
: The default value ism5
. Enterm5
to view 5-minute statistics,s5
for 5-second statistics, andh1
for 1-hour statistics.oid
: Add to view the data for the specified agent.
Parameters other than oid
cannot be applied.
query Parameters
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
filter required | string Enum: "m5" "s5" "h1" |
oid required | integer <int32> Agent's unique identifier (ID) |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects | |||||
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/json/stat/sm_stat?{stime}&{etime}&{filter}&{oid}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "servers": {
- "0": {
- "oid": -1030311093,
- "timeData": {
- "0": {
- "usedPercent": 69.1,
- "trafficIn": 12113.57,
- "trafficOut": 24781.08,
- "cpu": 4.08,
- "memory_swappused": 15.41,
- "time": 1572341400000,
- "memory_pused": 47.6,
- "ioPercent": 0.26
}, - "1": {
- "usedPercent": 69.1,
- "trafficIn": 12183.97,
- "trafficOut": 25600.59,
- "cpu": 7.89,
- "memory_swappused": 15.5,
- "time": 1572341700000,
- "memory_pused": 47.79,
- "ioPercent": 0.22
Viewing the parameter changes
You can view the changes to parameters in the database.
query Parameters
oid required | integer <int32> Agent's unique identifier (ID) |
baeTime required | string <yyyyMMdd> Reference time |
comparisonTime required | string <yyyyMMdd> Comparison time |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: applciation/json
Array of objects (UnmatchedKey) Keys and their values that do not match at the reference time and comparison time | |
Array of objects (MatchedParameter) List of parameters within the reference time | |
Array of objects (MatchedParameter) List of parameters within the comparison time |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/db/database_params?oid={oid}&baseTime={baseTime}&comparisonTime={comparisonTime}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "unmatchedKeys": {
- "0": {
- "key": "Innodb_buffer_pool_load_status(stat)",
- "value": {
- "baseTime": "Buffer pool(s) load completed at 230818 2:54:51",
- "comparisonTime": "Buffer pool(s) load completed at 230810 6:05:50"
}, - "1": {
- "key": "Max_used_connections_time(stat)",
- "value": {
- "baseTime": "2023-08-18 23:54:51",
- "comparisonTime": "2023-08-10 06:05:51"
}, - "baseTime": {
- "0": {
- "key": "activate_all_roles_on_login",
- "value": "OFF"
}, - "1": {
- "key": "admin_address",
- "value": ""
}, - "comparisonTime": {
- "0": {
- "key": "activate_all_roles_on_login",
- "value": "OFF"
}, - "1": {
- "key": "admin_address",
- "value": ""
SQL statistics TopN
You can view the most used SQL statistical data during the set time.
query Parameters
oids required | integer <int32> Multiple agent identifiers (ID) can be entered using comma (,) as the delimiter. |
period required | string Enum: "day" "weak" Inquiry time |
date required | string <yyyyMMdd> Reference time |
topN | number <1 -1000> Default: 10 Number of upper cases |
order | string Default: "sql_execute_cnt" Enum: "sql_execute_cnt" "sql_elapse" "sql_elapse_max" Sort by |
category | string Default: "ALL" Enum: "ALL" "DB" "HOST" "USER" If you select the category, |
nameInCategory | string Addition when |
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects (SqlRecord) | |
topN | integer Requested TopN Value |
total | integer Total Number of Recorded SQL Records |
retrievedStartTime | integer <int64> Start Time for View |
retrievedEndTime | integer <int64> End Time for View |
Request samples
- curl
curl -L \ -w "\n" \ -H "x-whatap-token: {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}}" \ -H "x-whatap-pcode: {{projectCode}}" \ "https://api.whatap.io/open/api/json/db/statistics/sql?oids={oids}&period={period}&date={date}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "records": {
- "0": {
- "sql_execute_cnt": 33863,
- "sql_elapse": 643,
- "sqlHash": 1559625025,
- "sql_elapse_max": 5,
- "onames": "DBX-0-102-3306,DBX-0-162-3306",
- "user": "kwlee",
- "sql": "select /* WhaTap6D#5 */ * from\ninformation_schema.processlist where command<>'#'\n"
}, - "1": {
- "sql_execute_cnt": 28387,
- "sql_elapse": 0,
- "sqlHash": -499643965,
- "sql_elapse_max": 0,
- "onames": "DBX-0-107-3306",
- "user": "whatap",
- "sql": "select\nid,user,host,db,command,time,state,info,time_ms,stage,max_stage,progress,\nmemory_used,max_memory_used,examined_rows,query_id,tid\nfrom information_schema.processlist where command<>'#' and\ncommand<>'#'\n"
}, - "topN": 10,
- "total": 129,
- "retrievedStartTime": 1692921600000,
- "retrievedEndTime": 1693007999000
You can use MXQL as follows.
How to write MXQL queries to retrieve data
As in the following, the method how to retrieve data by the predefined MXQL query list provided by the SaaS service
Therefore, the API path used in each case differs.
How to use MXQL | API |
In case of writing the MXQL queries | MXQL text API |
In case of using the predefined MXQL query list provided by the SaaS service (see the following) | MXQL path API |
The content included in the header upon open API call is as follows:
Type | Key | Set value | Remarks |
Header | x-whatap-token | API Token {{PROJECT API TOKEN}} |
Project API Token: Select Project > Management > Project Managemen > Api token |
Header | x-whatap-pcode | Project code {{projectCode}} |
Project code: Select Project > Management > Project Managemen > pcode |
Constraints of the MXQL open API
You can search up to 31 days in a single request.
The following image is an example of the MXQL execution result.
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
mql required | string Written MXQL query |
limit required | integer Maximum data query count |
pageKey required | string The string MXQL's fixed value |
object See the following | |
object See the following |
Response Schema: application/json
time | integer <int64> Data Recorded Time |
pcode | integer pcode |
pname | string Project name |
okind | integer Agent Group IDs for each Type |
onode | integer Agent Group IDs for each Server |
oname | string Agent name |
okindName | string Agent Group Name per Type |
onodeName | string Agent Group Name per Server |
host_ip | string Host IP Address |
container | string Container ID |
pid | integer Process ID |
type | string Platform Type |
containerKey | integer Container Key |
tx_count | integer Transaction count |
tx_error | integer Number of Erroneous Transactions |
tx_time | number <double> Transaction Process Time |
apdex_satisfied | integer Apdex - Satisfactory S |
apdex_tolerated | integer Apdex - Allowed T |
apdex_total | integer Apdex |
tx_dbc_time | number <double> Time for Database Connection |
tx_sql_time | number <double> SQL Process Time |
tx_httpc_time | number <double> HTTP Client Process Time |
sql_count | integer SQL Query Count |
sql_error | integer Number of Erroneous SQL Queries |
sql_time | number <double> SQL Process Time |
sql_fetch_count | integer Number of SQL Fetches |
sql_fetch_time | number <double> SQL Fetch Time |
httpc_count | integer HTTP Client Request Count |
httpc_error | integer Number of Erroneous HTTP Client Requests |
httpc_time | number <double> HTTP Client Process Time |
active_tx_count | integer Active transaction count |
active_tx_0 | integer Active Transactions in less than 3 seconds |
active_tx_3 | integer Active Transactions in 3 seconds or more |
active_tx_8 | integer Active Transactions in 8 seconds or more |
tps | number <double> Number of transactions per second |
resp_time | integer Response Time |
arrival_rate | number <double> Arrival Rate per second |
pack_dropped | integer Number of Dropped Packets |
metering | integer Metering |
_clock_delta_ | integer Clock Difference |
oid | integer Agent's unique identifier (ID) |
Request samples
- Payload
- curl
{- "stime": 1639016640000,
- "etime": 1639016940000,
- "mql": "CATEGORY app_counter\nOID [ $oidFirst, $oidSecond ]\nTAGLOAD\nSELECT\nINJECT sortByOidDesc",
- "limit": 2,
- "pageKey": "mxql",
- "inject": {
- "sortByOidDesc": "ORDER {key : [oid], sort :[desc]}"
}, - "param": {
- "$oidFirst": "1499132250",
- "$oidSecond": "1670734023"
Response samples
- 200
{- "0": {
- "time": 1639016640000,
- "pcode": 101,
- "pname": "Virtual",
- "okind": -1085056726,
- "onode": 334634079,
- "oname": "22136-8075",
- "okindName": "ote-virtual-1",
- "onodeName": "node-1",
- "host_ip": "",
- "container": "ote-8075.service",
- "pid": 22206,
- "type": "java",
- "containerKey": 1876424218,
- "tx_count": 58,
- "tx_error": 0,
- "tx_time": 1643.9138,
- "apdex_satisfied": 41,
- "apdex_tolerated": 16,
- "apdex_total": 58,
- "tx_dbc_time": 13.655172,
- "tx_sql_time": 222.15517,
- "tx_httpc_time": 717.4138,
- "sql_count": 129,
- "sql_error": 0,
- "sql_time": 101.387596,
- "sql_fetch_count": 37621,
- "sql_fetch_time": 0.00045187527,
- "httpc_count": 41,
- "httpc_error": 0,
- "httpc_time": 1073.4878,
- "active_tx_count": 20,
- "active_tx_0": 19,
- "active_tx_3": 1,
- "active_tx_8": 0,
- "tps": 13.833333,
- "resp_time": 1628,
- "arrival_rate": 12.6,
- "pack_dropped": 110,
- "metering": 4,
- "_clock_delta_": 180,
- "oid": 1670734023
header Parameters
x-whatap-token required | string Project API Token {{PROJECT_API_TOKEN}} |
x-whatap-pcode required | string Project Code {{projectCode} |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
stime required | integer <int64> Query start time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
etime required | integer <int64> Query end time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond) |
mql required | string Written MXQL query |
limit required | integer Maximum data query count |
pageKey required | string The string MXQL's fixed value |
object See the following | |
object See the following |
Response Schema: application/json
pcode | integer pcode |
pname | string Project name |
oid | integer Agent's unique identifier (ID) |
oname | string Agent name |
otype | string Agent Type |
okind | integer Agent Group IDs for each Type |
okindName | string Agent Group Name per Type |
onode | integer Agent Group IDs for each Server |
onodeName | string Agent Group Name per Server |
type | string Product Type |
subtype | string Platform Type |
version | string Version |
os_name | string OS name |
ip | string IP Address |
container_id | integer Container ID |
metering | integer Metering |
status | string Status |
normal | integer Number of Normal Transactions |
slow | integer Number of Slow Transactions |
verySlow | integer Number of Very Slow Transactions |
total | integer Total Transaction Count |
_pk_ | string inject |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "stime": 1639016640000,
- "etime": 1639016940000,
- "mql": "/app/act_tx/agent_with_tx",
- "limit": 2,
- "pageKey": "mxql",
- "inject": {
- "default": "CREATE {key : _pk_, value : okindName}"
}, - "param": { }
Response samples
- 200
{- "0": {
- "pcode": 101,
- "pname": "Virtual",
- "oid": -1348176005,
- "oname": "22137-8071",
- "otype": "ap",
- "okind": -1085056726,
- "okindName": "ote-virtual-1",
- "onode": 334634079,
- "onodeName": "node-1",
- "type": "ap",
- "subtype": "java",
- "version": "2.1.0 20211207u",
- "os_name": "Linux",
- "ip": "",
- "container_id": 842770198,
- "metering": 4,
- "status": "ok",
- "normal": 12,
- "slow": 1,
- "verySlow": 0,
- "total": 13,
- "_pk_": "okindName"
}, - "1": {
- "pcode": 101,
- "pname": "Virtual",
- "oid": -883058050,
- "oname": "22141-8070",
- "otype": "ap",
- "okind": -933992004,
- "okindName": "ote-virtual-0",
- "onode": 1693789385,
- "onodeName": "node-0",
- "type": "ap",
- "subtype": "java",
- "version": "2.1.0 20211207u",
- "os_name": "Linux",
- "ip": "",
- "container_id": 624997205,
- "metering": 4,
- "status": "ok",
- "normal": 19,
- "slow": 1,
- "verySlow": 0,
- "total": 20,
- "_pk_": "okindName"