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Setting the Kubernetes agent options

  • When releasing the WhaTap Kubernetes agent, it can be set through the container env field.

  • It can be configured by modifying the whatap.conf file in the container.

  • The options in the whatap.conf file have higher priority than those set in the container env field.

  • If no value is set in whatap.conf or container env, the default value is used.


Setting the application agent options in the container

Configure necessary settings in whatap.conf for monitoring applications such as Java, Python, and Node.js in the container. For more information about available options in whatap.conf, see the following links:

Configuring the options for each container


  • collect_volume_detail_enabled bool

    Default true

    In the node agent, use the exec df command for all containers to enable searching the container volume information. It enables the function to collect storage usage and volume data for all containers running on the node.

  • inject_container_id_to_apm_agent_enabled bool

    Default true

    It enables container ID injection using exec in the WhaTap APM container. It automatically extracts the ID of the container identified by the WhaTap APM. You can inject this into the APM tool to associate the performance monitoring data with containers.

  • debug bool

    Default false

    Set whether or not to enable the debugging mode. Set the log level to DEBUG when the debugging mode is enabled, otherwise to INFO.

  • kube_config_path string

    Default ~/.kube/config

    Specify the Kubernetes configuration file path. If not set, use ~/.kube/config.

  • log_sys_out bool

    Default true

    Set the log system output. When the option value is set to true, logging is left simultaneously in the standard output (stdOut) and a file. Any changes are immediately reflected in the logging system.


  • shutdown bool

    Default false

    Forcibly disconnect the collection server. This means stopping communication.

  • license string

    Agents are identified using the license issued to the project.

  • string

    Default or

    Set the IP of the collection server. In case of delimiter, use /:.

  • whatap.server.port number

    Default 6600

    Set the data receiving port of the collection server.

  • ONODE_NAME string

    Default NODE_NAME or NODE_IP environment variable value

    Set a name to identify the agent node.

  • tcp_connection_timeout number

    Default 3000

    Set the timeout time when connecting whatap-master-agent to the collection server socket.

  • tcp_so_timeout number

    Default 60000

    Set the data sending/receiving timeout time after socket connection.

  • debug bool

    Default false

    Set whether or not to enable the debugging mode.

  • gpuEnabled bool

    Default false

    Set whether or not to enable the GPU monitoring.

  • count_interval number

    Default 5000

    Set the cycle to transmit metrics (kube pod, container) to the collection server. The unit of the default value is ms.


    This option may affect the on-screen data refresh cycle. For more information, see Screen components affected by each metric.

  • collect_interval number

    Default 5000

    Set the cycle for the agent to request apiserver to collect metrics (kube_pod, container).


    This option may affect the on-screen data refresh cycle. For more information, see Screen components affected by each metric.

  • collect_apiserver_metric_by_leader bool

    Default false

    If the option is enabled, the node agent delegates metrics collection to the master agent. It requires to enable the collect_apiserver_metric_by_leader option of whatap-master-agent first. Through metric collection delegation, the apiserver load generated by the existing whatap-node-agent can be reduced.


  • port string

    Default 9496

    Set the web server port of whatap-control-plane-helper.

  • cycle number

    Default 5

    Set the cycle at which the control-plane-helper scrapes metrics. The unit of the default value is s.

  • collect_control_plane_monitoring_enabled bool

    Default false

    It determines whether or not to enable the control-plane-monitoring function.

  • kube_config_path string

    Default ~.kube/config

    Specify the Kubernetes configuration file path. If not set, use ~/.kube/config.

  • kube_master_url string

    Default ~/.kube/config

    Set the URL of the control-plane to request for scraping. If not set, use ~/.kube/config.

  • debug bool

    Default false

    Set whether or not to enable the debugging (logging) for whatap-control-plane-helper.


  • shutdown bool

    Default false

    Forcibly disconnect the collection server. This means stopping communication.

  • license string

    Agents are identified using the license issued to the project.

  • string

    Default or

    Set the IP of the collection server. In case of delimiter, use /:.

  • whatap.server.port number

    Default 6600

    Set the data receiving port of the collection server.

  • tcp_connection_timeout number

    Default 3000

    Set the timeout time when connecting whatap-master-agent to the collection server socket.

  • tcp_so_timeout number

    Default 60000

    Set the timeout time when connecting whatap-master-agent to the collection server socket.

  • debug bool

    Default false

    Set whether or not to enable the DEBUG level logging in whatap-master-agent.

  • collect_apiserver_metric_by_leader bool

    Default false

    Sets whether or not to enable whatap-master-agent to act as the leader of the scraper. When enabled, whatap-master-agent alone requests metrics to apiserver.

  • collect_control_plane_monitoring_enabled bool

    Default false

    Set whether or not to enable the control-plane monitoring.

  • master_to_control_plane_connection_timeout number

    Default 5000

    Set the time until a connection timeout occurs when whatap-master-agent communicates with whatap-control-plane-helper. The unit of the default value is ms.

  • master_to_control_plane_read_timeout number

    Default 20000

    Set the time until a read timeout occurs when whatap-master-agent communicates with whatap-control-plane-helper. The unit of the default value is ms.

  • control_plane_debug bool

    Default false

    Set whether or not to enable all debug logging in whatap-master-agent for control-plane monitoring.

  • store_k8s_object_manifest_enabled bool

    Default true

    Set whether or not to enable the Object Manifest collection. When enabled, manifest information for cluster objects is collected once a day.

  • store_k8s_object_manifest_timezone string

    Default UTC

    Set the time zone for collection of object manifests. If there is no separate setting, collection starts at midnight based on UTC by default.

    For example, to run it at midnight in Korean time, set the time zone to GMT+9 or Asia/Seoul.

  • store_k8s_object_manifest_max_fetch_limit number

    Default 50

    Set the view number of objects to collect at a time. If there is no separate setting, 50 items are requested upon request based on the default value of 50.

    For example, when setting the option 30 in a cluster with a total number of Pods of 90, pods are requested 3 times for 30 pods each.

Screen components affected by each metric


  • Dashboard > Container Map

    The Pod view reference data in the following example image is affected by the kube_pod metrics collection cycle and collection server transmission cycle.

    Container Map Pod view

  • Workload > Pod List

    The following example data is affected by the kube_pod metrics collection cycle and collection server transmission cycle.

    Pod list

  • Dashboard > Performance Summary

    It is affected by Number of pods running on nodes with agents chart update cycle using the kube_pod metrics.


  • Dashboard > Container Map

    In the following example, the screen data refresh cycle based on the container view is affected by the container metrics.

    Container Map Container view

  • Container > Container Images

    The data in the following example is affected by the container metrics.

    Container image

  • Dashboard > Performance Summary

    It is affected by the update cycle of the following charts using the kube_pod metrics.

    • Number of containers running on nodes with agents

    • Number of nodes with agents

    • Total Container CPU Request

    • Total Container CPU Usage

    • Node CPU

    • Node Memory

    • Container CPU Usage by Request

    • Container CPU Usage by Node

    • Container Memory Working Set by Request

    • Container Memory Failure Count

    • Container CPU Throttling Time

    • Container Network Receive Byte

    • Container Network Transmit Byte

  • Cluster > Node Detail

    In the following Node details screen as an example, the update cycle of the container list is affected by the container metrics.

    Node Detail