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Node List

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If the data for specific columns does not appear, your Kubernetes node agent may be outdated. In this case, update the Kubernetes agent to the 1.3.7 or later so that enough data can be collected.

You can check the node information of the current project in a list.

  • Real-time data is updated every 10 seconds.

  • It provides the functions for node status summary, comparison, filtering, and CSV file download.

    CSV file name, kubernetes_node_list_{pcode}{timestamp}.csv_

Basic screen guide

Node list basic screen

You can see data by selecting a desired option at the top of Node list.

  • You can see the number of all nodes and the numbers of nodes for each state.

  • If you select a desired column, you can search by sorting Node list based on the selected column.

Metric information

  • If you place your mouse cursor over the desired column, the metrics provided by the column are shown as follows:

    Metric information

  • In the column list of the Select Column option, you can see the metrics for each column in the column list of the option screen. When you place the mouse cursor over a desired column, the Info icon INFO icon appears to the right of the column name. If the mouse cursor is placed over the Info icon INFO icon, you can see the metric as follows:

    Metric data in the column list


By using the Filtter option, you can select a desired Node list for view. Through the and condition, multiple filters can be applied.

  1. If you select Add filter icon Add icon in the Filter icon Filter field, the Add filter window appears as follows:

    Add Filter

    • Select Filter Key and Condition.

    • Select a value that meets the conditions.

  2. Configure a filter and then select Apply to apply the filter.

  3. To add multiple filters, select Add filter icon Add icon in the Filter field or Add filter window.

Select Column

When using the Select column option, you can select the desired Node data to view the list.

Select Column

  • The selected column list is kept even if you re-enter the menu.

  • If you select Reset, the predefined default key metric columns are selected. In this case, the column selection history is deleted.

  • After selecting a column, you can click Apply at the lower right to apply the selected values.


The Compare option allows you to see a comparison chart of key metrics for multiple nodes. When you select the Compare check boxes of the nodes to view in the list, a window comparing details for the nodes appears on the right as shown below.


View Detailed

Node details can be checked through the Detail option for details on the selected node. If you select the Detail icon icon in the Detail column of the node to view in the list, the detailed information window for the node appears on the right.

Node configuration

It provides a summary of the node configuration and overall resource usage selected in theNode configuration tab. You can comprehensively see the hardware and software components of the node. Users can monitor resource usage of nodes and the status of each component, as well as performance and operational stability.

  • Node system specifications

    • Architecture: Hardware architecture used by the node.

    • Image: Information about the operating system image that the node is running on.

    • CapacityMemory: Total memory capacity of the node.

    • CapacityCpu: Total CPU capacity of the node.

  • Software configuration

    • Container Runtime: Version of the container runtime used on the node.

    • kubelet: Version of the Kubernetes kubelet running on the node.

    • kube-proxy: Version of the kube-proxy that manages the network features.

  • Resource usage status

    • CPU: CPU usage of the node.

    • Memory: Memory usage of the node.

    • Disk: Disk capacity and usage rate on the node.

    • Network: Network throughput

  • If you click CPU, memory, disk, or network, the Metrics tab appears that can display the usage trend for the query period.

  • By clicking AVG and MAX, you can see the average usage and maximum usage for the query period.


The Node configuration tab is available in case of a cluster project (CP).


Resource In the tab, you can see the list of Pods scheduled on the selected node and the containers and applications running in those Pods. The information appears reflecting 1 minute of resource data as of the end of the selected time zone. This allows you to more clearly identify the node status at the time point and the operation status of each Pod, container, and application.


The Process tab provides information about the major Kubernetes management processes inside the selected node. It can prevent cluster failures caused by process issues and minimize the downtime.

Process details

  • You can check information details about a process by selecting the Display Detail icon icon in the Detail column on the left of the process list.

  • You can select a method how to aggregate the statistical data during retrieval while querying long-term data of 3 days or more by clicking AVG or MAX.

  • When you click a process key data value, the value is copied.


The Process tab is supported in Kubernetes agent 1.7.14 or later.


You can check the resource usage trend of the node select in the Metrics tab. You can check the usage changes in CPU, memory, network, and disk based on the average (AVG) and maximum (MAX) values during the query period.

  • AVG: Average usage for the query period.

  • MAX: Maximum usage for the query period.

  • Total: Total traffic usage across multiple network interfaces.

  • In/Out: Inbound (receiving) and outbound (sending) traffic usage for a specific network interface.


The K8s CPU Request / Allocatable CPU (%) widget is supported in Kubernetes agent 1.7.10 or later.


You can see the trace information of the applications running on the node selected in the Trace tab.


You can check K8s Node events and WhaTap Node events that occurred on the node selected in the Event tab. K8s node events include important activity logs within the cluster such as changes in node status, while WhaTap node events provide information about the events triggered based on the user-defined alert criteria.

The Node details screen consists of the four charts mentioned above and Container details within the node. You can select a desired node to search through the node selector.

Node Details screen

  • Top charts

    You can check information for the following four charts:

    • CPU Usage: You can see the CPU usage of the node.

    • Memory Usage: You can see the memory usage of the node.

    • Network: You can see the input/output traffic and error packets of the node's network interface.

    • Disk Usage: You can see the disk usage of the node.

  • Contain details

    • At the top of the container details within the node, you can see the sum of the following metrics: cpu_quota, cpu_request, cpu_total_milli, mem_limit, mem_request, and mem_working_set.

    • The Container details provide the following:

      StatusContainer status
      ContainerContainer ID
      ImageContainer Image Info
      CommandContainer execution command
      ApplicationName of the WhaTap APM agent installed in the container
      PodPod Name
      CpuByLimitContainer CPU utilization by limit
      MemoryWsByLimitContainer memory working set usage by limit
      CpuThrottledCntContainer CPU Throttled Count
      CpuThrottledTimeContainer CPU Throttled Time
      MemLimitContainer Memory Limit Size
      MemRequestContainer Memory Request Size
      MemWsContainer memory working set
      IoReadBytesSum of bytes read per second across all block devices in the container
      IoReadIopsSum of counts read per second across all block devices in the container
      IoWriteBytesSum of bytes written per second across all block devices in the container
      IoWriteIopsSum of counts written per second across all block devices in the container
      NetRxBytesSum of bytes read per second across all block devices in the container
      NetRxDroppedContainer Network Receive Dropped Count
      NetRxErrorContainer Network Receive Error Count
      NetRxIopsContainer Network Receive Error Count
      NetTxBytesContainer Network Transmit Data Size
      NetTxDroppedContainer Network Transmit Dropped Count
      NetTxErrorContainer Network Transmit Error Count
      NetTxIopsContainer Network Transmit Error Count*/}