Learning materials are continuously updated and provided.
We provide learning materials for quick understanding and efficient use of the WhaTap Monitoring Service. This is a supplement to the basic guide for users who are interested in using WhaTap monitoring products.
Dashboard analysis
Application Monitoring
Exploring the Application Dashboard
The analysis method for the chart-type widget in WhaTap Application dashboard is guided in the following order.
Checking the application connection status
Analyzing the transactions
Analysis of users, services, and resources
Exploring Hitmap Transaction
Using the WhaTap HITMAP transaction menu, the following steps are guided to determine the failure status of the service.
Pattern Analysis
Analysis of sections and stacks
Analysis of call relationship
Analysis of transaction logs
Server Monitoring
Exploring Resource Board
The analysis method for the chart-type widget in WhaTap Resource board is guided in the following order.
Server Monitoring Core Metrics
Server Status Summary
System operating statistics
Early alarm and alert
Browser Monitoring
Using Browser Monitoring
It guides you how to use the WhaTap Browser Monitoring in the following order.
Analyzing the page load
AJAX Monitoring and Analysis
User access environment analysis
Error analysis
Performance failure type
DB connection delay and connection pool
From the monitoring perspective, the correlations between the DB connection delay that is a type of application performance failure, and the connection pool in the following order.
Detecting the hitmap anomaly pattern
Analysis on the transaction trace
Checking the DB connection pool
Setting the metrics alert
It explains how to configure the metrics and metric alerts by product and project.
Heap memory metrics alert configuration
The metrics alert configuration for the heap memory that is one of the major application metrics is guided in the following order:
Heap memory-related metrics
Heap memory-related alert configuration
Database alert configuration
The methods are explained how to configure metric alerts based on the key metrics in the database in the following order.
Setting the metrics alert
Learn More
Using the instance performance management
It provides the main features and usage examples for the Instance performance management menu.
Loaded classes and redefinition
Thread list/dump and CPU optimization