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Installation of the master and node agents

The following guides you to the master and node agent installation procedure as follows: This procedure is the same as in Install guide.


EKS Fargate is to be supported later.

Selecting an installation method

Check the access key and then select the Choose installation method tab on the Setup guide screen. Select a desired installation method out of the Yaml and Helm chart installation methods supported by the WhaTap Kubernetes agent, and then select an appropriate item according to your Kubernetes environment.

Select installation method

  1. Select any of Stable and Preview versions of the WhaTap Kubernetes agent image that are recommended.

  2. Select a desired installation method out of Yaml and Helm chart.

  3. Select an applicable Kubernetes version: 1.16 or later or less than 1.16.

  4. Select Container runtime from containerd, Docker Engine, and CRI-O.

  5. Select a User Kubernetes environment (GKE, OpenShift, Istio, GPU Cluster), if applicable.

  6. After selecting an installation method, click Next at the lower right of the screen or select the Apply additional features tab on the left to move to the next step.

Apply additional features

WhaTap Kubernetes Monitoring currently provides Control plane monitoring as an additional feature. To apply additional features, select the Control Plane check box.

Select additional feature

The more additional features are applied, the greater the amount of data collected and the resources used by the agent may increase. After installation, you can enable or disable the feature through the agent configuration.

After selecting whether or not to apply additional features, click Next at the lower right of the screen, or select the Download installation file tab on the left to move to the next step.


For more information about control plane monitoring, see the following:

Downloading the installation file

Before downloading the installation file, make sure that the appropriate items for the Kubernetes environment are selected. After confirming your selection, click Download installation file to download the default configuration file (values.yaml) required for installation.

Download install file

After downloading, click Next at the lower right of the screen or select the Enter execution command tab to move to the next step.

Enter execution command

In the Choose installation method tab, proceed with the installation by entering the execution command according to the selected environment and installation instructions.

Enter execution command

Kubernetes environment

If you select the GKE or OpenShift environment in the Choose installation method tab, see the following instructions. If not applicable, skip to the next step Create Kubernetes agent.

If you select the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) environment in the Choose installation method tab, execute the following command to set the roles after creating the user cluster.

ACCOUNT=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.account)')
kubectl create clusterrolebinding owner-cluster-admin-binding \
--clusterrole cluster-admin \
--user $ACCOUNT

For more information about installation with the gcloud commands, see Google Cloud Document

Creating the Kubernetes agent

When installing the WhaTap Kubernetes agent, the installation instructions are provided based on the Helm chart and Yaml file default installation instructions as follows.

Yaml file-based installation

If you select the Yaml file installation method in the Choose installation method tab, execute the following command to create the agent.

kubectl apply -f whatap_kube_agent.yaml

The amount of resources used by the Master Agent is somewhat proportional to the number of nodes in your environment. In other words, if there are a large number of nodes in the cluster, OOM (Out Of Memory) may occur when resources exceed the default memory limit (350 MB). The memory limit allocated to the master agent can be changed through the agent installed YAML file.

Checking the agent installation

If the Kubernetes agent installation has been completed, you can check the status of the master agent and node agent by executing the following command:

kubectl get pod -n whatap-monitoring

In case the status is Running

If STATUS is in Running, it indicates the installation has been finished as follows. After installing the master and node agents, start monitoring the resources in your Kubernetes environment. Go to Whatap Monitoring Service and then check the performance data collection in Project List and Dashboard > Container Map.

In case the status is not Running

If the STATUS is not Running, it indicates that the installation has not been completed successfully as follows.

  1. Execute the following command on the master node to determine the cause of the Pod creation failure.

    kubectl describe pod {POD_NAME} -n whatap-monitoring
  2. Check the Events: item at the bottom of the execution result.


When using the kubectl command, the -n {namespace} option performs the task for specific namespaces. Because the WhaTap agent is installed in the namespace named whatap-monitoring by default, add the -n whatap-monitoring option.

  • When you select the Monitoring start guide button at the lower right of the screen, you can see the instructions for main menus of the Whatap Kubernetes monitoring. If you click the button at the bottom of each main menu guide, the corresponding menu appears.

  • To proceed with the application agent installation, select Install additional monitoring at the lower right of the screen. For more information, see the following.

  • To update the agent to the latest version, see the following.