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Agent deletion

Deleting the Kubernetes agent

In the agent installation procedure, check the YAML file name that matches the downloaded Kubernetes version and Container Runtime, and then proceed with the procedure to delete the Kubernetes agent.

YAML file name of the Kubernetes agent

DockerYAML file name
Kubernetes 1.16 or laterwhatap_kube_1.16.yaml
Kubernetes 1.16 or later (GPU version)whatap_kube_1.16_gpu.yaml
Below Kubernetes 1.16whatap_kube.yaml
Below Kubernetes 1.16 (GPU version)whatap_kube_gpu.yaml
ContainerdYAML file name
Kubernetes 1.16 or laterwhatap_kube_containerd_1.16.yaml
Kubernetes 1.16 or later (GPU version)whatap_kube_containerd_1.16_gpu.yaml
Below Kubernetes 1.16whatap_kube_containerd.yaml
Below Kubernetes 1.16 (GPU version)whatap_kube_containerd_gpu.yaml
CRIO YAMLFile name
Kubernetes 1.16 or laterwhatap_kube_crio_1.16.yaml
Kubernetes 1.16 or later (GPU version)whatap_kube_crio_1.16_gpu.yaml
Below Kubernetes 1.16whatap_kube_crio.yaml
Below Kubernetes 1.16 (GPU version)whatap_kube_crio_gpu.yaml

In case the YAML file exists

  1. Delete the Kubernetes agent installed with the YAML file name downloaded during the installation procedure. Modify the notation of the following command to your YAML file name, and then run it.

    kubectl delete -f < user's own YAML file name >
  2. If the Kubernetes agent has been deleted successfully, you can see the following:

    namespace "whatap-monitoring" deleted
    serviceaccount "whatap" deleted "whatap" deleted
    configmap "node-start-script" deleted "whatap" deleted
    daemonset.apps "whatap-node-agent" deleted
    configmap "master-start-script" deleted
    deployment.apps "whatap-master-agent" deleted
    service "whatap-master-agent" deleted

In case the YAML file does not exist


If you have created custom resources directly in the whatap-monitoring namespace, those resources are deleted also.

  1. Execute the following command to delete the Kubernetes agent.

    kubectl delete namespace whatap-monitoring
    kubectl delete clusterrolebinding whatap
    kubectl delete clusterrole whatap
  2. If the Kubernetes agent has been deleted successfully, you can see the following:

    namespace "whatap-monitoring" deleted "whatap" deleted "whatap" deleted

Uninstalling the agent upon installation based on the Helm chart

Execute the following command to uninstall the WhaTap Kubernetes agent application.

# Uninstall release
helm uninstall whatap-kube-agent