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OpenTelemetry monitoring is a Beta version so unexpected errors may occur. It is not recommended for using it for sensitive data or in the operation environment. If you have any feedback or issues, feel free to contact the support team at

This document is intended for users who want to collect additional data through OpenTelemetry while using applications of the WhaTap monitoring service.

Using the WhaTap monitoring through OpenTelemetry

OpenTelemetry is an open source observability framework for instrumenting, generating, collecting, and exporting telemetry data (metrics, logs, and traces). Measurement data collected through OpenTelemetry can be transmitted to the WhaTap monitoring platform to analyze the performances and behaviors of applications or services and then resolve problems.

If active applications or services are collected using the OpenTelemetry library, you can select a method to get the traces, metrics, and log data into the WhaTap monitoring platform. Highly visible observability monitoring is provided using the dashboards and analysis menus on the WhaTap monitoring platform.

OpenTelemetry agent

The OpenTelemetry agent processes and delivers to the WhaTap monitoring platform the data collected through the OTLP Exporter of OpenTelemetry Collector.

WhaTap OTel Agent

For the procedure to install and run the agent, see the following:

  1. Install and run the WhaTap agent on the instance where OpenTelemetry Collector has been installed.

  2. The launched whatap-otel service runs the Grpc server for OTLP Exporter.

    • The listening port is 6600 by default.

    • As in the default setting for OpenTelemetry Collector, the gzip compression setting is True.

Support Environment

The operating systems on which the OpenTelemetry agent can be installed are:

  • CentOS/Red Hat 6.x (64bit) or later

  • Debian/Ubuntu 12.04 (64 bit) or later

  • Amazon linux (64bit)

  • Alpine Linux (64 bit)