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Active Transaction

Java Monitoring guides you to the active transaction function that monitors and analyzes active transactions in real time. You can search for the application's transaction URL, SQL, and HTTP calls, and identify the transaction status. This can help you identify the delayed areas and provide the detailed information for troubleshooting.

Additional options

The following guides you to additional agent configuration options that can help you tailor the level of monitoring for Java applications. It includes collection of SQL parameters, collection of HTTP parameters and header data, extraction of user IPs, selection of user count tracing method, SAP function tracking, and the like. Through these options, more granular data collection and analysis can be tailored, especially in security-critical environments.

AES 256 encryption

The following guides you to the encryption method when transmitting the data collected by Java agents to the server. Data security is enhanced using XOR operation and AES encryption. The 128-bit encryption is supported by default, but Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) must be updated for AES 256-bit encryption.

Agent communication settings

The following explains how to configure the network to transmit the data collected by Java agents from the application servers to the server. The major configuration options are the collection server host, port, timeout value, network transfer size, and data transfer queue size, which are important to ensure the agent's efficient data management and reliable server communication.


The following explains how to configure the Java agent. The whatap.conf file includes the agent's default settings, server connection and data transfer settings, and how to manage the configuration files for multiple application servers. It also provides the way to manage the agent options directly on the WhaTap monitoring service screen.

Agent Installation

All the steps to install WhaTap's Java application monitoring agent are explained in detail. This section explains how to download and install the agent and how to set the configuration files including the agent's default settings.

Agent log configuration

The following explains how to manage log data generated in the Java application environment through the agent. It includes the configuration of the path and name of the log file, retention period setting, log monitoring, and how to enable custom log tracing. It also provides various options for log management to help manage system logs efficiently.

Agent name identification

To identify monitoring targets, the method how to set a unique identifier for the application server is provided. It is required to identify application servers among the monitoring target systems. You can see automatic naming based on the data such as server type and IP. Otherwise, you can manually set the agent name through the whatap.conf file or JVM options.

Agent notification

The following explains how to configure notifications for various events that occur in the application server through Java agents. It includes the options to configure event notifications for transaction recursive calls, denial of service, HTTPC connection errors, excess of heap and disk usage, CPU usage threshold violation, DB connection duplicate allocations, and exceptions. For each event, you can make detailed adjustments such as release interval, release status, and threshold settings.

Agent performance

The following guides you to the performance options for Java agents. You can check the maximum number of transactions that can be processed simultaneously and the initial size of the buffer that stores transaction data. This plays an important role in optimizing the system load and resource usage.

Agent removal and rollback

The following explains the procedure how to uninstall a Java agent or revert to a previous version. The procedure to delete an agent includes removing the -javaagent JVM option and restarting the server and cleaning up the environment variables.

Agent Update

The following explains how to update the Java agent to the latest version. The procedure includes how to download the latest agent and restart the application server to apply the update. For a stable system shutdown, you can see the procedure for terminating Apps, changing the agent JAR file, and updating status during the startup.


You can analyze the application performance in the Java environment and respond to any issues that may happen.


The following describes the Java agent options that set Apdex scores to measure the user satisfaction. Apdex metrics help you objectively evaluate the application's performance and improve user experience.

Application alert

Alerts are sent through the resource usage, active transactions, and event conditions of error conditions of the application.

Application Dashboard

The following explains how to monitor key metrics for Java applications in real time and view historical data. You can find dashboard settings and usage, including information like CPU, memory usage, transaction status, and more, to help you quickly identify and analyze issues. It includes how to check the agent's connection status, monitor agents by category, edit dashboard widgets, and manage presets.

Application of the template

The following guides you to the preset templates that help you quickly build custom dashboards on Flex Board. You can easily perform initial configuration and change the settings. From selecting a template to naming it, adjusting its layout, and saving the settings, you can effectively create monitoring dashboards.

Application report

The following provides the reports on the key performances for applications.

Asynchronous trace

The following explains how to trace activities of asynchronous applications through the Java agent settings. It includes the methods for collecting CompletableFuture methods and hooking those methods into user applications. It provides the options to add to the whatap.conf file along with configuration examples, to help enhance performance monitoring for asynchronous calls.

Automatic deletion of the agent in Scale In

The following explains how to automatically delete the Java agent when an automatically scaled system performs Scale In in the Auto Scale environment. The agent sends a SILENT_SHUTDOWN event to the server by creating a specific file, which automatically removes the agent from the list. This process facilitates agent management when the system automatically scales down, and manages resources efficiently without additional intervention.

Basic usage

Let's learn the basic operations in the topology menu.

Batch application

The following explains how to apply WhaTap's Java agent to batch applications. It also describes how the batch applications differ from web applications due to unique repetitive start and stop operations, and provides the methods for downloading the required agents, configuring agents and batch hosts, running batch jobs with agents, and monitoring the execution times by setting the time_limits.

Collection of CPU/memory/disk usage

The following explains how the Java agent collects CPU, memory, and disk usage. Java's JMX library is basically used. If necessary, you can see how to collect performance metrics through Linux's proc directory or oshi and sigar libraries.

Control of agent functions

The following explains how to fine-tune the agent functionality for monitoring Java application servers. It includes the functions such as enabling/disabling agents, tracing transactions and performance counters, and collecting OS data. You can see various setting options that control each function.

Creating the Flex board

The following explains how to create a dashboard from the Flex Board menu and place widgets to create a custom dashboard. You can select the fixed layout or responsive layout, add metric widgets, and use predefined widget templates. You can reposition and resize widgets to create your own dashboard layout.


It guides you to the cube analysis.

Daily Application Status

You can check the status of key daily metrics by the time zone for applications in the Java environment.


The following guides you to the dashboard functions for Java application monitoring provided by WhaTap monitoring service and the information that can be obtained. The dashboard allows you to see the overall status of the project at a glance and provides real-time visual information for response time, transaction status, and system resource usage. The dashboard allows administrators to intuitively understand service status and immediately recognize failures.


The following provides various options for Java agents to handle the database and collect SQL performance data. They can trace various DB connection pools such as DBCP, Hikari, and Tomcat and record SQL execution details. Additionally, it provides information collection options for performance optimization, such as recording SQL parameters and tracing DB connection leaks.


The step-by-step instructions on how to apply the WhaTap Java monitoring agent to Java applications in the Docker environment are provided. Users can add more Whatap Java agent settings to the existing Docker image to see the processes for building a new image, creating the whatap.conf file, writing a Dockerfile, and modifying JAVA_OPT. Additional JVM options for Java 17 or later and the method how to configure the heap histogram lookup for various Java versions are also provided.

Elastic Beanstalk

The following explains users who run Java applications on the AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment on how to set JVM options to effectively apply WhaTap's Java monitoring agent. You can check the processes of installing and configuring WhaTap's Java agent in the Elastic Beanstalk and adding and configuring the required JVM options. Additionally, it includes the histogram query method.

Event History

You can see the history of alerts that occurred through Event History.

Event reception format

Learn about the event reception format of the alerts provided by Application Monitoring.

Event Setting

Alerts are sent through the resource usage, active transactions, and event conditions of error conditions of the application.

Flex Board

The following guides you to the custom integrated dashboard. You can create real-time dashboards with the data for applications, servers, databases, containers, and more. It provides pre-configured templates. Through the features such as adding various data widgets, data filtering, and setting time ranges, you can easily summarize desired monitoring targets and check important data.

Flex Board Management

The following explains how to edit and manage dashboards in Flex Board. It includes changing the dashboard name, selecting a project, and adjusting the layout for you to see how to add, move, resize, and delete widgets. It also provides the features to select data source for the widget and to export data to json format for the dashboard.


The following explains how to configure the detailed transaction profiling in the application. The transaction profiling allows you to collect and analyze the performance data for each transaction in the application, which can help improve the performance of the application.

HITMAP - Trace analysis

The following explains how to analyze transactions and their sub steps at a glance through the hitmap widget on the application dashboard under Java Monitoring. You can drag the desired area to view an analysis window with a list of transactions and detailed steps. Through this, you can classify transactions in which errors occurred and analyze transaction performance in detail.


The following explains how to set options for the Java agent to collect and analyze data for HTTP outbound calls and API calls. Various options for fine monitoring are provided such as TOO SLOW error handling, CPU and memory usage tracing, stack trace recording upon each call, and URL normalization. This allows developers to efficiently manage their applications' external dependencies and identify performance issues.

IBM BlueMix

The following explains users who run Java applications on the IBM Bluemix cloud platform on how to set JVM options to effectively apply WhaTap's Java monitoring agent. Through this document, users can check step by step the processes of installing WhaTap's Java agent in the IBM Bluemix environment, configuring the agent, and adding the required JVM options. Additionally, it includes the histogram query method.

Installation checking items

Important checks are described after installing the Java agent. They include verification for correctness of JAVA_OPTS settings, necessity for restart of the application server, and agent connectivity through the monitoring service.

Installing Docker Java

This step allows you to install the agent to monitor Java applications in the container.


It explains how to collect logs from your Java application.

Java Monitoring

All application servers running in the Java environment can be monitored. This document page is used to introduce Java monitoring products.


The following provides the detailed guide on how to add Java Virtual Machine (JVM) options to integrate the WhaTap monitoring solution into JBoss applications. Through this document, users can learn step by step how to apply the required JVM settings to monitor the performance and availability of JBoss applications after installing the Java agent. It includes the configuration of essential JVM options during agent installation, optimal configuration for smooth integration with JBoss, and histogram query.


We provide detailed instructions on how to add the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) option to integrate the WhaTap monitoring solution into the Jetty applications. Through this document, you can learn step by step how to apply the required JVM settings to monitor the performance and availability for Jetty applications after installing the Java agent. It includes the configuration of required JVM options during agent installation, optimal configuration for smooth integration with Jetty, and histogram query methods.


The following provides the detailed guide on how to add Java Virtual Machine (JVM) options to integrate the WhaTap monitoring solution into JEUS applications. Through this document, users can learn step by step how to apply the required JVM settings to monitor the performance and availability of JEUS applications after installing the Java agent. It includes the configuration of essential JVM options during agent installation, optimal configuration for smooth integration with JEUS, and histogram query.


The following introduces users about the Lab menu that provides new or experimental features.


We provide detailed instructions on how to add the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) option to integrate the WhaTap monitoring solution into the Liberty applications. Through this document, you can learn step by step how to apply the required JVM settings to monitor the performance and availability for Liberty applications after installing the Java agent. It includes the configuration of required JVM options during agent installation, optimal configuration for smooth integration with Liberty, and histogram query methods.

Load balancing

This guide describes the agent options that configure the traffic throttling options for Java application servers. The following includes the features to limit the maximum number of concurrent requests for applications and control service accesses based on specific users or URLs. It provides various options such as sending custom messages, setting URL redirections, and enabling event notifications, to ensure stability of applications under overload situations.

Log alert

Alerts can be set by filtering the log messages.

Managing the widgets

The following explains how to add, change, copy, and delete widgets placed on the Flex Board. You can customize the dashboard by adding widgets or adjusting the properties of existing widgets. You can configure a dashboard that suits your monitoring needs through detailed controls such as changing widget data search conditions, setting the time, and setting the data merge options.


It describes an overview of metrics.

Metrics alert

Use the metrics event settings to set specific and complex events.

Metrics widget

The following explains how to add metrics data that represents project performance metrics to the dashboard in the form of widget. Metrics are classified into categories, data can be explored using tags, and are available in two types: table widget and series widget.

MSA Analysis

The MSA analysis function analyzes the proportion of calls between transactions collected through the WhaTap's MTRACE (multi-server tracing) function.

MSA business group type

You can use the okind JVM option to easily identify automatically registered Java agents for each business unit in the Auto Scale Out environment. This setting that is useful for agent management in the Docker environment, is useful to distinguish the agent's role or the service group.

Multiple transaction trace

The transactions and trace data are provided so that you can see various call relationships at a glance within or between systems, and identify where problems occurred for improvement.

Open source tracing

It provides the configuration method how to trace frameworks or open source libraries used in Java applications through the agent. It is configured by adding the weaving option in the Java agent configuration file (whatap.conf). The guide on how to respond to various framework and library versions is also provided.


The following explains how to add the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) option to integrate the WhaTap monitoring solution into the Play2 applications. Through this document, you can learn step by step how to apply the required JVM settings to monitor the performance and availability of Play2 applications after installing the Java agent. It includes the configuration of required JVM options during agent installation, optimal configuration for smooth integration with Play2, and how to view the histogram.


It guides you to the report.


We provide detailed instructions on how to add the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) option to integrate the WhaTap monitoring solution into the Resin applications. Through this document, you can learn step by step how to apply the required JVM settings to monitor the performance and availability for Resin applications after installing the Java agent. It includes the configuration of required JVM options during agent installation, optimal configuration for smooth integration with Resin, and histogram query methods.

Script plug-in

The plugin option provided by the Java agent provides a way for you to inject desired code into the trace data or add additional information before and after execution of the method. It includes the options for setting where to run specific code at method entry/exit time and how to configure a class to monitor custom pools. More specific usages are provided through actual plug-in application cases, and it guides you to various configuration examples and API usage that can increase the flexibility and precision for monitoring.

Software proxy

You can block direct access to the external network from the monitored servers and allow external access through a single channel.

Spring Boot

The following provides the detailed guide on how to add Java Virtual Machine (JVM) options to integrate the WhaTap monitoring solution into Spring Boot applications. Through this document, users can learn step by step how to apply the required JVM settings to monitor the performance and availability of Spring Boot applications after installing the Java agent. It includes the configuration of essential JVM options during agent installation, optimal configuration for smooth integration with Spring Boot, and histogram query.


You can see the call stack frequency and detailed information about the methods and transactions in a specific time period.


The following guides you to the agent options for various statistics collections to monitor Java applications. It includes performance counter extensions, transaction collection by domain, multi-server transaction dependency analysis, statistics collection by login type and referral, and more. You can also check the maximum record limit settings for collecting SQLs, HTTP calls, error statistics, and user agent information.


Through various metrics collected from the Java application environment, statistical data is provided.

Support Environment

The detailed information about the WhaTap Java agent support environment is provided. It contains the data for applications running on the JVM on all operating systems between Java 6 and Java 20, limited supports for Java 1.5 or earlier, and the lists of supported operating systems, application servers, frameworks/libraries, and databases.


The following provides the detailed guide on how to add Java Virtual Machine (JVM) options to integrate the WhaTap monitoring solution into Tomcat applications. Through this document, users can learn step by step how to apply the required JVM settings to monitor the performance and availability of Tomcat applications after installing the Java agent. It includes the configuration of essential JVM options during agent installation, optimal configuration for smooth integration with Tomcat, and histogram query.


Through the real-time data collected from the monitored servers, you can easily understand the correlation between application servers.

Topology map

The following guides you to the agent configuration options that use the data collected by the Java agent to create a topology map for applications. You can visualize and analyze the topology of your system through various metrics, such as transaction callers, database connection information, HTTPC outbound information, and active transaction status.

Transaction error stack

The following guides you to the agent configuration options that detect errors during transactions in Java applications and display stack traces. It collects errors from various areas such as transactions, methods, SQLs, HTTP calls, and SOCKET calls, and includes methods how to set the error stack length, title length, and such. It helps you improve error handling through agent settings and support more efficient error diagnosis for applications.

Transaction Map

In Java monitoring, the following explains the transaction map function, which provides visualization of response times of individual transactions in the form of distribution chart. Real-time and history data inquiry allows you to analyze transaction details that are useful for identifying and analyzing problems. Unlike hitmaps, it can display individual transactions for more detailed analysis.

Transaction search

You can search for the desired transaction based on the individual transaction's performance properties.

Transaction Tracing

The following explains how to configure the detailed transaction profiling in your application. Transaction profiling allows you to collect and analyze performance data for each transaction within the application, which can help improve the performance of the application.


The following explains how to set an agent to trace and analyze performance data for each transaction within Java applications. It evaluates the application performance by tracing transaction requests, response time, and resource usage.


The following provides various problems that may occur during installation of a Java agent and detailed instructions for resolving them. It provides solutions to various issues such as firewall settings, SpringBoot and Tomcat JMX settings, server settings for use of the OSGI framework, Log Manager and MBeanServerBuilder errors, Permission errors, and Sigar library problems.

User count

The following explains how to count the number of users connected to the Java web application server through agent settings. It includes the setting whether to enable real-time user counting, setting of the cookie limit to count users, the method how to count users based on the IP address or specific HTTP header values, and setting of HTTP headers to trace client IPs.

Versions earlier than Java 1.6

The following explains how to apply the Java agent in versions lower than Java 1.6. You can see the agent installation and setup procedures for Java 1.5 and 1.4 respectively, as well as restrictions related to the -javaagent option.


The following provides the detailed guide on how to add Java Virtual Machine (JVM) options to integrate the WhaTap monitoring solution into WebLogic application. Through this document, users can learn step by step how to apply the required JVM settings to monitor the performance and availability of WebLogic applications after installing the Java agent. It includes the configuration of essential JVM options during agent installation, optimal configuration for smooth integration with WebLogic, and histogram query.


The following provides the detailed guide on how to add Java Virtual Machine (JVM) options to integrate the WhaTap monitoring solution into WebSphere applications. Through this document, users can learn step by step how to apply the required JVM settings to monitor the performance and availability of WebSphere applications after installing the Java agent. It includes the configuration of essential JVM options during agent installation, optimal configuration for smooth integration with WebSphere, and histogram query.