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The Whatap agent writes the necessary settings for each agent in whatap.conf. The agent locates and loads the configuration file through the environment variables.

If any separate setting, the agent is set to find whatap.conf under the (whatap.agent-X.Y.Z.jar) directory. It checks whether whatap.conf has been changed every 5 seconds and then reloads the file.

For user convenience, Whatap Monitoring Service also provides the agent configuration function.

Default settings

  • whatap.home: Enter the path of whatap.agent.jar as the default.

  • whatap.config: It is recommended to enter only the file name. You can also specify the relative path.

In order for the agent to collect and transfer data to the server, the access key and server address must have been set.


When the WhaTap agent is run for the first time, you can check which jar file has been used as the agent and from which path whatap.conf has been loaded, as the following.

Java start screen

Server connection and data transmission

The WhaTap agent is connected to the server address that has been set in whatap.conf.

whatap.server.port=6600 # default value
  • When the TCP session is connected, it receives the communication key by using the license. When a wrong license is set, the server terminates the session.
  • If the TCP connection is terminated repeatedly, check for any firewall problem or check whether the license value is correct.
  • When a TCP session is connected, data is transferred through the secure communication channel based on the private key received from the server.

Management of the configuration file for multiple applications

When running multiple applications on one server, to separately control the configuration files for each application, change the name of whatap.conf and then add the JVM options to your startup script.

Service A
Service B

The whatap.conf configuration file must be located in the ${WHATAP_HOME} path.

Configuring the agent on the service screen

Home > Select Project > Management > Agent CONF.

Instead of directly modifying the whatap.conf file in the monitoring target server, you can add, modify, and delete the agent setting options in the WhaTap monitoring service.

  • This function is only available to the members with Edit role. The members without Edit role can only view the settings.

  • You can set the options in the following format.

    • Select true or false for a boolean value.
    • For numeric values, you can enter only number.
    • When entering or modifying a text (string) value, check the option description in detail.
  • You cannot select any option that is not editable. (e.g. license)

  • You may restart each agent depending on the option that has been added, modified, or deleted.

  • The option keys that can be applied may differ depending on the application type and agent version.

Adding options


  1. In Agent List, select the number1 agent to add options to.

  2. In number2 Write options, select options to add.

    • You can find options to add in Search. Enter text to filter matching options.
    • If you select Direct Input, you can enter the option keys and values.
  3. Check the description and default value of the selected option key, and then enter the setting.

    • To cancel the selected option, select Delete icon.
    • To add new options, select Add and then repeat Step 2.
  4. After adding the desired options, select Apply on the upper right of the screen.

Apply the selected options and settings to agents.

  • To initialize the content in modification, select Reset icon on the upper right of the screen.
  • If you select Apply without entering options, the options are deleted.
  • The added options cannot be selected in the option list.
  • The option keys that can be applied may differ depending on the application type and agent version.
  • The example images may differ depending on the application type and agent version.

Modifying or deleting options

Modifying options

  1. Scroll up or down the screen, or select a desired option to edit or delete from the option list on the left.

  2. Select or edit the desired value for the option to change. To delete an option, select Delete icon.

  3. Select Apply to apply your changes.

  • If you want to move to the top of the screen, select number3 Go to add options.

  • If you select Apply without entering options, the options are deleted.

Applying to multiple agents simultaneously

Changed options can be applied simultaneously to multiple agents that belong to a project.

  1. If you check Applying multiple Agent on the upper right of the screen, checkboxes are created for each option.

  2. Select the checkboxes of the options you want to apply simultaneously. You can select multiple items.

  3. On the upper right of the screen, select Apply.

  4. If the Applying Agent window appears, select an agent to apply the changed options to. To select all, select Select all.

  5. Select Apply.

Setting the default values of the agent

To avoid the hassle of repeatedly applying the settings when adding a new agent to a project, you can create and apply default settings for each project and task.

  • Object kind default: In the whatap.conf file, the options can be commonly applied to the agents classified as whatap.okind, and the applied options can be checked.

  • Project default: The options can be commonly applied to all agents belonging to the project, and the applied options can be checked.

  • If you select Object kind default or Project default tab and then apply the options, it is useful to commonly manage agents.

  • The application order of options is as follows: Object kind default, Project default, and Agent CONFIG..

    • If the value of option b is 1000 in Project default and it is 2000 in Object kind default, the option value set in Object kind default, 2000 takes precedence.
    • If the value of option b is null in Project default and it is 2000 in Object kind default, the option value set in Object kind default takes precedence.

Sharing the agent settings

Agent settings can be saved as a json file, and the file can be loaded and applied to other agents.

  1. In the Agent list, select an agent to export the settings to a json file.

  2. On the upper right of the screen, select Export icon.

  3. Download the json file.

  4. In Agent list, select other agents.

  5. On the upper right of the screen, select Import icon.

Check the agent settings fetched from the json file.

Guide to the agent configuration options

The following links provide descriptions of the options that can be set.

Script plug-in

The plugin option provided by the Java agent provides a way for you to inject desired code into the trace data or add additional information before and after execution of the method. It includes the options for setting where to run specific code at method entry/exit time and how to configure a class to monitor custom pools. More specific usages are provided through actual plug-in application cases, and it guides you to various configuration examples and API usage that can increase the flexibility and precision for monitoring.

Agent notification

The following explains how to configure notifications for various events that occur in the application server through Java agents. It includes the options to configure event notifications for transaction recursive calls, denial of service, HTTPC connection errors, excess of heap and disk usage, CPU usage threshold violation, DB connection duplicate allocations, and exceptions. For each event, you can make detailed adjustments such as release interval, release status, and threshold settings.