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Control of agent functions

The following explains how to fine-tune the agent functionality for monitoring Java application servers. It includes the functions such as enabling/disabling agents, tracing transactions and performance counters, and collecting OS data. You can see various setting options that control each function.

  • shutdown Boolean

    Default false

    If it is true, all actions of the agent are stopped and the connection with the server is finished.

  • enabled Boolean

    Default true

    All functions are enabled. Even when the value is false, the minimum data to maintain communication with the server is sent.

  • transaction_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    It enables the transaction tracing. It corresponds to transaction data recorded in the hitmap. If the enabled option is false, this is disabled.

  • counter_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    The performance counter tracing is enabled. It includes the number of active transactions and users, JVM usage, process CPU usage, and DB pool usage. If the enabled option is false, this is disabled.

  • stat_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    The statistical data tracing is enabled. The statistical data includes transactions, SQLs, HTTP calls, user agents, and client IPs that are collected every 5 minutes. If the enabled option is false, this is disabled.

  • sigar_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    The OS data collection through the sigar library is enabled. The OS resource data includes CPU, memory, and disk that are collected every 5 minutes through the sigar library. If the enabled option is false, this is disabled.

  • active_stack_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    Active stack tracing is enabled. The tracing data includes Top Stack, Unique Stack, and Active Stack in the Stack menus. If the value of enabled or counter_enabled is false, this is disabled.

  • license String

    To install the agent, set the access key granted from the server. The access key includes the agent's project and the encryption key for secured communication.

  • cypher_level aes_bit [128, 256]

    Default 128

    Set the cypher level for the AES security algorithm. It can be expanded up to 256 bits. For more information about the AES 256 encryption configuration, see the following.

  • encrypt_level encrypt_level [1, 2, 3]

    Default 2

    The WhaTap agent encrypts data selectively depending on the attributes when transferring data to the server. It has performance benefits along with high security. To apply encryption policies in bulk regardless of the data type, see the following options.

    • 1: Encrypted transmission disabled
    • 2: Encrypted transmission for sensitive attributes such as SQL parameters and plain texts.
    • 3: Encrypted transmission for all items
  • stat_ip_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    Among the side menus of the project, the Statistics > Client IP menu enables whether to use the IP statistics.

  • realtime_user_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    Among the side menus of the project, the Dashboard >Concurrent user menu can set whether to collect the Application Dashboard out of the metrics that can be checked.

  • hook_direct_patch_classes ClassFile_FullPath

    It is used to directly replace a specific class at the loading time. After compiling the class, it creates a separate file and sets the full path to that file.

  • active_stack_second Seconds

    Default 10

    Set the interval for tracing the active stacks.


    It is recommended not to change the given default value.

  • boot_redefine_size Int

    Default 100

    If the agent has been installed in the Attach or Watcher method, BCI is newly performed to trace the already loaded classes. At this time, it sets the number of classes to redefine at the same time.

  • trace_component_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    Among the side menus of the project, the Instance Performance Management > Library Version menu is enabled.

  • realtime_user_thinktime_max / wclient_thinktime_max MiliSeconds

    Default 300000

    Set the maximum call interval credited by the same user when measuring the number of real-time browser users.


    In case of Java Agent 2.2.0 or later, use the wclient_thinktime_max option.

  • time_sync_interval_ms MiliSeconds

    Default 300000

    Set the synchronization time interval between the agent and the server. For no synchronization, set it to 0.

  • detect_deadlock_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    It generates an event when any Java thread is deadlocked. The occurrence interval is 5 seconds. Events for the same deadlock occur once per hour.

  • text_reset Int

    Default 0

    The WhaTap agent does not transmit the text data once sent until the next day again because it is hashed. If a value is set different from the previous setting, the data is sent again.


    Transaction URLs and SQL strings correspond to text data.