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Batch application

The method is used to apply the WhaTap agent to back applications. Different from WAS, the batch application runs and stops repeatedly. Accordingly, it must be monitored differently.

Batch Application

Download agent

You can download the agent for batch application monitoring through the following command:

Batch agent file configuration


whatap.agent-x.y.z.jar: Java agent Batch host - Transmits data to the collection server.

whatap.conf: Batch host configuration file (If there is no file, create a new one to add the items for license and in Setting > Agent installation.)

agent/whatap.agent.batch-x.y.z.jar: Batch agent - Transmits the collected application data to the batch host.

agent/whatap.conf: Batch agent configuration file

Configuring the agent

Configuration of the batch host

For the values of the license and options, see Setting > Agent installation for the project.

# default setting

# Transmit by divided steps

# Maximum step count to be displayed for a trace

Batch agent configuration

# default setting

# Establishing communication with the bach host

# Maximum HTTP call count for a batch job

# Maximum SQL count for a batch job

# Whether or not to display the active stack
# Within 5 times
# After 5 times
# Initial stack start time

Running the batch job

The batch job must be monitored from a single transaction perspective. WhaTap's Java agent needs to run two agents: Job agent for job processes and Host agent for relaying the information to the server.

Batch host commands

Batch Host Agent
java -cp {BATCH_HOST_HOME}/{BATCH_HOST_HOME}/whatap.agent-x.y.z.jar whatap.agent.batch.App
Batch Host Agent, Java 17 or later
java --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -cp {BATCH_HOST_HOME}/{BATCH_HOST_HOME}/whatap.agent-x.y.z.jar whatap.agent.batch.App

Batch agent commands

Batch Agent
java -javaagent:{BATCH_AGENT_HOME}/whatap.agent.batch-x.y.z.jar -jar {APP_PATH}/batch-application.jar
Batch Agent, Java 17 or later
java -javaagent:{BATCH_AGENT_HOME}/whatap.agent.batch-x.x.x.jar --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -jar {APP_PATH}/batch-application.jar

Install and run the batch job agent and batch host agent together with the host that performs a batch job.

Setting the time limit

Between the batch job agent and batch host agent, communication is enabled through UDP.

Batch Job UDP

Generally, a batch job is performed for a long time. It may take more than tens of seconds. Accordingly, the time_limit values may differ depending on each batch job. Set the estimated process time for the batch job in time_limit option.

warning_time=70% of time_limit

Setting the active equalizer's color

Set as follows to display in yellow if the batch job execution time exceeds 70% of time_limit and display in red if it exceeds time_limit.

## 70% of the estimated end time
yellow_time = time_limit * 0.7;
## upon exceeding the estimated end time
red_time = time_limit;

Batch Job UDP


In order for the server administrator to check the delay of a batch job in real time, set the value of time_limit properly.

Setting the active stack's collection interval

The batch job agent can collect active stacks at an interval set in the step_interval option.


Collection of metrics for the batch agent

The dashboard collects the heap memory for the batch host and the performance metrics for batch applications are collected with the metric (TagCount: batch_job_counter).


  • batch job: pid, hostname, job_name
  • gc: gc_count, gc_time_sum, gc_oldgen_count
  • heap: heap_tot, heap_use, heap_max, heap_pending_final, heap_perm
  • cpu: cputime
  • thread count: thread_total_started, thread_count, thread_daemon, thread_peak_count

Next steps

  • Open source tracing

    Depending on the framework or open source library used in applications, you may need to add agent options. For example, when using spring-boot-3.x, feign-client-11, or okhttp3-4.4 with a framework or open source, set the options as follows:


    For information on how to configure the framework or open source library that suits your application environment, see the following.

  • Checking the installation

    If you have created a project, installed an agent, and applied all JVM options, see the checklist in the following.

  • Installation troubleshooting

    It provides various problems that may occur when installing the agent and specific instructions for resolving them. It provides solutions against various situations, including firewall configuration, SpringBoot and Tomcat JMX configuration, and server configuration using the OSGI framework. For more information, see the following.

  • Agent setting

    It provides various features for monitoring by applying some options to the agent configuration file (whatap.conf). It includes basic configuration, configuration for server connection and data transfer, how to manage the configuration files for multiple application servers, and transaction tracing, and more. For more information, see the following.

  • Starting the monitoring

    After all settings are made, restart the application server. The agent starts collecting data. First, check whether the monitoring data has been collected in Application Dashboard. For more information about Application Dashboard, see the following.