Automatic deletion of the agent in Scale In
If an agent name is automatically assigned in the Auto Scale environment, administrator's intervention is not required when a scale out occurs. The system scales up automatically. If a scale in occurs, the system must recognize it as a graceful shutdown.
For automatic deletion of the agent, the WhaTap server must receive messages from the Java agent. The agent sends a SILENT_SHUTDOWN event to the Whatap server when the whatap{java-process-pid}
.shutdown_ file of the Java process appears in ${WHATAP_HOME}
. Transfers are completed within 5 seconds.
When the SILENT_SHUTDOWN event has been transferred to the WhaTap server and then the agent is shut down within 1 minute, the WhaTap server deletes the agent from the list. Any inactive event does not occur.
In case of Tomcat, you can configure in the file.
touch $WHATAP_HOME/whatap_{java-process-pid}.shutdown