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Agent communication settings

The following explains how to configure the network to transmit the data collected by agents from the application servers to the server. The major configuration options are the collection server host, port, timeout value, network transfer size, and data transfer queue size, which are important to ensure the agent's efficient data management and reliable server communication.

  • whatap_server_host ip_address


    Specify the server to transfer the data collected by the agent. If there are multiple IP addresses for collection server redundancy, use comma (,) as the delimiter. The proxy of the collection server must be in listening state for the set IP address.

  • whatap_server_port tcp_port

    Default 6600

    Set the collection server port. Because only one port can be set, the collection servers set in the whatap_server_host option must use the same port.

  • tcp_so_timeout MiliSecond

    Default 60000

    Set the socket time out of the TCP session that communicates with the collection server.

  • tcp_connection_timeout MiliSecond

    Default 5000

    Set the connection time out of the TCP session that communicates with the collection server.

  • net_send_max_bytes Byte

    Default 5242880

    Maximum data size in bytes the agent can collect and transfer over the network at a time.

  • net_send_queue1_size Int

    Default 256

    Set the size of the queue for data transfer excluding the trasaction traces and active stacks. Set it to 10, when the set size is 10 or less.

  • net_send_queue2_size Int

    Default 512

    Set the size of the queue to be used for transfer of transaction traces and active stack data. Set it to 10, when the set size is 10 or less.