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Adding JVM options

Check the method how to add JVM options in the application server environment using Resin. Depending on the Java version, the JVM options to apply may differ. Apply the JVM options for your environment. Apply the options and then restart the application server.

  • Option 1: Add the javaagent parameter by busing the jvm_args property in the file.

  • Option 2: Set the -javaagent parameter by adding the <jvm-args> section to the conf/resin.conf or conf/resin.xml file.

  • Through the application server log file and the agent log file, check whether the agent is operating normally or any error occurs. For the location of log files, check the following:

    • Agent: $WHATAP_HOME/logs/whatap-{SERVER_NAME}-{DATE}.log
    • RESIN 4.x: $RESIN_HOME/log/jvm-app-#.log
  • If the agent does not work normally or an error occurs, check the following.

Java 6 to Java 8
jvm_args : -javaagent:{WHATAP_HOME}/whatap.agent-X.Y.Z.jar
resin.conf | resin.xml

Java 9 to Java 15
jvm_args : -javaagent:{WHATAP_HOME}/whatap.agent-X.Y.Z.jar -Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true
resin.conf | resin.xml

Java 16 or later
jvm_args : -javaagent:{WHATAP_HOME}/whatap.agent-X.Y.Z.jar -Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=jdk.attach/
resin.conf | resin.xml
<jvmarg>--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED</jvm-arg> <!-- Java 17 or later -->

Viewing the heap histogram

WhaTap's Java Monitoring provides the function to view the status of heap occupancy objects in the JVM memory (sizes for each object in heap memory). In APP > Instance performance analysis, select the Heap histogram tab.

Java versions 6 to 8 support basic functions without the JVM options. However, for some Java versions, the JVM options must be applied as follows:

  • Java 9 to Java 15

    java -javaagent:{WHATAP_HOME}/whatap.agent-X.Y.Z.jar -Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true -jar {application.jar}
  • Java 16 or later

    java -javaagent:{WHATAP_HOME}/whatap.agent-X.Y.Z.jar -Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=jdk.attach/ -jar {application.jar}

It does not support Java 5 or earlier and IBM Java.

Next steps

  • Open source tracing

    Depending on the framework or open source library used in applications, you may need to add agent options. For example, when using spring-boot-3.x, feign-client-11, or okhttp3-4.4 with a framework or open source, set the options as follows:


    For information on how to configure the framework or open source library that suits your application environment, see the following.

  • Checking the installation

    If you have created a project, installed an agent, and applied all JVM options, see the checklist in the following.

  • Installation troubleshooting

    It provides various problems that may occur when installing the agent and specific instructions for resolving them. It provides solutions against various situations, including firewall configuration, SpringBoot and Tomcat JMX configuration, and server configuration using the OSGI framework. For more information, see the following.

  • Agent setting

    It provides various features for monitoring by applying some options to the agent configuration file (whatap.conf). It includes basic configuration, configuration for server connection and data transfer, how to manage the configuration files for multiple application servers, and transaction tracing, and more. For more information, see the following.

  • Starting the monitoring

    After all settings are made, restart the application server. The agent starts collecting data. First, check whether the monitoring data has been collected in Application Dashboard. For more information about Application Dashboard, see the following.