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20 docs tagged with "Azure Monitor"

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Alert Settings

You can set event conditions and receive notifications in various forms.

Application of the template

The following guides you to the preset templates that help you quickly build custom dashboards on Flex Board. You can easily perform initial configuration and change the settings. From selecting a template to naming it, adjusting its layout, and saving the settings, you can effectively create monitoring dashboards.

Creating the Flex board

The following explains how to create a dashboard from the Flex Board menu and place widgets to create a custom dashboard. You can select the fixed layout or responsive layout, add metric widgets, and use predefined widget templates. You can reposition and resize widgets to create your own dashboard layout.

Event History

You can see the history of alerts that occurred through Event History.

Flex Board

The following guides you to the custom integrated dashboard. You can create real-time dashboards with the data for applications, servers, databases, containers, and more. It provides pre-configured templates. Through the features such as adding various data widgets, data filtering, and setting time ranges, you can easily summarize desired monitoring targets and check important data.

Flex Board Management

The following explains how to edit and manage dashboards in Flex Board. It includes changing the dashboard name, selecting a project, and adjusting the layout for you to see how to add, move, resize, and delete widgets. It also provides the features to select data source for the widget and to export data to json format for the dashboard.


It guides you to the installation of Azure items.


The following introduces users about the Lab menu that provides new or experimental features.

Managing the widgets

The following explains how to add, change, copy, and delete widgets placed on the Flex Board. You can customize the dashboard by adding widgets or adjusting the properties of existing widgets. You can configure a dashboard that suits your monitoring needs through detailed controls such as changing widget data search conditions, setting the time, and setting the data merge options.


It describes an overview of metrics.

Metrics alert

Use the metrics event settings to set specific and complex events.

Metrics widget

The following explains how to add metrics data that represents project performance metrics to the dashboard in the form of widget. Metrics are classified into categories, data can be explored using tags, and are available in two types: table widget and series widget.