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Agent FAQs

Check the frequently asked questions about agents from WhaTap monitoring service users.

Monitoring agent name duplication issue

Why are agent names duplicated in the Scale In/Out environment?

In the Scale In/Out environment, instances or containers are automatically added or removed depending on the resource demand. During this process, if the monitoring agents installed on each instance use a fixed name, the newly created instance may use the same name as that of existing instances, which may cause duplication issues. This happens frequently when instances are self-recovered or continuous release is happening in the DevOps environment.

What is the resolution for the agent name duplication issue?

The WhaTap agent provides the agent configuration that allows you to create a unique identifier by setting variables whenever each instance or container is restarted. You can apply the option to the whatap.conf file for agent configuration. See the following example:

whatap.conf{Job name}-{ip2}-{ip3}-{port}

For example, if {job name} is "service," the IP address is and the port number is 8000, the agent name is assigned with service-12-13-8000.

  • {ipN}: Name is assigned using each Nth unit of the IPv4 address. N begins with 0.


    If the IP address is, the following is applied depending on the specified variable.

    {ip0}: 10, {ip1}: 11, {ip2}: 12, {ip3}: 13

  • {port}: Name is assigned using the port number to which the application listens.


For more information about agent configuration to identify agent names, see the following.