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Telegraf release notes

Telegraf Agent v0.2.0

배포일: 2020-8-28


패키지 파일 배포

Telegraf Release 1.16 버전에 whatap plugin을 포함한 실행파일 및 패키지 추가

Telegraf Agent v0.1.0

배포일: 2019-8-15


Telegraf Whatap Output plugin

# # Configuration for WhaTap
# ## You can create a project on the WhaTap site(https://www.whatap.io)
# ## to get license, project code and server IP information.
# ## WhaTap license. Required
license = "x2tggtnopk2t9-xxxxxxxxxx-aaaaaaaaaa"
# ## WhaTap project code. Required
pcode = 118
# ## WhaTap server IP. Required
# # Put multiple IPs with / as delimiters. e.g. ""

servers = ["tcp://", "tcp://"]

# ## Connection timeout.
# # timeout = "60s"