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Event Configuration

Home > Select Project > Alert > Event Configuration

URL Monitoring can be provided with alerts in the form of emails through event settings. The project monitoring screen also provides notifications for real-time events. You can set individual events for the registered URLs as follows.

  1. In the event list screen, select Edit icon Edit for the URL to edit.

    Event lists

  2. Check the Edit event policy window for the URL.

    URL event setting window

    Event rules such as Status and Elapsed time are set by combining the monitoring metrics and conditional expressions.

    • Status events

      The status event occurs depending on the selected Status code option.

      Status events

    • Elapsed time event

      The elapsed time event occurs when the Elapsed time collected in real time meets the entered threshold and condition.

      Elapsed time event


What is Alert Message?

It is the title to be displayed when an event occurs by the rule. Notification messages can be set for each event rule. When no setting is applied, the displayed notification message is Status Code, Elapsed Time, and URL: Detail by default.

For alerts, see the following to find which event types are supported by monitoring platform.


It takes about 1 minute for the modified URL to be reflected in the list.