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Tibero metrics

Database metrics are a comprehensive collection of database workloads and resource usages. The WhaTap monitoring service continuously collects metrics to identify bottlenecks in the database and provides data to help identify the root causes of performance issues.

For more information about columns, see the link.


This category collects metrics related to agent status every 10 seconds.


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
inActTimeMillisecond(ms)Amount of time the agent remains inactive-
isActive-Whether the agent is active or nottrue / false
isRestart-Whether the agent has been recently restartedtrue / false
lastActTimeMillisecond(ms)Time when the agent was last activated0: If disabled
oid-Unique IDs for each agent in the project-
startTimeMillisecond(ms)Timestamp when the agent was started.-



The following lists the tags that are collected in the db_tibero_counter category.

Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
agentIpIP address per agent.-
dbIsMultiWhether to support the multitenant or not.-
dbNameDatabase name.-
dbTypeDatabase type.-
dbVersionVersion of the database in use.-
onameAgent nameUnique value


The following lists the fields that are collected in the db_tibero_counter category.

active_sessionsNumber of active sessions.
block_updatesNumber of occurrences of block update.
connect_errorNumber of connection errors occurred.
DB_CPUPercentage of CPU used by the database.
DB_CPU_timeTotal time (in milliseconds) the database spent on CPU processing.
dbwr_write_-_OSNumber of database creation tasks executed by the operating system.
execute_countNumber of executions of the SQL command.
fatal_countNumber of fatal errors.
lock_wait_sessionsNumber of sessions waiting for locks.
logical_readsNumber of logical read operations that occurred.
logons_cumulativeNumber of cumulative logins.
long_running_sessionsNumber of long running sessions.
parse_count_(hard)Number of hard parsing operations that occurred.
parse_count_(total)Total number of parsing operations that occurred.
physical_readsNumber of physical read operations that occurred.
pq_sessionsNumber of sessions in which parallel query operations were executed.
sorts_(memory)Number of sorting operations occurred in memory.
the_number_of_user_commits_performedNumber of user commits executed.
total_elapse_timeTotal elapsed time.
total_sessionsTotal number of sessions.
wait_sessionsNumber of waiting sessions.
warning_countNumber of warnings occurred.
WE_BUF_FREE_time_waitedTotal time for the process to wait for the buffer to be cleared.
WE_BUF_FREE_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts that occurred while waiting to empty the buffer.
WE_BUF_FREE_total_waitsTotal number of waits due to buffer emptying events.
WE_BUF_WAIT_time_waitedTotal time spent in buffer waiting events.
WE_BUF_WAIT_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts that occurred while waiting for the buffer.
WE_BUF_WAIT_total_waitsTotal number of waits due to buffer waiting events.
WE_BUF_WRITE_time_waitedTotal time spent in buffer write events.
WE_BUF_WRITE_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts that occurred during buffer writing.
WE_BUF_WRITE_total_waitsTotal number of waits due to buffer writing events.
WE_CKPT_WAIT_time_waitedTotal time waiting in checkpoint waiting events.
WE_CKPT_WAIT_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts that occurred while waiting for the checkpoint.
WE_CKPT_WAIT_total_waitsTotal number of waits due to checkpoint waiting events.
WE_LGWR_ARCHIVE_time_waitedTotal time the logger waited for archive tasks.
WE_LGWR_ARCHIVE_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts that occurred during logger archive operations.
WE_LGWR_ARCHIVE_total_waitsTotal number of waits due to logger archive operations.
WE_LGWR_LNW_time_waitedTotal time the logger waited for logs to be written over the network.
WE_LGWR_LNW_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts that occurred while writing to the logger via the network.
WE_LGWR_LNW_total_waitsTotal number of waits due to logger writing operations via the network.
WE_LOG_FLUSH_REQ_time_waitedTotal time taken to wait for log flush requests.
WE_LOG_FLUSH_REQ_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts that occurred during log flush requests.
WE_LOG_FLUSH_REQ_total_waitsTotal number of waits due to log flush requests.
WE_LOG_FLUSH_SPACE_time_waitedTotal time taken to wait for log flush space.
WE_LOG_FLUSH_SPACE_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts that occurred while waiting for log flush space.
WE_LOG_FLUSH_SPACE_total_waitsTotal number of waits due to waiting for the log flush space.
WE_MBR_WAIT_time_waitedTotal time taken to wait for MBR (Multi Block Read).
WE_MBR_WAIT_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts that occurred while waiting for the MBR.
WE_MBR_WAIT_total_waitsTotal number of waits due to MBR waiting.
WE_PROC_DOWN_time_waitedTotal time taken to wait for process termination.
WE_PROC_DOWN_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts that occurred while waiting for the process termination.
WE_PROC_DOWN_total_waitsTotal number of waits for process termination.
WE_SEQ_FLUSH_time_waitedTotal time while waiting for sequence flush.
WE_SEQ_FLUSH_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts that occurred while waiting for sequence flush.
WE_SEQ_FLUSH_total_waitsTotal number of waits due to waiting for sequence flush.
WE_SEQ_FREESLOT_time_waitedTotal time while waiting for sequence free slots.
WE_SEQ_FREESLOT_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts that occurred while waiting for sequence free slots.
WE_SEQ_FREESLOT_total_waitsTotal number of waits for sequence free slots.
WE_SEQ_NEXTVAL_time_waitedTotal time while waiting for sequence NEXTVAL.
WE_SEQ_NEXTVAL_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts that occurred while waiting for sequence NEXTVAL.
WE_SEQ_NEXTVAL_total_waitsTotal number of waits for sequence NEXTVAL.
WE_SEQ_WRITEBACK_time_waitedTotal time while waiting for sequence writing.
WE_SEQ_WRITEBACK_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts that occurred while waiting for sequence writing.
WE_SEQ_WRITEBACK_total_waitsTotal number of waits for sequence writing.
WE_WLOCK_DML_time_waitedTotal time taken to wait for DML locking.
WE_WLOCK_DML_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts while waiting for DML locks.
WE_WLOCK_DML_total_waitsTotal number of waits for DML locks.
WE_WLOCK_TX_time_waitedTotal time taken to wait for transaction locks.
WE_WLOCK_TX_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts while waiting for transaction locks.
WE_WLOCK_TX_total_waitsTotal number of waits for transaction locks.
WE_WTHR_MSG_time_waitedTotal waiting time for thread messages.
WE_WTHR_MSG_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts while waiting for thread messages.
WE_WTHR_MSG_total_waitsTotal number of waits for thread messages.
WE_WTHR_READY_time_waitedTotal waiting time while waiting for threads to be ready.
WE_WTHR_READY_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts that occurred while waiting for threads to become ready.
WE_WTHR_READY_total_waitsTotal number of waits for threads to be ready.
WE_WTHR_START_time_waitedTotal waiting time for threads to start.
WE_WTHR_START_total_timeoutsNumber of timeouts while waiting for threads to start.
WE_WTHR_START_total_waitsTotal number of waits for threads to start.

XOS-related metrics

The following describes the metrics collected from the XOS agent.

cpu(xos)pctCPU utilization, cpu_user + cpu_sys + cpu_iowait.
cpu_user(xos)pctTime spent for CPU to execute user code.
cpu_sys(xos)pctTime spent for CPU to execute the kernel code.
cpu_iowait(xos)pctCPU time waited for IO.
cpu_idle(xos)pctCPU processor's idle time.
disk_reads(xos)blockAmount of data read from disk.
disk_read_bytes(xos)byteAmount of data read from disk.
disk_writes(xos)blockAmount of data written to disk.
disk_write_bytes(xos)byteAmount of data written to disk.
mem(xos)pctMemory utilization.
mem_total(xos)MBTotal amount of memory.
mem_free(xos)MBAmount of memory not in use by the system.
mem_used(xos)MBAmount of memory in use by the system.
mem_buffcache(xos)MBAmount of memory used by the buff/cache.
mem_swaptotal(xos)MBSet this in preparation for the case where the total Swap size and physical memory are insufficient.
mem_swapfree(xos)MBBecause the unused Swap area and Swap area are secured in disk space, the system performance may drop drastically while using Swap.
mem_available(xos)MBAvailable memory area.
net_recv_bytes(xos)byteAmount of data received over the network.
net_recv_packets(xos)-Number of data packets received over the network.
net_send_bytes(xos)byteAmount of data transmitted over the network.
net_send_packets(xos)-Number of data packets transmitted over the network.