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Server Inventory

Home > Select Project > Server List > Server Inventory

On the initial screen of the WhaTap monitoring service, select a project, and then select the Server Inventory menu under the Server List menu. Server Inventory provides configuration information required for server operations and allows you to manually add management items for management convenience.

The Server Inventory menu systematically manages the physical and virtual characteristics of the server, as well as the operating environment. This feature allows for detailed insight and management of the server configuration through automatically collected server components and custom items. Server Inventory provides essential data for performance analysis and troubleshooting of the server.


Supported agent versions

The Server Inventory menu is supported only in the following versions or later for each operating system.

  • Linux: 2.6.6 or later

    If an update is needed, check the following commands for each operating system.

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install whatap-infra
  • Unix: 1.3.4 or later

    If an update is needed, check the following commands for each operating system.

    stopsrc -s whatap-infra
    cp /usr/whatap/infra/conf/whatap.conf /tmp/whatap.conf
    rpm -e whatap-infra
    rpm -Uvh
    cp /tmp/whatap.conf /usr/whatap/infra/conf/whatap.conf
  • Windows: 2.6.6 or later

    Download the installation file through the following link and then run it. After the agent update, the service is restarted.

Activation options

The following settings are required to enable the Server Inventory menu viewing feature.

  1. Enable the following options in the whatap.conf file.

  2. After setting additional options according to the environment, restart the agent.

    • Linux

      grep -q '^hostinfov2.enabled' /usr/whatap/infra/conf/whatap.conf || echo 'hostinfov2.enabled=true' | sudo tee -a /usr/whatap/infra/conf/whatap.conf
    • Unix

      AIX/Oracle Solaris
      grep -q '^hostinfov2.enabled' /usr/whatap/infra/conf/whatap.conf || echo 'hostinfov2.enabled=true' | tee -a /usr/whatap/infra/conf/whatap.conf
    • Windows

      if (-not (Select-String -Path "C:\Program Files\WhatapInfra\whatap.conf" -Pattern "^hostinfov2.enabled" -Quiet)) { Add-Content -Path "C:\Program Files\WhatapInfra\whatap.conf" -Value "hostinfov2.enabled=true" }

Basic screen guide

The Server Inventory menu provides key configuration items of the server in a list form. You can manage essential information required for server operation and management, as well as custom items that are automatically collected. This allows server administrators to monitor and operate their infrastructure more systematically and efficiently. Use the filters and sorting feature to easily find the information you need.

Server inventory


Click the Leader line 1 filter input window at the top, select the desired filter key and condition, enter values, and then click Apply. In the Leader line 2 server inventory list area, you can view the filtered list.

  • Filter key: Filters can be set based on the default collection columns provided in the Server Inventory menu and user-defined custom columns.

    • Default collection columns: Items automatically collected from Server Inventory are server type, default group, OS type, OS version, model, and serial columns.

    • Custom columns: They are the items added and managed on a project basis.

  • Condition: Filter conditions can be set as string conditions such as matched, mismatched, included, and excluded. All filters are string-based, and numeric conditions (e.g. , ) are not supported.


Through the sorting option at the top of Leader line 2, multi-alignment is provided up to 3 levels. You can sort by any desired criteria including custom columns. The default settings for sorting are OS type > Model > Serial.


Sorting is reset when moving and refreshing the menu.

Column Settings

Click Column Icon Column settings at the top of the Leader line 2 area. Select columns and add custom columns as shown below, and then select Confirm at the bottom to save the column settings.

Server inventory column setting

  • Select Column

    Users can select the columns to display in the table. If the Initialized button is selected, it returns to the default selection state.


    The selected columns are saved as browser cookie values and remain in effect even if the page is refreshed. If cookies are deleted or a setting error occurs for any other reason, the default selection state is reset.

  • Adding columns

    Users can configure custom columns (custom) by selecting the + Add a column button and adding their own desired items in addition to the default items. Add columns to your taste and then monitor the server status and performance in more detail.

CSV downloading and uploading

CSV downloading

By selecting Download icon Download at the top of the Leader line 2 area, you can download the collected server inventory in CSV file format.

CSV uploading

When you need to enter server configuration information in bulk, manually entering individual pieces of data can be time-consuming. The CSV file uploading feature allows efficient handling of bulk data entry. Try modifying the downloaded CSV file and using the upload feature.

  1. At the top of the Leader line 2 area, click Upload icon CSV Upload and then select the CSV file to upload.

  2. Through the CSV verification window, check the verified results for the uploaded data.

    • You can check the numbers of changes and errors.

      Server inventory CSV preview

    • If you click an error, the item in question within the change data list on the right appears, and the erroneous item is highlighted.

      Server inventory CSV preview2

  3. If there is no issue found after verifying the data, click Apply to apply the server configuration information from the selected CSV file.

  • *When uploading a *CSV*, only the changes to Server alias, Default Group and custom columns (custom) are applied.

  • When uploading CSV, the columns that were not previously registered are not reflected.


You can edit the server inventory list by selecting Edit icon Edit at the top of the Leader line 2 area.

  • You can configure the settings for the Server alias and Default Group columns.

  • You can set the contents of custom columns (custom) added by users.