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Server metrics

It guides you to the server monitoring metrics.


It is the metric for server resources.

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds
  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
cpu_coresNumber of server cores-
host_ipServer IP-
onameServer name-
okindNameServer type name-
osOS type (Linux or Windows)-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
cpuPercentageAll CPU utilizationCommon
cpu_c1PercentCPU c1 state utilizationWindows
cpu_c2PercentCPU c2 state utilizationWindows
cpu_c3PercentCPU c3 state utilizationWindows
cpu_ctxtPrime numberContext switching utilizationLinux
cpu_dpcPercentCPU DPC time percentageWindows
cpu_idlePercentCPU idle rateCommon
cpu_interruptPercentcpu interruptLinux
cpu_iowaitPercentCPU iowait rateLinux
cpu_irqPercentCPU IRQ utilizationLinux
cpu_load1Prime numberLoad average for 1 minuteLinux
cpu_load5Prime numberLoad average for 5 minutesLinux
cpu_load15Prime numberLoad average for 15 minutesLinux
cpu_new_procs_forkedPositive numberOS process fork callLinux
cpu_procs_blockedPositive numberProcess blocked state countLinux
cpu_procs_runningPositive numberProcess running state countLinux
cpu_softirqPercentCPU softirq utilizationLinux
cpu_stealPercentCPU steal utilizationLinux
cpu_sysPercentCPU system utilizationCommon
cpu_usrPercentCPU user utilizationCommon
epochtimePositive numberEpoch time in which the metric was collectedCommon
memory_availableByteAvailable memory sizeCommon
memory_buffersByteMemory buffer sizeLinux
memory_cachedByteMemory cache sizeCommon
memory_freeByteFree memory sizeCommon
memory_pageFaultsPositive numberMemory page fault countCommon
memory_pavailblePercentAvailable memory utilizationCommon
memory_pusedPercentMemory utilizationCommon
memory_sharedByteShared memory sizeLinux
memory_slabByteSlab memory sizeLinux
memory_sreclaimableByteSlab reclaimable memory sizeLinux
memory_sunreclaimByteSlab claimable memory sizeLinux
memory_swappusedPercentSwap utilizationCommon
memory_swaptotalByteTotal swap sizeCommon
memory_swapusedByteSwap usageCommon
memory_totalByteTotal memory sizeCommon
memory_usedByteMemory usageCommon
processorQueueLengthPositive numberProcess queue lengthWindows
uptimePositive numberServer uptime after a boot (TimeStamp)Common


Metrics for each server CPU core

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds
  • Statistical data: -


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
cpuServer core number-
ipServer IP-
onameServer name-
osOS type (Linux or Windows)-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
idlePercentCore idle rateCommon
iowaitPercentCore iowait rateWindows
irqPercentCore IRQ utilizationLinux
load1Prime numberCore load average for 1 minuteLinux
load5Prime numberCore load average for 5 minutesLinux
load15Prime numberCore load average for 15 minutesLinux
nicePercentCore nice utilizationCommon
processorQueueLengthPositive numberCore process queue lengthWindows
softirqPercentCore softirq utilizationLinux
stealPercentCore steal utilizationLinux
sysPercentCore sys utilizationLinux
usrPercentCore usr utilizationLinux


It has metrics for each file system mounted on each server.

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds
  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
deviceIdDevice ID-
deviceIdHashDevice ID hash value-
fileSystemFile system type-
mountPointFile system's mount point-
mountPointHashFile system's mount point hash-
onameServer name-
osOS type (Linux or Windows)-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
blksizeByteBlock sizeLinux
countPositive numberWhaTap onlyCommon
freePercentPercentFile system's free space rateLinux
freeSpaceByteFile system's free space amountLinux
ioPercentPercentIO utilization In some disk types, inaccurate values can be measured.Linux
ioutilOrderPositive numberWhaTap onlyLinux
queueLengthMistakeQueue lengthCommon
totalInodePositive numberTotal number of InodesLinux
totalSpaceByteTotal size of the file systemLinux
usedPercentPercentFile system utilizationLinux
usedInodePositive numberNumber of used inodesLinux
usedInodePercentPercentInode utilizationLinux
userSpaceOrderPositive numberWhaTap onlyCommon
readBpsByteBytes read per secondCommon
writeBpsByteBytes written per secondCommon
readIopsPrime numberRead count per secondCommon
writeIopsPrime numberWritten count per secondCommon


Network interface metrics for each server

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds
  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
descNetwork interface name-
descHashNetwork interface's hash value-
hwAddrMAC address-
ipInterface IP address-
onameServer name-
osOS type (Linux or Windows)-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
bandwidthOrderPositive numberWhaTap only-
countPositive numberWhaTap onlyCommon
droppedInPositive numberInbound drop-
droppedInPositive numberOutbound drop-
errorInPositive numberInbound error-
errorOutPositive numberOutbound error-
packetInppsInbound packet-
packetOutppsOutbound packet-
trafficInbpsInbound traffic-
trafficInAcctPositive numberWhaTap only-
trafficOutbpsOutbound traffic-
trafficOutAcctPositive numberWhaTap only-


It provides the network protocol statistics for each server.

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds
  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
onameServer name-
os_archOS architecture name-
os_cpucoreNumber of server CPU cores-
os_cpusocketNumber of server CPU sockets-
os_cpuvendorServer CPU's vendor name-
os_ipServer IP-
os_memoryServer memory size-
OS name type (Linux or Windows)-
os_public_ipPublic server IP-
os_releaseServer OS release name-
whatap_buildWhaTap agent's build hash value-
whatap_homePath of the WhaTap agent Home-
whatap_productWhaTap product type-
whatap_versionWhaTap agent version-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
netstat_Close_WaitPositive numberNumber of CLOSE_WAIT state socketsCommon
netstat_ClosingPositive numberNumber of closed socketsCommon
netstat_EstablishedPositive numberNumber of established socketsCommon
netstat_Fin_Wait1Positive numberNumber of FIN_WAIT1 socketsCommon
netstat_Fin_Wait2Positive numberNumber of FIN_WAIT2 socketsCommon
netstat_Last_AckPositive numberNumber of LASK_ASK socketsCommon
netstat_ListenPositive numberNumber of LISTEN socketsCommon
netstat_Syn_RecvPositive numberNumber of SYN_RECV socketsCommon
netstat_Syn_SentPositive numberNumber of SYN_SENT socketsCommon
netstat_Time_WaitPositive numberNumber of TIME_WAIT socketsCommon
netstat_UnknownPositive numberNumber of unknown socketsCommon
Server_FiledescriptorsPositive numberNumber of OS file descriptorsCommon


It has the server process information.

  • Collection interval: 20 seconds
  • Statistical data: 5 minutes


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
aliasServer alias-
cmd1Process execution command 1-
cmd2Process execution parameter-
hashProcess hash value-
nameProcess name-
onameServer name-
userLinux user name for the process-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
countPositive numberNumber of processesCommon
cpuPercentCPU UtilizationCommon
cpuAccumulatedPercentWhaTap onlyCommon
cpuOrderOrderWhaTap onlyCommon
memOrderOrderWhaTap onlyCommon
memoryPercentMemory utilizationCommon
memoryAccumulatedPercentWhaTap onlyCommon
openFileDescriptorsPositive numberNumber of open file descriptorsCommon
rbpsByteBytes of the disk read per secondCommon
rbpsAccmulatedByteWhaTap onlyCommon
riopsPositive numberCount read per second in the diskCommon
riopsAccmulatedPositive numberWhaTap onlyCommon
wbpsByteBytes written per second in the diskCommon
wbpsAccmulatedByteWhaTap onlyCommon
wiopsPositive numberCount written per second in the diskCommon
wiopsAccmulatedPositive numberWhaTap onlyCommon
rssByteRSS memory sizeCommon
rssAccmulatedByteWhaTap onlyCommon
