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Service 2.5.X

Service 2.5.16

June 25, 2024


Fixed Fixed the issue where a whiteout occurs when all columns are selected using the Column configuration icon Column Settings feature in the following menu paths:

  • Statistics > Transaction
  • Statistics > User-Agent

Service 2.5.15

June 25, 2024


Fixed Fixed the issue where blocks are not displayed with the correct number in the Container view in Dashboard > Container Map.

Service 2.5.14

June 17, 2024


Fixed Fixed the issue where the Customer Support icon "Chat Consultation" button located at the upper right of the screen is not exposed intermittently.

Service 2.5.13

June 11, 2024


Fixed Fixed the issue where data call is followed without a delay when there is no agent in Dashboard > Application Dashboard.

Service 2.5.12

June 10, 2024


Fixed Fixed the issue where a whiteout occurs when entering the Analysis > Stack menu from a project that belongs to the organization.

Service 2.5.11

June 10, 2024



Fixed Modified the Jetty installation guide in the Add JVM Option section of Management > Agent Installation: JAVA_OPTSJAVA_OPTIONS.

Service 2.5.10

June 5, 2024


  • Fixed In Analysis > Hitmap, fixed the issue where a specified instance is not selected by default in the pop-up menu when tracing databases.

  • Fixed When going to the screen in presentation or custom theme mode, in Analysis > Daily APP. Status, fixed the whiteout issue.


  • Fixed In Stat/Report > SQL Statistics, fixed the issue where filtering is not applied.

  • Fixed Fixed the issue where the s_equal string is found in Filter when going to the Stat/Report > SQL Statistics menu by clicking a link such as filter value from other menus.

Service 2.5.9

June 4, 2024


Fixed In Cluster > Kubernetes Event, fixed the issue where more than 100 data units are not viewed.

Service 2.5.8

June 3, 2024


Feature Added the URL copying button in the Trace analysis window.


  • Fixed In the Install Application Agent guide of Management > Agent Installation, corrected some option names and typos in the Kubernetes environment variables.

  • Fixed Fixed the issue where default agent settings on a task or project basis cannot be set in the following menu path:

    • Management > Agent Installation
    • Log > Log Configuration
  • Fixed Fixed the issue where filtering is applied wrongly when selecting applications from the resource relationship chart in the following menu path.

    • Workload > Pod List
    • Workload > Deployment List > Details icon View Detailed > Resource
  • Fixed Fixed the issue where the application performance metrics are not displayed in the Resource tab of a list-type menu.

Service 2.5.7

May 30, 2024


Feature In Analysis > Performance Trend, added the continuous search prevention feature.

Service 2.5.6

May 28, 2024


  • Fixed In Analysis > Transaction Search, fixed the issue where the last selected column value cannot be loaded.

  • Fixed In the search bar of Analysis > Transaction Search, fixed the issue where vowels and consonants are entered separately when entering Korean characters.

  • Fixed Fixed the issue where a chart is not output when you select an error transaction in the Trace analysis window and then open the Error statistics window in the Record summary tab.

Service 2.5.4

May 27, 2024


Changed In the User phone section of Manage Accounts > Account Management, modified to allow only the Korean country code to be entered.

Service 2.5.3

May 23, 2024


Fixed In Management > Agent Installation, modified the repository path for Debian/Ubuntu related installation commands.

Service 2.5.2

May 23, 2024


  • Fixed In the widget of Analysis > Metrics Chart, fixed the issue where the data on the comparison date does not appear when a CSV file is downloaded.

  • Fixed Fixed the issue where the tooltip of the TOP N chart widget does not appear on the dashboard.


PHP, Python, .Net

Fixed Fixed the issue where the Process Memory widget on the dashboard does not call APIs.


Fixed Fixed the issue where unreleased products are exposed on the introduction page to the database monitoring.

Service 2.5.1

May 22, 2024


Fixed In Integrated Flex Board, fixed the issue where organization selection is canceled when the menu is selected while there is any favorite dashboard.


Fixed In Management > Agent Installation, fixed the error in the installation script related to Debian/Ubuntu.


Fixed In Dashboard > Monitoring a Database Instance, fixed the issue where the data from one month ago cannot be searched.


Changed Modified the description link for the status code to match the changed URL path of the landing page.

Service 2.5.0

May 22, 2024



  • Changed Modified the product selection and creation UI/UX upon project creation.

  • Changed According to the incoming path to Agent Installation, changed whether or not to expose the step bar at the top of the screen.

Flex Board / Integrated Flex Board

  • Feature Added the function to transmit data excluding the project information when using Export Dashboard.

  • Feature Added the field selection feature in the count-shape widget.

  • Feature Added the Apply To All Widgets In The Group function to share options within a group in the secondary chart configuration.

  • Feature Added the Project selection function into the group widget and added the Projects selected in the Group Widget selection option into the group's sub widget.

  • Feature Added the feature to attach the description to the widget.

  • Changed Removed the margin of the Heading style in the rich text widget and changed the scroll to be automatically exposed depending on the text volume.

  • Changed When using the widget zoom-in or Admin mode, removed the opaque background color and then applied the theme colors.

  • Fixed Fixed the bug where scrolling repeats in the event timeline widget.


Feature In the Alert > Event Configuration menu of the platform that supports log monitoring, added the log event configuration function.

Manage Accounts

  • Changed Modified to newly load the mobile device list if you delete any mobile devices from the My profile > Alert notification setting section.

  • Fixed Fixed the issue where if the mobile device reception test fails in the My profile > Alert notification setting section, the mobile device list cannot be loaded and infinite loading happens.

  • Fixed In case Alert Reception is set in the WhaTap mobile app, fixed the issue where the WhatsApp item appears together in Alert notification setting of the Account Management menu.

  • Fixed In Usage > Payment Information, fixed the issue where Country/Region is displayed as "CA" if it is saved as "US," when registering or modifying the payment method.

Maintenance Plan

Changed Adjusted roles so that members with Edit or Alert settings role can use the Maintenance Plan menu for all products.

Side menu

Changed In Project List of the side menu, changed to run the folding/expanding action upon clicking a group, and added the group movement button.

User Interface

Changed Changed some colors in the dark theme.


  • Changed In the Today's TPS, Today's visits widget of Dashboard > Application Dashboard, modified not to request new data when viewing the data again within a day but to reprocess the viewed data for use.

  • Changed Replaced the chart and deleted the detail button in the HTTP call statistics pop-up called by Trace analysis.

  • Changed In Statistics, changed the maximum time range that can be selected.

    • Client IP: Up to 7 days

    • Among sub menus under Statistics, removed Client IP up to 31 days.

  • Changed In Flex Board, changed the chart color of the Active status widget.

  • Changed In Management > Agent CONF., modified to disable the Apply button for the deactivated agent.

  • Fixed When opening the SQL window and using the SQL format option in the Table view tab of the Trace analysis window, fixed the issue where spacing is applied in Korean.

  • Fixed Modified to select the time range and agent information of the selected chart, when you click the pop-up chart of HTTP call statistics called by Trace analysis to go to the Statistics menu.

  • Fixed In the Trace analysis > Table view tab, upon selection of the icon on the right of the SQL step, and upon going to the Transaction Search menu under the SQL statistics window, fixed the issue where the selected agent is not kept.

  • Fixed In Dashboard > Transaction Map, fixed the issue where the data does not appear when the upper area of the map is dragged.

  • Fixed Fixed the issue where all agents are not selected even if the Total button is selected in the agent selection option of the Statistics menu.

  • Fixed In Statistics, fixed the issue where the agent selection option is not applied to the CSV file when using the CSV download feature.

  • Fixed In Statistics > Error, fixed the issue where the CSV format is broken if '\n' is included in the string when downloading search results as a CSV file.

  • Fixed In Agent list of the Management > Agent CONF. menu, fixed the issue where agent names are overlapped with other columns if the names are too long.

  • Fixed When importing JSON files consecutively in Management > Agent CONF., fixed the issue where only the first JSON file is applied, the events from other JSON files are not enabled, and the settings of them are not applied.


  • Feature In Server List, modified to display Agent name and Host name as separated columns.

  • Feature In the Server information section of Server List > Server Detail, displayed Agent Name and Host Name as separated items, and added the function to modify them.

  • Changed In Server List, changed the server status display and the layout of operation buttons to improve usability.

  • Changed Added the OS selection step before entering the Agent Installation step.

  • Fixed In Management > Agent Installation, modified the WhaTap repository addition command in the Debian/Ubuntu environment.

  • Fixed In Server List, fixed the issue where the row height increases and decreases while updating the table data.

  • Fixed Removed the price display in the subscription guide modal of the server project.


  • Feature Added the Instance Performance Management menu in the APP. category.

  • Feature Reorganized the Detail tab in Laboratory > Pending Pod Status.

    • Added the Suggestions tab to help you quickly analyze the cause based on the event messages.

    • Added the Event tab to check the Pod-related events.

    • Added the Log tab to check the Container logs.


    This function is supported in Kubernetes master agent 1.7.0 or later.

  • Changed Reorganized the Kubernetes agent installation method in Management > Agent Installation.

    • You can download the files appropriate to the environment by simply selecting options without modifying the installation file.

    • The Apply additional features option has been added.

    • In the final step of installation, the main monitoring menus are introduced.

  • Changed Modified APP. > Statistics so that it matches the Statistics menu of the Application product.

  • Fixed In Install Application Agent of the Management > Agent Installation menu, changed the name of the okind setting option of Docker Python to whatap.okind.

  • Fixed In Cluster > Node Detail, modified the style so that the height of the container list increases to match the number of containers.



  • Changed In the DB IP column of the Management > Agent List menu, added the tooltip to display the IP list.

  • Fixed In Dashboard > Instance List, if the values of the Database and IP columns exceed the cell size, modified to apply the ellipsis (...). When the mouse is over a column, the full value appears as a tooltip.

  • Fixed In Stat/Report > SQL Statistics, fixed the issue where the query statement on the SQL details window that appears when a query text is selected, is displayed as undefined.

  • Fixed In Management > Agent List, fixed the issue where the tooltip in the DB IP column does not appear.


Feature In Analysis > Wait Analysis, added a tooltip to see the full name when you hover your mouse over an item in the table widget.

PostgreSQL, MySQL

Fixed Fixed the issue where data is not viewed when selecting an object name in the SQL details window.


Changed In Stat/Report > SQL Statistics, removed the DB tab.


  • Fixed In Management > Agent Installation of the Oracle Cloud platform, modified the installation guide text.

  • Fixed In Management > Agent Installation of the AWS CloudWatch platform, modified the role creation details to match the current AWS specifications.


  • Fixed In User session analysis > User session flow > User event Detail, fixed the issue where the content of the selector does not appear because it exceeds the size of the layout.

  • Fixed In the table of the User session analysis > User session flow section, fixed the issue where the event same as the current event is viewed after clicking an event.