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Service 1.82.0

Release date: 2022-07-27


Flex Board - Added the function to view active transactions when the active transaction equalizer chart is clicked.

Agent CONFIG. - Added the movement buttons for added options.

Log Monitoring - Modified the log list style.

View Event - Added the process history function in other types of notifications such as metrics notifications

REPORT - Deleted the optional items unnecessary for application custom reports.

Flex Board - Fixed the error where the table widget filters are not applied.

Metrics Search - Fixed the error where the metrics explorer shortcut link does not work when selecting a category without meta information

Log Explorer - Fixed the error that causes data inconsistency after scrolling down.

Log Search - Fixed the error where the previous search data appears when there are no search results.

Member List - Fixed the error where the value entered in the search bar remains when searching for members.

Project Setting - Fixed the error where the previous name appears when moving to another menu after changing the project name.

Project List - Fixed the error where the project card list does not match with the organization's project when selecting an organization.

Agent CONFIG. - Fixed the error where the agent list tree is closed when an agent is clicked.


Transaction Trace - Added and complemented the tree view function.

HITMAP - Fixed the time change error when the hitmap's x-axis movement button is clicked.


Container Map - Added the tab in which the previous container logs can be viewed.

Container Map - Added the function to set the focus to the tab that corresponds to the occurred event.

Container Map - Deleted the 3-level division for each normal (blue) threshold area and modified colors to a single color.

Container Map - Fixed the error where the latest log message tab does not appear in the pod category.

Node Details - Modified the columns and data in the container list.

Container List - Fixed the MemWsByRequest column data error.