Service 1.78.0
Multiple transaction trace
In Analysis > Multiple Transaction Trace, fixed the bug where charts were not drawn when searching for some data.
Transaction search
In Analysis > Transaction Search, fixed the bug where the data retrieved from the previous project appears when moving to another project.
Alert Notification Setting - Fixed the bug where the 3rd party Slack redirection URL is not connected.
Flex Board - Added the display option for the series widget and widget count comparison with the data of the previous day
Event Setting - Added the receiving tag setting function for composite metrics.
Project access key - Changed the term from project license
to project access key
Notification Setting - Added the notification test function when setting the 3rd party reception
Reorganized the Agent CONFIG. menu.
- Enhanced usability and reorganized menus in Agent CONF (Management - Agent Setting)
- Application - Renamed the existing menu to Instance Performance Analysis
Transaction Search - Removed case sensitivity for keyword searches.
Event Setting - Added the metrics anomaly detection event setting function.
See SQL details - Fixed the SQL parsing error.
REPORT - Added the CUBRID project monthly report.
Transaction Search - Removed case sensitivity for keyword searches.
Container Map
- Added the WhaTap event lookup function
- Saving the user selection option status
- Enhanced the card view responsive styles
- Added the container information lookup function
Namespace Management - Modified the namespace project adding function.
Multi Service Hitmap - Fixed the data query error.