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Service 1.74.0

Release date: 2022-05-25


Flex Board

  • Added the responsive Flex board (placing widgets in grid format) function
  • Added the widgets for server process CPU and memory TopN
  • Modified the server resource plus template widget configuration; fixed the filtering application bug of user-created dashboards that use the templates
  • Display of the email entered for sharing the integrated Flex board with other users

Agent CONFIG. - Added the new agent setting menu.

  • Application, Container Project - Agent CONF. - Provided the New Agents Setting link
  • Enhanced usability of the setting value input function
  • Enhanced the agent option search function
  • Added the export and import functions using JSON
  • Added the function to edit the agent type and project-based agent settings (default values) (if you have edit permission for projects)
  • Enhanced the function to apply to all agents

Project List - Improved the card view styles for each project.

Member Management - Improved the email validation function upon member invitation.

MXQL Launcher - Modified the display of the table data.


Agent Installation - Modified the link to the guide on use of the Go monitoring library.

Multi-transaction - Added the date selection option.


Maintenance Plan - Applied the member modification role; fixed the screen error.

Server Agent Transfer - Fixed errors upon project selection list update when the organization is changed.


Container Map

  • Added the container information for each pod upon selection of a pod category; added the function to select the container state (ConState) field
  • Added the function to view the Kubernetes events
  • Added the description pop-ups for each metric
  • Enabled to display the weight on the threshold color upon threshold setting; modified to display as normal when the field value is 0

Multi Service Hitmap - Sorted the placed widgets.