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Service 1.104.X

Service 1.104.20

July 20, 2023

Fixed In Alert > Event setting, fixed the bug where whiteout occurs when the notification rule test time is set to 1 day or more in the metrics event.

Service 1.104.19

July 21, 2023



  • Fixed In Report, fixed the bug where report creation is not made when timeout occurs.

  • Change In Report, modified the UI loading display format when creating reports.

My Usage

Fixed If the language is set to English, modified to search countries with lowercase characters in Payment information.


  • Fixed In Alert > Event setting > Metrics event tab, modified to display the name-related data instead of ID on the Testing event rules chart.

  • Fixed In Server list > Server detail, fixed the time reset bug upon refreshing after the time range has been changed.

Service 1.104.18

July 20, 2023


  • Feature Added the guidance message when throttle has been set for the agent to limit API requests.

  • Fixed When inviting members for the project, group, and organization, the guidance message has been changed for non-existent accounts.

Service 1.104.17

July 18, 2023


My Usage

  • Feature In Payment information, added Overseas bank transfer customer registration when registering the payment data.

  • Change In Payment information, modified the payment process based on the country selection when registering the payment data.

  • Change In Payment information, modified not to display Register reverse issuance account transfer in Korea when registering the payment data.

  • Change In Payment information, changed the promotion banner.

  • Fixed In Payment information, modified the placeholder of Register overseas card to be displayed according to the locale language.


Fixed Deleted the Visitor column from the Daily applications custom report.



  • Fixed In Dashboard > Application dashboard > Memory detail window, modified the following.

    • Text change: Heap totalSystem memory, Heap useProcess memory

    • Deleting the system GC button


  • Fixed In Dashboard > Application dashboard > Memory detail window, modified the following.

    • When the size of the name column decreases, modified so that the tooltip is enabled by hovering the mouse over the ellipsis.

    • Fixed the bug where the tooltip of the Detail button does not disappear after the button is clicked.

  • Fixed In Application dashboard > dragging HITMAP widget > HITMAP transaction > selecting TX trace > Statistics window, in case the transaction log is not set under the Transaction log tab:

    • Language setting is Japanese: Fixed the line break bug in the displayed guidance message.

    • Language setting is Korean: Modified to apply the style in the displayed guidance message.

    • Modified to go to the Docs page for the set language when clicking the link in the displayed guide message.


  • Fixed If there is no result when searching for data in the MSA analysis menu, modified to display the No data guidance message.


Change In Management > Agent Installation, added proxyBaseUrl as the config option of the browser agent script.

Service 1.104.16

July 18, 2023



Fixed In Multi transaction trace, removed the input length limitation logic in Search by MTID / CUSTID.

Service 1.104.15

July 17, 2023



Fixed In Multi transaction trace, fixed the bug where characters other than number cannot be entered in Search by MTID / CUSTID.

Service 1.104.14

July 13, 2023


Fixed In the Japanese version, modified the sidebar texts for Create group and Create project buttons to be displayed in English.


Fixed In Management > Agent Installation, modified as follows.

  • Application Agent Installation > Docker PHP

    • Deleted the subtitle at the top of the access key copying area in the Verify Access Key section.

    • Deleted the subtitle from the Kubernetes environment variables and volumes section.

  • Application agent installation > all installation types: Unified wording in the Verify Access Key section and added an icon to the left of the Chat contact.

  • In the Install guide section, unified the icon on the Chat contact button with the channel talk icon.

  • In Kubernetes agent installation > KUBERNETES > Kubernetes agent creation section, added notices related to OOM issues.

Service 1.104.13

July 12, 2023


Flex Board

  • Fixed Fixed the issue where the menu does not appear upon clicking the dashboard copy button.

  • Fixed Added missing multilingual (English) texts in the dashboard copy window.

  • Change When using the Copy to others function on a dashboard, added the _copied suffix in the dashboard title.

Service 1.104.12

July 11, 2023


Fixed Modified the problem where the error message appears when the organization creation works normally.


  • Fixed In Server list, fixed the string by truncating the column header text that appears when clicking the 비교하기 아이콘 (Compare) option.

    • Korean: 비교하기 → 비교
    • Japanese: ステータス → 状態
  • Fixed In Server list, modified not to simultaneously enable the option buttons at the top.


Fixed In Management > Agent installation > Application agent installation, modified the issue where a Korean dashboard image is output for the Start monitoring image in the Docker PHP tab without following the multilingual setting.


New In Laboratory, added Integrated log search.

Service 1.104.11

July 7, 2023


Fixed In Alert > Event setting, modified to display data from multiple charts at the same time when hovering your mouse on the Testing event rules chart.


Feature In Application Agent Installation, added the Docker PHP item.

Service 1.104.10

July 6, 2023


Fixed In Flex Board, fixed the issue where it is not added to the sidebar menu when using the Dashboard Favorite function.


Change In Statistics and HITMAP, if you use the search function (검색 아이콘), modified to add the recent search time in the Last Time Searched list of the time selector.

Service 1.104.09

July 6, 2023

Fixed Fixed the infinite loading problem when refreshing in the project menu within the organization.

Service 1.104.08

July 5, 2023

Change Modified the password validation logic.

  • Use at least 9 characters with 3 combinations among English lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

  • The same password as your email cannot be used.

  • The same password as the one you used cannot be used.

  • A password containing consecutive keyboard arrangements is not allowed.

  • A password containing consecutive alphabets is not allowed.

  • A password containing consecutive numbers is not allowed.

  • The same password as the current one cannot be used.

Service 1.104.07

July 5, 2023

Fixed In the following menu path, fixed the problem where the focus goes out of the search box if you enter a single character in the Key search box.

  • Application > Instance performance analysis > Agent CONFIG. (Old versions)

  • Management > Agent CONFIG. > Previous version > Agent CONFIG. (Old versions)

Service 1.104.06

July 5, 2023

Fixed In Flex Board, set the timeout of 60 seconds for API update requests except for the initial call during real-time query.

Service 1.104.05

July 4, 2023


Fixed In Resource > Container volume, fixed the bug where no data is output and only loading is displayed if you click the Show button.

Service 1.104.04

July 4, 2023


Fixed In Resource > Container volume, fixed the bug where no data is output and infinite loading happens.

Service 1.104.03

July 3, 2023


Fixed Fixed the bug where automatic refreshing is not performed after creation of a project.


  • Fixed In Python Project > Management > Agent installation, fixed the download command in the Download agent section.

  • Fixed In Java Project > Management > Agent installation, fixed the JVM option code in the Add JVM options section.

  • Fixed In Node.js Project > Management > Agent installation, fixed the Node.js support version message.


  • Fixed Fixed the bug where the Check period button is not activated if you select a server to compare in the Server list menu.

  • Fixed In Alert > Event history, fixed the bug where the event ID is not stored in the database once Acknowledge has been added.

Service 1.104.02

June 29, 2023

  • Fixed Fixed the bug where any organization is not changed in a project.

  • Fixed In Organization Management, modified to go to the guide document in the selected language, if Go to guide document is clicked.

  • Fixed In the dashboard under Flex Board, modified to check the boolean value in case of the table widget.

Service 1.104.01

June 29, 2023


  • Fixed Fixed the error message displayed when 10 or more free projects are generated.

  • Fixed Fixed the bug where the time selected in the calendar on the time selection UI is not saved in the Last Time Searched list.



  • Fixed In Event setting, fixed the bug where the alert settings for inactive servers are not displayed.

  • Fixed Fixed the bug where an error message appears even though the result is a success when copying an event from Log File / Window Event to the current project in Event setting.


PostgreSQL V2

  • Fixed In STAT/REPORT > SQL statistics, fixed the bug where the Search in result function does not work.

  • Fixed In Dashboard > Instance monitoring, fixed the problem where sorting is initialized in the table at the bottom.

  • Fixed In Analysis > Counts trend comparison, fixed the issue where the left and right scroll bar is visible only when the scroll of the table of the screen is moved to the bottom.

  • Fixed In Dashboard > Instance Monitoring, Multiple instance monitoring, modified the CSS in case the text increases longer than the width of the element where the Session Info data is located on the Session Detail window.

Service 1.104.00

June 28, 2023


New The AWS Log monitoring service is newly released. Thanks for your use! For more information about the product, see the following



  • Fixed Fixed some incorrect translations in Japanese screens.

  • Deprecate Stopped to support Chinese among multilingual services.

  • Feature Added the tooltip that displays the full project name in the project name of the Sidebar.

  • Change Changed the AWS Log project icon in the sidebar.


  • Change Modified the series-chart design.

    Before modificationAfter modification
  • Change Modified the hitmap button design.

    Before modificationAfter modification

Flex Board

Change Modified UIs to restrict the dashboard editing based on the Project Flex Board Edit role.


  • Feature In Integrated report, modified the time selection limit for daily reports.

    • Previous: The end time can be selected up to 23:59 for the previous day.

    • Change: The end time can be selected up to 1 hour before the current time (current time - 1 hour).

  • Fixed In Integrated report > Daily report, removed the automatic correction logic for the selected time when today is selected as the end time.


  • Feature In Notification setting > Event notification settings per-user, added the WhatsApp alert setting.

  • Fixed In Notification setting, set the minimum widths for email, SMS, WhatsApp, and mobile alert columns.

  • Fixed In Notification setting, modified the style to align the settings vertically to the top when checking the reception setting details for each user (selecting 더보기 아이콘).


  • Feature Added the Project Flex Board Edit role.

  • Fixed In Agent CONFIG., modified the multiple application API.

  • Feature In Create Organization and Organization Management, added the logo image guide message (guide to the recommended image size, file capacity, and extension).

  • Feature In Member List, repositioned the member deletion and role modification buttons to the member name column.

  • Change In Manage account INFO., modified the user's password setting rule to 9 characters.

  • Feature In Manage account INFO. > User phone, Alert notification settings, added the WhatsApp alert setting.


  • Fixed Fixed the issue where transaction log data within the last 30 seconds cannot be searched.

  • Fixed Fixed the typo error in the Management > Agent Installation > Activate Virtual Environment section of the Python project with the language of the service screen set to English.



  • Feature In Event setting, added the option to copy to the current project to into the Copying Event Settings (Copy policy in the past) function.

  • Change In Event setting, modified the Copying Event Settings function as follows.

    • Previous: If you duplicate an event in the target project using the same title of the copied event, it is overwritten with the last copied event.

    • Change

      • As the event title, {Copied Event Name}(copy) is used.
      • If the events are duplicated in the target project, events are created as many times as the copied count.



  • New The PostgreSQL V2 monitoring service is newly released. To check the features changed compared to the previous, see the following.

  • Change Modified to access the 3 following menus via Sitemap among PostgreSQL V2 menus.

    • Analysis > Log File Viewer

    • Alert > File Log Alert

    • Management > Cloud Monitoring



  • Feature In the container summary view panel in Container Map, modified to change the messages depending on the log view role and status under the Log > Log Search tab.

  • Feature In the container summary view panel under Container Map, added the Event Count Trend chart that displays the event counts under the Event tab.

  • Feature In Container map, added the Unequal filter option.


  • Fixed In Node details, modified the container configuration column order in the container area at the bottom.

  • Change In Container volume, added the guidance message that the list appears only when the 검색 아이콘 button is selected.

  • Feature In Performance summary, added the trend charts for container counts and pod counts.

  • Fixed In Container list, fixed the bug where the dark theme is not applied.

  • Fixed If there is no agent installed in Container list, fixed to display the guidance message that there is no agent installed without a loading animation.


  • Fixed In Agent Installation, modified the guidance message.

  • Fixed Modified Japanese texts in Agent Installation when the language of the service screen is set to Japanese.


  • Feature Under Log, added the timestamp as the Add a Column item in 설정 아이콘 Table settings > Column Settings.

  • Change Modified the message that appears upon failure of parser simulation.

  • Feature In Log Search, added the function to search logs for the time zone adjacent to the selected log.

  • Feature In Log Search, Log Trend, and Transaction log, added the keyword highlighting function.

  • Fixed In Log setting > Log long-term archive statistics, modified the guidance message displayed when the Log detection condition search key is not input when adding any log detection conditions.



Feature Added the Report > Daily Browser Report menu.


Feature In Browser Error, added the error details screen.


  • Feature In Pageload Hitmap, added the OS version and client IP in the pageload details.

  • Change In Pageload Hitmap, changed the Filter URL Group List function to Page URL Search.

  • Change In Error Trace, modified the error stack view UI.


Feature In Container and Java products, added the menu: Sitemap > Laboratory > Remote Access Status.