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PHP Agent v2.7.0

January 10, 2024

  • New PHP 8.3 has been supported.

  • Feature Trace context (W3C) is supported in the multi-transaction tracing.

    OpenTelmetry that supports the trace context, and the multi-transaction tracing correlation are supported.

  • Changed Modified the resource collection for SQL, Method, and HTTP call.

    The differences between resources (CPU, memory) at the start of the transaction and the start of each step are collected.

  • Changed Modified to newly create the configuration file (whatap.conf) if nothing.

  • Fixed Fixed the error where the cumulative number of outbound calls are collected wrong as the cumulative time in the active transation list.

  • Fixed Fixed the whatap-php service (whatap-php.service) execution error in the Linux environment.

  • Fixed Fixed the segmentation errors from PHP 8.1.0 to 8.1.2 (collection for user functions is stopped).



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