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PHP Agent v2.5.2

Release date: 2022-07-06

Change (update)

Log monitoring's compressed transmission; change to default settings

Set the default value of whatap.logsink_zip_enabled to true. Compressed transmission is the default.

Renaming the project license key to the access key

Among the agent options, whatap.license has been changed to whatap.accesskey. The existing license can also be used.

Change in the TCP queue size

The size has been expanded from 256, 512 to 512, 1024. If there are a lot of log monitoring files set up, they are scaled up to handle the increase of TCP packets.

Fixed (bug fixing)

Fixing the segmentation fault

Fixed the error where a segmentation fault occurred while using the curl_setopt_array function while the multi-transaction tracing option (whatap.mtrace_enabled) was enabled.

biz_exceptions option

Errors excluded by the biz_exceptions option are not marked as errors in the hitmap, but are applied only to the transaction profile and statistical data. We fixed the error that does not apply to the statistical data.