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Java Agent v2.2.36

July 18, 2024

  • Feature Added the setting to return the original class if the weaving plugin compile version is different from the user code target version.

    # ignore agent compiled jdk version and application target jdk version
    # default: true
    # requires restart
    # false: return original class and abort tracing class
  • Fixed Fixed the issue where logs are included in other transactions when leaving system logs.

    e.g. System.out, System.err, hibernate System log (org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlStatementLogger.logStatement)

  • Fixed Fixed the issue where the user's log content cannot be collected when the logs including the exception stack are generated when using the logback and log4j.


Download: Java Agent v2.2.36

To install the Java agent for the first time, install the package first using the following command. For more information about agent installation, see the following.
