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Redis metrics

Database metrics comprehensively collect the database workload and resource usage. The WhaTap monitoring service continuously collects metric data to identify bottlenecks in the database and provides data to help identify the root cause of the performance issue.

For more information about other metrics, see the following.



The following lists the tags that are collected in the db_redis_counter category.

Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
onameAgent nameUnique value


The following lists the fields that are collected in the db_redis_counter category.

active_defrag_hitsNumber of hits during active defragmentation.Memory
active_defrag_key_hitsNumber of keys hit in defragmentation.Memory
active_defrag_key_missesNumber of keys lost in defragmentation.Memory
active_defrag_missesNumber of hits lost during active defragmentation.Memory
active_defrag_runningStatus of current active defragmentation.Memory
allocator_activeAmount of memory active in the allocator.Memory
allocator_allocatedAmount of memory allocated by the allocator.Memory
allocator_frag_bytesNumber of bytes of memory fragmentation that occurred in the allocator.Memory
allocator_frag_ratioPercentage of memory fragmentation that occurred in the allocator.Memory
allocator_residentAmount of memory actually being used by the allocator.Memory
allocator_rss_bytesNumber of bytes of memory actually being used by the allocator.Memory
allocator_rss_ratioPercentage of RSS that occurred in the allocator.Memory
aof_current_rewrite_time_secTime (seconds) spent to rewrite AOF.Persistence
aof_enabledWhether AOF(Append Only File) is enabled or not. It is 1 when the appendonly mode in the redis.conf file is yes, 0 when the mode is no. In case of yes, the appendonly.aof file is read when the Redis server starts, and in case of no, the dump.rdb file is read.Persistence
aof_last_cow_sizeIt is the COW (Copy On Write) size at the time of the last AOF rewrite.Persistence
aof_last_rewrite_time_secTime (seconds) spent for the last AOF rewrite.Persistence
aof_rewrite_in_progressIt displays 1 if the current AOF file is being stored in the background.Persistence
aof_rewrite_scheduledThe value is 1 if an AOF rewrite is scheduled. If an RDB file is being stored, it is scheduled (1) because AOF files cannot be stored at the same time. After storage is complete, an AOF rewrite starts.Persistence
aof_rewritesNumber of AOF rewrite operations performed.Persistence
aof_rewrites_consecutive_failuresNumber of consecutively failed AOF rewrites.Persistence
async_loadingWhether asynchronous data loading is in progress or not.Persistence
avg_ttl_db0Key's remaining time (milliseconds) in DB0.Keyspace
avg_ttl_db1Key's remaining time (milliseconds) in DB1.Keyspace
blocked_clientsNumber of clients waiting by BLPOP, BRPOP, and BRPOPLPUSH commands.Clients
client_recent_max_input_bufferRecent maximum input buffer size of the client.Clients
client_recent_max_output_bufferRecent maximum output buffer size of the client.Clients
clients_in_timeout_tableNumber of clients in the timeout table.Clients
cluster_connectionsNumber of connections within the cluster.Clients
cmdstat_auth_callsNumber of calls to the AUTH command.Commandstats
cmdstat_auth_failed_callsNumber of failed calls to the AUTH command.Commandstats
cmdstat_auth_rejected_callsNumber of rejected calls to the AUTH command.Commandstats
cmdstat_auth_usecTotal microseconds taken for the AUTH command.Commandstats
cmdstat_auth_usec_per_callAverage microseconds per AUTH command call.Commandstats
cmdstat_client|list_callsNumber of calls to the CLIENT LIST command.Commandstats
cmdstat_client|list_failed_callsNumber of failed CLIENT LIST command calls.Commandstats
cmdstat_client|list_rejected_callsNumber of rejected CLIENT LIST command calls.Commandstats
cmdstat_client|list_usecTotal microseconds taken for the CLIENT LIST command.Commandstats
cmdstat_client|list_usec_per_callAverage microseconds per CLIENT LIST command call.Commandstats
cmdstat_cluster|info_callsNumber of calls to the CLUSTER INFO command.Commandstats
cmdstat_cluster|info_failed_callsNumber of failed CLUSTER INFO command calls.Commandstats
cmdstat_cluster|info_rejected_callsNumber of rejected calls to the CLUSTER INFO command.Commandstats
cmdstat_cluster|info_usecTotal microseconds taken for the CLUSTER INFO command.Commandstats
cmdstat_cluster|info_usec_per_callAverage microseconds per CLUSTER INFO command call.Commandstats
cmdstat_cluster|nodes_callsNumber of calls to the CLUSTER NODES command.Commandstats
cmdstat_cluster|nodes_failed_callsNumber of failed CLUSTER NODES command calls.Commandstats
cmdstat_cluster|nodes_rejected_callsNumber of rejected calls to the CLUSTER NODES command.Commandstats
cmdstat_cluster|nodes_usecTotal microseconds taken for the CLUSTER NODES command.Commandstats
cmdstat_cluster|nodes_usec_per_callAverage microseconds per CLUSTER NODES command call.Commandstats
cmdstat_command_callsNumber of calls to the COMMAND command.Commandstats
cmdstat_command_failed_callsNumber of failed calls to the COMMAND command.Commandstats
cmdstat_command_rejected_callsNumber of rejected calls to the COMMAND command.Commandstats
cmdstat_command_usecTotal microseconds taken for the COMMAND command.Commandstats
cmdstat_command_usec_per_callAverage microseconds per COMMAND command call.Commandstats
cmdstat_command|docs_callsNumber of calls to the COMMAND DOCS command.Commandstats
cmdstat_command|docs_failed_callsNumber of failed calls to the COMMAND DOCS command.Commandstats
cmdstat_command|docs_rejected_callsNumber of rejected calls to the COMMAND DOCS command.Commandstats
cmdstat_command|docs_usecTotal microseconds taken for the COMMAND DOCS command.Commandstats
cmdstat_command|docs_usec_per_callAverage microseconds per COMMAND DOCS command call.Commandstats
cmdstat_config|get_callsNumber of calls to the CONFIG GET command.Commandstats
cmdstat_config|get_failed_callsNumber of failed CONFIG GET command calls.Commandstats
cmdstat_config|get_rejected_callsNumber of rejected calls to the CONFIG GET command.Commandstats
cmdstat_config|get_usecTotal microseconds taken for the CONFIG GET command.Commandstats
cmdstat_config|get_usec_per_callAverage microseconds per CONFIG GET command call.Commandstats
cmdstat_info_callsNumber of calls to the INFO command.Commandstats
cmdstat_info_failed_callsNumber of failed calls to the INFO command.Commandstats
cmdstat_info_rejected_callsNumber of rejected calls to the INFO command.Commandstats
cmdstat_info_usecTotal microseconds taken for the INFO command.Commandstats
cmdstat_info_usec_per_callAverage microseconds per INFO command call.Commandstats
cmdstat_ping_callsNumber of calls to the PING command.Commandstats
cmdstat_ping_failed_callsNumber of failed calls to the PING command.Commandstats
cmdstat_ping_rejected_callsNumber of rejected calls to the PING command.Commandstats
cmdstat_ping_usecTotal microseconds taken for the PING command.Commandstats
cmdstat_ping_usec_per_callAverage microseconds per PING command call.Commandstats
cmdstat_psync_callsNumber of calls to the PSYNC command.Commandstats
cmdstat_psync_failed_callsNumber of failed calls to the PSYNC command.Commandstats
cmdstat_psync_rejected_callsNumber of rejected calls to the PSYNC command.Commandstats
cmdstat_psync_usecTotal microseconds taken for the PSYNC command.Commandstats
cmdstat_psync_usec_per_callAverage microseconds per PSYNC command call.Commandstats
cmdstat_quit_callsNumber of calls to the QUIT command.Commandstats
cmdstat_quit_failed_callsNumber of failed calls to the QUIT command.Commandstats
cmdstat_quit_rejected_callsNumber of rejected calls to the QUIT command.Commandstats
cmdstat_quit_usecTotal microseconds taken for the QUIT command.Commandstats
cmdstat_quit_usec_per_callAverage microseconds per QUIT command call.Commandstats
cmdstat_replconf_callsNumber of calls to the REPLCONF command.Commandstats
cmdstat_replconf_failed_callsNumber of failed calls to the REPLCONF command.Commandstats
cmdstat_replconf_rejected_callsNumber of rejected calls to the REPLCONF command.Commandstats
cmdstat_replconf_usecTotal microseconds taken for the REPLCONF command.Commandstats
cmdstat_replconf_usec_per_callAverage microseconds per REPLCONF command call.Commandstats
connect_errorNumber of connection errors.Stats
connected_clientsNumber of connected clients (excluding slave node connections).Clients
connected_slavesNumber of connected slaves in Master mode.REPLICATION
cpu_coresNumber of available CPU coresCPU
current_active_defrag_timeTime spent on current active defragmentation.Memory
current_cow_peakCurrent peak size of COW (Copy On Write).Memory
current_cow_sizeCurrent size of COW (Copy On Write).Memory
current_cow_size_ageDuration of the current COW size.Memory
current_eviction_exceeded_timeTime exceeded for forced memory eviction.Memory
current_fork_percProgress (%) of the current fork operation.Persistence
current_save_keys_processedNumber of keys processed in the current save operation.Persistence
current_save_keys_totalTotal number of keys to be processed in the current save operation.Persistence
dump_payload_sanitizationsNumber of cleanup operations performed on the dump payload.Persistence
errorstat_ERRNumber of ERR type errors.Stats
errorstat_NOAUTHNumber of NOAUTH-type errors.Stats
evicted_clientsNumber of clients evicted due to insufficient memory.Clients
evicted_keysNumber of keys evicted due to insufficient memory.Keyspace
expire_cycle_cpu_millisecondsCPU time (milliseconds) spent during the expiration cycle.CPU
expired_keysNumber of keys deleted by the EXPIRE command.Keyspace
expired_stale_percPercentage (%) of expired stale keys.Keyspace
expired_time_cap_reached_countNumber of cases whose expiration time limit has been reached.Keyspace
expires_db0Number of keys to be expired in DB0.Keyspace
expires_db0Number of keys to be expired in DB1.Keyspace
fatal_countNumber of fatal errors.Stats
instantaneous_input_kbpsInstantaneous input speed (kbps).Stats
instantaneous_input_repl_kbpsInstantaneous input replication speed (kbps).Replication
instantaneous_ops_per_secNumber of commands processed per second. You can see how many commands are being processed per second.Stats
instantaneous_output_kbpsInstantaneous output speed (kbps).Stats
instantaneous_output_repl_kbpsInstantaneous output replication speed (kbps).Replication
io_threaded_reads_processedNumber of read operations processed by the I/O threads.Stats
io_threaded_writes_processedNumber of write operations processed by the I/O threads.Stats
keys_db0Number of keys managed in DB0.Keyspace
keys_db1Number of keys managed in DB1.Keyspace
keys_totalSum of keys_dbN.Keyspace
keyspace_hitsNumber of keyspace hits. If a value is returned via the get key command, it is increased by 1.Keyspace
keyspace_missesNumber of keyspace misses. If nil is returned via the get key command, it is increased by 1.Keyspace
latest_fork_usecTime (microseconds) taken for the last fork operation.Persistence
lazyfree_pending_objectsNumber of objects for which lazyfree operations are pending.Memory
lazyfreed_objectsNumber of objects freed by lazyfree operations.Memory
loadingWhether Redis is loading data or not.Stats
maxclientsMaximum number of clients allowed.Clients
maxmemoryMaximum amount of memory that can be used by Redis.Memory
mem_aof_bufferAmount of memory being used in the AOF buffer.Memory
mem_clients_normalAmount of memory used by normal clients.Memory
mem_clients_slavesAmount of memory being used by the slave clients.Replication
mem_cluster_linksAmount of memory being used by the cluster link.Memory
mem_fragmentation_bytesNumber of bytes resulting from memory fragmentation.Memory
mem_fragmentation_ratioused_memory ratio and used_memory_rss ratio.Memory
mem_not_counted_for_evictAmount of memory not subject to forced eviction.Memory
mem_replication_backlogAmount of memory being used by the replication backlog.Replication
mem_total_replication_buffersAmount of memory being used by the replication buffer.Replication
migrate_cached_socketsNumber of migrated sockets. This is a cluster migrate related value.Stats
module_fork_in_progressWhether a module fork is in progress.Persistence
module_fork_last_cow_sizeCOW size at the time of the last module fork.Persistence
node_stateCurrent status of the Redis node.Stats
number_of_cached_scriptsNumber of cached scripts.Stats
number_of_functionsNumber of registered functions.Stats
number_of_librariesNumber of loaded libraries.Stats
pubsub_channelsNumber of channels connected to active Pub/Sub channels.Stats
pubsub_patternsNumber of pattern channels connected to active Pub/Sub patterns.Stats
pubsubshard_channelsNumber of active Pub/Sub shared channels.Stats
rdb_bgsave_in_progressIt displays 1 when a background RDB saving operation is in progress.Persistence
rdb_changes_since_last_saveNumber of data entries input since the last save of the RDB file.Persistence
rdb_current_bgsave_time_secIf any RDB file is being stored in the background, it is the time elapsed from the save start.Persistence
rdb_last_bgsave_time_secLast RDB stored time in the background (seconds).Persistence
rdb_last_cow_sizeCOW size at the time of the last RDB storage.Persistence
rdb_last_load_keys_expiredNumber of expired keys upon the last RDB load.Persistence
rdb_last_load_keys_loadedNumber of loaded keys upon the last RDB load.Persistence
rdb_last_save_timeLast RDB saved time.Persistence
rdb_savesNumber of RDB save operations executed.Persistence
rejected_connectionsNumber of connections rejected by the limit of maxclients.Stats
reply_buffer_expandsNumber of cases the reply buffer has been expanded.Stats
reply_buffer_shrinksNumber of cases the reply buffer has been reduced.Stats
repl_backlog_activeFor the master, it is 1 and for the slave, it is 0.Replication
repl_backlog_sizeIt is the repl-backlog-size setting in the redis.conf file. When the connection with the slave is disconnected, the input data is saved in the backlog-buffer, and when reconnected, the data in the backlog-buffer is sent to the slave for synchronization without sending and receiving the entire data again.Replication
rss_overhead_bytesRSS overhead bytes.Memory
rss_overhead_ratioRSS overhead ratio.Memory
slave_expires_tracked_keysNumber of tracked keys that have expired in the slave.Replication
sync_fullNumber of cases slave nodes are fully synchronized in master node.Replication
sync_partial_errNumber of partial synchronization errors with slave nodes in master node.Replication
sync_partial_okNumber of successful partial synchronizations with slave nodes in master node.Replication
total_active_defrag_timeTotal time for active defragmentation operations.Memory
total_commands_processedTotal number of commands processed after a server startup (for both storage and inquiries).Commandstats
total_connections_receivedTotal number of connections received after server startup.Clients
total_error_repliesTotal number of error responses.Stats
total_eviction_exceeded_timeTotal time exceeded for forced memory eviction.Memory
total_forksTotal number of fork operations processed.Persistence
total_net_input_bytesTotal network bytes received.Stats
total_net_output_bytesTotal network bytes transmitted.Stats
total_net_repl_input_bytesTotal replication network bytes received.Replication
total_net_repl_output_bytesTotal replication network bytes transmitted.Replication
total_reads_processedTotal number of read operations processed.Stats
total_system_memoryTotal available system memory.Memory
total_writes_processedTotal number of write operations processed.Stats
tracking_clientsNumber of clients using tracking.Clients
tracking_total_itemsTotal number of tracked items.Stats
tracking_total_keysTotal number of tracked keys.Keyspace
tracking_total_prefixesTotal number of tracked prefixes.Keyspace
unexpected_error_repliesNumber of unexpected error responses.Stats
used_cpuTotal CPU time used by the Redis server (used_cpu_sys + used_cpu_user).CPU
used_cpu_childrenTotal CPU time used by child processes.CPU
used_cpu_sysTotal CPU time used in system mode.CPU
used_cpu_sys_childrenCPU time used by child processes in system mode when storing RDB/AOF files.CPU
used_cpu_userTotal CPU time used in user mode.CPU
used_cpu_user_childrenCPU time used by child processes in user mode when storing RDB/AOF files.CPU
used_memoryTotal amount of memory (bytes) being used by the Redis server.Memory
used_memory_datasetAmount of memory (bytes) being used by the dataset.Memory
used_memory_dataset_percPercentage (%) of memory being used by the dataset.Memory
used_memory_functionsAmount of memory (bytes) being used by functions.Memory
used_memory_luaAmount of memory (bytes) being used by the Lua script.Memory
used_memory_overheadAmount of memory (bytes) being used by the overhead.Memory
used_memory_peakMaximum amount of memory (bytes) used by the Redis server.Memory
used_memory_peak_percPeak percentage (%) of memory usedMemory
used_memory_rssResident Set Size. It is the total physical memory (RAM) occupied by processes.Memory
used_memory_scriptsAmount of memory being used by scripts.Memory
used_memory_scripts_evalAmount of memory being used by evaluated scripts.Memory
used_memory_startupAmount of memory that the Redis server used during startup.Memory
used_memory_vm_evalAmount of memory being used by scripts evaluated in virtual memory.Memory
used_memory_vm_functionsAmount of memory being used by functions in virtual memory.Memory
used_memory_vm_totalTotal amount of memory being used in virtual memory.Memory
warning_countNumber of warnings.Stats

XOS-related metrics

The following describes the metrics collected from the XOS agent.

cpu(xos)pctCPU utilization, cpu_user + cpu_sys + cpu_iowait.
cpu_user(xos)pctTime spent for CPU to execute user code.
cpu_sys(xos)pctTime spent for CPU to execute the kernel code.
cpu_iowait(xos)pctCPU time waited for IO.
cpu_idle(xos)pctCPU processor's idle time.
disk_reads(xos)blockAmount of data read from disk.
disk_read_bytes(xos)byteAmount of data read from disk.
disk_writes(xos)blockAmount of data written to disk.
disk_write_bytes(xos)byteAmount of data written to disk.
mem(xos)pctMemory utilization.
mem_total(xos)MBTotal amount of memory.
mem_free(xos)MBAmount of memory not in use by the system.
mem_used(xos)MBAmount of memory in use by the system.
mem_buffcache(xos)MBAmount of memory used by the buff/cache.
mem_swaptotal(xos)MBSet this in preparation for the case where the total Swap size and physical memory are insufficient.
mem_swapfree(xos)MBBecause the unused Swap area and Swap area are secured in disk space, the system performance may drop drastically while using Swap.
mem_available(xos)MBAvailable memory area.
net_recv_bytes(xos)byteAmount of data received over the network.
net_recv_packets(xos)-Number of data packets received over the network.
net_send_bytes(xos)byteAmount of data transmitted over the network.
net_send_packets(xos)-Number of data packets transmitted over the network.