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Application metrics

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The metrics that can be searched in Metrics Search.


This category collects metrics related to agent status every 10 seconds.


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
inActTimeMillisecond(ms)Amount of time the agent remains inactive-
isActive-Whether the agent is active or nottrue / false
isRestart-Whether the agent has been recently restartedtrue / false
lastActTimeMillisecond(ms)Time when the agent was last activated0: If disabled
oid-Unique IDs for each agent in the project-
startTimeMillisecond(ms)Timestamp when the agent was started.-


This category collects the metrics related to the active transaction step.

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds
  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
containerContainer nameUnique value
containerKeyContainer's key valueUnique value
host_ipHost IP AddressUnique value
okindNameGroup name categorized as whatap.okind-
onameAgent nameUnique value
onodeNameGroup name categorized as whatap.onode-
pidUnique ID for the process-
typePlatform type (application development language)Language name


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
dbcCountNumber of transactions in progress for database connection-
httpcCountNumber of transactions in progress for HTTP call-
methodCountNumber of transactions during execution of the method logic-
socketCountNumber of transactions in progress for socket connection-
sqlCountNumber of transactions in progress for SQL query-


This category collects various transaction activities such as HTTP requests, SQL queries, and data transfers for active transactions.

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds
  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
aliasAgent Alias-
containerContainer name-
containerKeyContainer's key value-
host_ipHost IP Address-
okindNameGroup name categorized as whatap.okind
onameAgent name-
onodeNameGroup name categorized as whatap.onode


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
active_httpcCountActive HTTP client request count-
active_sqlCountActive SQL query count-
databyteData transfer volume-
txcaller_groupIntA constant to identify the group of the transaction caller-
txcaller_oidIntA constant to identify the agent ID of the transaction caller-
txcaller_unknownIntA constant to identify the unknown transaction caller-


This category collects the data related to various performance metrics and statistics for applications.

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds
  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
aliasApplication's aliasUnique value
containerContainer nameUnique value
containerKeyContainer's key valueUnique value
host_ipHost IP AddressUnique value
okindNameGroup name categorized as whatap.okind-
onameAgent nameUnique value
onodeNameGroup name categorized as whatap.onode-
pidUnique ID for the process-
typePlatform type (application development language)Language name


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
active_tx_0CountNumber of transactions in the section within 3 seconds-
active_tx_3CountNumber of transactions in the section between 3 seconds and 8 seconds-
active_tx_8CountNumber of transactions in the section over 8 seconds-
active_tx_countCountNumber of all transactions in progress-
apdex_satisfiedCountNumber of APDEX satisfactions-
apdex_toleratedCountNumber of APDEX toleration cases-
apdex_totalCountTotal number of APDEX transactions-
arrival_ratePercentTransaction request rate-
httpc_countCountNumber of HTTP outbound calls-
httpc_errorCountNumber of HTTP outbound call errors-
httpc_timeMillisecond(ms)Mean time of HTTP outbound calls-
meteringCoreNumber of cores on the host where the applications are runningLimit CPU in case of container
resp_timeMillisecond(ms)Average response time-
sql_countCountNumber of completed SQL cases-
sql_errorCountNumber of SQL errors-
sql_fetch_countCountNumber of SQL fetches-
sql_fetch_timeMillisecond(ms)Execution time of the SQL fetch-
sql_timeMillisecond(ms)Mean time for SQL execution-
tpsCountNumber of transactions per second-
tx_countCountNumber of transactions processed-
tx_dbc_timeMillisecond(ms)Mean time for DB connection-
tx_errorCountNumber of transaction errors-
tx_httpc_timeMillisecond(ms)Mean time of HTTP calls-
tx_sql_timeMillisecond(ms)Average of the sum of SQL execution times per transaction-
tx_timeMillisecond(ms)Transaction execution time-
tx_time_sqr_sumCountUsed to obtain statistical metrics such as sum of squares of transaction execution times and variance or standard deviation of transaction execution times.


This is a category in which the metric of the app_counter counter is calculated based on the group classified by whatap.okind.

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds
  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
okindNameGroup name categorized as whatap.okind-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
active_tx_0CountNumber of transactions in the section within 3 seconds-
active_tx_3CountNumber of transactions in the section between 3 seconds and 8 seconds-
active_tx_8CountNumber of transactions in the section over 8 seconds-
active_tx_countCountNumber of all transactions in progress-
apdexnumberAPDEX (Application Customer Satisfaction)-
apdex100PercentPercentage in theapdex field-
apdex_satisfiedCountNumber of APDEX satisfactions-
apdex_toleratedCountNumber of APDEX toleration cases-
apdex_totalCountTotal number of APDEX transactions-
arrival_ratePercentTransaction request rate-
num_of_agentCountNumber of active agents in the group-
realtime_userCountNumber of concurrent users-
sql_countCountNumber of completed SQL cases-
sql_errorCountNumber of SQL errors-
sql_fetch_countCountNumber of SQL fetches-
sql_fetch_timeMillisecond(ms)Execution time of the SQL fetch-
sql_timeMillisecond(ms)Mean time for SQL execution-
tpsCountNumber of transactions per second-
tx_countCountNumber of transactions processed-
tx_dbc_timeMillisecond(ms)Mean time for DB connection-
tx_errorCountNumber of transaction errors-
tx_httpc_timeMillisecond(ms)Mean time of HTTP calls-
tx_sql_timeMillisecond(ms)Average of the sum of SQL execution times per transaction-
tx_timeMillisecond(ms)Transaction execution time-


This is a category in which the app_counter counter metric is calculated on a project basis.

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds
  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
active_tx_0CountNumber of transactions in the section within 3 seconds-
active_tx_3CountNumber of transactions in the section between 3 seconds and 8 seconds-
active_tx_8CountNumber of transactions in the section over 8 seconds-
active_tx_countCountNumber of all transactions in progress-
apdexnumberAPDEX (Application Customer Satisfaction)-
apdex100PercentPercentage in theapdex field-
apdex_satisfiedCountNumber of APDEX satisfactions-
apdex_toleratedCountNumber of APDEX toleration cases-
apdex_totalCountTotal number of APDEX transactions-
arrival_ratePercentTransaction request rate-
num_of_agentCountNumber of active agents in the project-
realtime_userCountNumber of concurrent users-
sql_countCountNumber of completed SQL cases-
sql_errorCountNumber of SQL errors-
sql_fetch_countCountNumber of SQL fetches-
sql_fetch_timeMillisecond(ms)Execution time of the SQL fetch-
sql_timeMillisecond(ms)Mean time for SQL execution-
tpsCountNumber of transactions per second-
tx_countCountNumber of transactions processed-
tx_dbc_timeMillisecond(ms)Mean time for DB connection-
tx_errorCountNumber of transaction errors-
tx_httpc_timeMillisecond(ms)Mean time of HTTP calls-
tx_sql_timeMillisecond(ms)Average of the sum of SQL execution times per transaction-
tx_timeMillisecond(ms)Transaction execution time-


This is a category of data collected from the resources of the application server.

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds
  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
aliasApplication's aliasUnique value
containerContainer nameUnique value
containerKeyContainer's key valueUnique value
host_ipHost IP AddressUnique value
okindNameGroup name categorized as whatap.okind-
onameAgent nameUnique value
onodeNameGroup name categorized as whatap.onode-
pidUnique ID of a specific process-
typePlatform type (application development language)Language name


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
cpuPercentHost's CPU utilization-
cpu_coresPositive numberNumber of CPU cores of the host-
cpu_irqPercentCPU IRQ utilization of the host-
cpu_procPercentCPU utilization of the Java process-
cpu_stealPercentCPU steal utilization of the host-
cpu_sysPercentCPU SYS utilization of the host-
cpu_usrPercentCPU user utilization of the host-
cpu_waitPercentCPU wait utilization of the host-
diskPercentDisk utilization of the root file system
memPercentMemory utilization of the host-
swapPercentSWAP utilization of the host-


This category measures the number of transactions based on the response time range by monitoring the applications' DB connections and HTTP calls. The collection interval is 5 seconds.


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
aliasApplication's aliasUnique value
containerContainer nameUnique value
host_ipHost IP AddressUnique value
okindNameGroup name categorized as whatap.okind-
onameAgent nameUnique value
onodeNameGroup name categorized as whatap.onode-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
act0countNumber of active transactions with the response time of 3 seconds or less-
act3countNumber of active transactions with the response time between 3 seconds and 8 seconds-
act8countNumber of active transactions with the response time of 8 seconds or more-
actxcountSum of act0, act3, and act8-
countcountTotal number of active transactions collected during the monitoring period-
errorcountNumber of erroneous transactions-
idInt32Unique ID to identify active transactions-
timeSumnumberTotal response time for active transactions-
typestringdb (DB Connection) or httpc (HTTP Call)-


This is a category that collects the data related to application users.

  • Collection interval: 10 seconds
  • Statistical data: 5 minutes


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
host_ipHost IP AddressUnique value
onameAgent nameUnique value
okindNameGroup name categorized as whatap.okind-
onodeNameGroup name categorized as whatap.onode-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
logbitsbyteUser log bit information (unit of data created by user activity events)-
realtime_usercountNumber of concurrent users-


This category collects the detailed status of the database connection pool.

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds
  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
$okindGroup name categorized as whatap.okind-
$onodeGroup name categorized as whatap.onode-
onameAgent name-
poolType of database pool-
classDatabase pooling class-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
actcountNumber of active database connections-
idlecountNumber of idle database connections-


This category collects the events that occur every 5 seconds. The collection interval is 5 seconds.


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
`typeEvent type-
_no_cache_Presence of event information caching-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
curtimeMillisecond(ms)Event occurrence time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond)-


This category collects the events that occur when cube operation is completed. The collection interval is 5 seconds.


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
`typeEvent type-
_no_cache_Presence of event information caching-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
cubetimeMillisecond(ms)Cube operation completion time (UNIX epoch time, millisecond)-
datedateConverts cubetime to the yyyymmdd format.-
date9dateConverts the date value to the GMT+9 time zone.-
hhmmsstimeConverts cubetime to the hhmmss format.-
hhmmss9timeConverts the hhmmss value to the GMT+9 time zone.-


This is a category that collects the statistical data related to application users.

  • Collection interval: 1 hour
  • Statistical data: 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
host_ipHost IP AddressUnique value
onameAgent nameUnique value
okindNameGroup name categorized as whatap.okind-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
logbitsbyteUser log bit information (unit of data created by user activity events)-
visit_usercountNumber of visitors during the search period-


A category of the data collected for application process metrics

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds
  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
aliasApplication's aliasUnique value
containerContainer nameUnique value
containerKeyContainer's key valueUnique value
host_ipHost IP AddressUnique value
okindNameGroup name categorized as whatap.okind-
onameAgent nameUnique value
onodeNameGroup name categorized as whatap.onode-
pidUnique ID of a specific process-
typePlatform type (application development language)Language name


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
cputimeMillisecond(ms)Transaction CPU time-
db_num_activecountDB Connection Pool Active count-
db_num_idlecountDB connection pool idle counter-
gc_countcountGC occurrence count-
gc_oldgen_countcountOld Generation GC Count-
gc_timeMillisecond(ms)GC execution time-
heap_maxbyteMaximum size of heap memory (-Xmx value)-
heap_permbyteMemory usage in the Perm area-
heap_totbyteTotal amount of allocated heap memory-
heap_usebyteAmount of heap memory in use-
pending_finalizationcountNumber of objects waiting to finalize during GC-
proc_fdcountNumber of file descriptors open by the count process-
proc_fd_maxcountMaximum number of file descriptors that can be opened by the process-
thread_countcountTotal number of threads running in the JVM-
thread_daemoncountNumber of daemon threads running in the JVM-
thread_peak_countcountMaximum number of threads observed while the JVM is running-
thread_total_startedcountTotal number of threads created since the start of JVM-
threadpool_activeCountcountNumber of threads in the thread pool running-