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It provides the options related to the Python agent's DB and SQL.

  • profile_dbc_close(*) Boolean

    Default false

    If profile_connection_open_enabled is active, the closed DB connection data is output to the transaction trace.

  • trace_sql_normalize_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    It enables the function to normalize any SQL statements by extracting the literal part from each SQL statement.

  • profile_sql_param_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    It enables the collection of SQL parameters. However, the parameters can be retrieved only by entering a separate security key. Set the security key to 6 digits in paramkey.txt of the agent installation path. If paramkey.txt does not exist, it is automatically generated and a random key is set.

  • profile_sql_resource_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    It traces the CPU and memory usages during collection of SQLs in the transaction trace. When checking the usage of resources in a transaction, it is easy to trace in divided sections.

  • stat_sql_max_count Int

    Default 5000

    It limits the number of SQL statistical data. It limits the maximum number of records for statistics collected for 5 minutes that are delivered to the server.