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Integrated Management

Integrated Group Management

Home > Select Organization > Management > Integrated Group Management

You can check the group list in the selected organization. If your organization does not have editing permission, the function is disabled.

  • If an organization is not selected, the group that does not belong to the organization and its project list appears. You can select a group or project to move to another organization or group.
  • The list is disabled when you do not have editing permission for the group or project.
  • To move groups or projects to an organization or group that you do not own, invite them to the organization or group, or contact the WhaTap support team at

Adding a group

Integrated Group Management

  1. Select Add icon Add Group from Integrated Group Management.

  2. When the Add Group window appears, enter the Group name and Description. The group name is required.

  3. Select a project to add to the group in Add project.

  4. Select Apply.

Add the selected project to the group.


Enter text in Add project to filter projects to add to the group. You can select additional projects.

Moving a group (removing a group from an organization)

Move Group

The selected groups can be moved to another organization or removed from the organization.

  1. Select a group to move to another organization. You can select multiple groups.

  2. If Go to Group is active, select the button.

  3. If the Go to Group window appears, click Select organization and then select an organization to move.

  4. Select Confirm.


To exclude a group from the organization, select Groups that don't belong to an organization. from Select organization.

Moving a project (removing a project from the group)

Move project

You can move the selected project to another group or remove it from the group.

  1. Select a project to move to another group. You can select multiple projects.

  2. If Move Project (N) is active, select the button.

  3. If the Move Project window appears, click Select group and then select a group to move.

  4. Select Confirm.

  • The groups without the Edit role do not appear in the Select group list.

  • To delete a project from the group, select Other projects in Select group.

Modifying a group

  1. Hover your mouse over the group whose name and description to modify, and the Edit icon button appears.

  2. Select Edit icon.

  3. If the Edit group window appears, modify the settings and then select Apply.

Deleting a group or project

  1. If you hover your mouse over the group or project to delete, the Delete icon button appears.

  2. Select Delete icon.

  3. If the Delete Group or Delete Project window appears, check the message and then select Confirm.

  • If a group is deleted, the group and its user list are all deleted. The projects that were in the group do not belong to any group.
  • If a project is deleted, the user list and the collected data are all deleted. Note that the deleted data cannot be restored.

Integrated Member Management

Home > Select Organization > Management > Integrated Member Management

Integrated Member Management

You can check, add, or delete the members by the selected organization, group, or project. If your organization does not have editing permission, the function is disabled.

  • If an organization is not selected, the group that does not belong to the organization and its project list appears. You can select a group or project to move to another organization or group.
  • You cannot add or delete members if you do not have editing permission for the group or project.

To see the members in the organization or group that you do not own, invite them to the organization or group, or contact the WhaTap support team at

Inviting members

  1. In Integrated Member Management, select an organization, group, or project.

  2. Select Invite Member on the upper right of the screen.

  3. In User role, set the roles of the user to invite and then select Apply.

  4. In the Email input field, enter the email address of the user to invite, and then select Add. You can continue to add other users.

  5. After adding users to invite, select Complete.

  • The member visiting feature can be used only by the users with the Member management role. For more information about the member roles, see the following. For more information about the member roles, see the following.

  • The accounts that have not signed up for the WhaTap monitoring service display the New account tag and send emails for sign up.

  • If there are invited members to cancel before completion, in List of members to invite, select Delete icon.

  • You cannot invite any by entering email addresses that are not in the desired email format.

  • The members who have already been invited cannot be invited again, and the members in the parent organization or group are automatically added.

Modifying a member role

  1. In Integrated Member Management, select an organization, group, or project.

  2. In the member list, select Edit icon on the right of the member to modify.

  3. If the Edit member role window appears, set the values for Member role and User role per group or User role per project of a group.

    • Edit member role: You can set the roles for the organization and the groups in the organization.

    • (If an organization is selected) User role per group: You can set the roles for the selected members for each group in your organization.

    • (If a group is selected) User role per project of a group: Roles of the selected members can be set for each project in the group.

  4. After all settings are finished, select Apply.

  • Depending on the selected organization, group, or project, the scope of the applicable roles may differ.

  • Member role editing can be used only by the users with the Member management role. For more information about the member roles, see the following.

Deleting members

  1. In Integrated Member Management, select an organization, group, or project.

  2. In the member list, select Delete icon on the right of the member to delete.

  3. If the message window appears, select Delete.

  • If an organization is selected, in order to delete members under subordinate groups and projects, click the checkbox in the message window and then select Delete.

  • If a group is selected, in order to delete members under subordinate projects, click the checkbox in the message window and then select Delete.

  • If you have not the Member management role, you cannot delete other members. For more information about member roles, see the following.

Downloading the member list

To download the member list as a CSV format file, keep the following steps:

  1. Go to Integrated Member Management.

  2. Select an organization, group, or project from the list on the left of the screen.

  3. Select CSV icon on the upper right of the screen.

Save the member list to the local disk in a CSV format file.


Member role downloading can be used only by the users with the Member management role. For more information about the member roles, see the following.