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Slow Query

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It reads the slow query logs from the database and display them as a visual chart. The reference time for a slow query is set in a DB parameter, and the SQL in the slow query log is displayed.


Even for the same SQL, in case of the SQL Elapse Map metric in Monitoring Multiple Instances, an error may occur because the time is calculated based on active sessions.

Guide on how to use

To use the Slow Query menu, set parameters and roles as follows.

Configuration of the DBX agent file


Configuration of the DB parameters

log_min_duration_statement = 500 # e.g. SQL logs that take more than 500 ms

XOS agent configuration of the DB server

Set as follows to adjust the collection cycle for slow queries.

slow_query_interval = 30 # Default 30 seconds
  • The slow queries for RDS postgreSQL are not supported.

  • To monitor slow queries, be sure to install the XOS agent on the DB server. For more information about the XOS agent installation, see the following.

Basic screen guide

slow query

  • Leader line 1 Time / Instance

    You can change the duration of an active session or select individual instances.


    For more information on how to use the Time option, see the following.

  • Leader line 2 Slow Query

    It displays the times of slow queries with a chart. If you drag a specific area with you mouse, you can see information details in Leader line 3 Slow Query List.

  • Leader line 3 Slow Query List

    The slow query details on the area dragged on the Slow Query chart are displayed in the list. If SQL is selected, you can see the (query)'s full text and plan information.

See query details

To check the SQL query information of the current running session, select the SQL column in the Slow Query List section. The SQL details window appears. You can check the SQL query statements and plan information.

SQL details

  • View SQL Statistics: You can go to the SQL statistics menu where you can check statistical information related to the SQL query statement.
  • Default Bind: You can bind the part set as a variable in the query sentence to the default value.

  • Reset Bind: You can release the bound default value and check the variable.

  • Formatting: You can improve readability by applying indentation and formatting to a SQL query statement.

  • Plan: To check plan information, enter DB Name, User Name, and Password, and then select Search icon.

    • Text: You can check plan information in text format.

    • JSON: By viewing the plan information in Json format, you can quickly find the points where bottlenecks occur.


    The function to view plan information in JSON format is supported only in DBX agent 1.6.12 or later.


If you select a table or index while viewing the plan information in JSON format, the Object detail window appears where you can see the configurations for columns and index items in the table.

Object detail

This function is supported in DBX agent 1.6.15 or later. For more information about the database roles and related settings, see the following.