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Agent Update

This updates the PHP monitoring service with the existing settings. Normal update is available in the version 0.2.7 or later. The previous version must be deleted and then reinstallation is required.


If shared library(.so) among PHP extensions has been changed while Apache is running, the Apache daemon may crash abnormally. Be sure to proceed with a safe update while the Apache server is stopped.

Red Hat/CentOS

  1. Delete cache data for updating package information.

    $ yum clean all
  2. Stop the Apache or PHP-FPM service.

  3. Update the whatap-php package.

    $ yum update whatap-php

    To download a specific version, specify the version as follows:

    $ yum update whatap-php-{version}


  1. Update cache data for updating package information.

    $ sudo apt-get update
  2. Stop the Apache or PHP-FPM service.

  3. Update the whatap-php package.

    $ sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade whatap-php

    To download a specific version, specify the version as follows:

    $ sudo apt-get install whatap-php={version}


After uninstalling the agent, install it again. Proceed by referring to the following items.

  1. Stop the Apache or PHP-FPM service.

  2. Install the agent again after uninstalling it.

    $ /usr/whatap/php/ remove

    $ wget
    $ pkg install whatap-php-0.4.10.txz
  3. Registering the PHP extension module and whatap-php service

    $ /usr/whatap/php/
    • To download a specific version, specify the version as follows:

      $ wget{version}.txz
      $ pkg install whatap-php-{version}.txz
    • Apache or PHP-FPM service is started.