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  • whatap.stat_domain_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    It collects transaction statistics for each domain.

  • whatap.stat_domain_max_count Int

    Default 7000

    Maximum number of records of transaction statistics for each domain that collects for 5 minutes.

  • whatap.stat_mtrace_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    It collects the version-dependent statistics between callers and callees among multiple server transactions.

  • whatap.mtrace_spec String

    Default: v1

    Set the application version of the current instance. You can arbitrarily set a string. This data is used for call statistics.


The setting is applied after Apache and PHP-FPM have been restarted.

  • whatap.stat_mtrace_max_count Int

    Default 7000

    It collects the version-dependent statistics between callers and callees among multiple server transactions.

  • whatap.stat_referer_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    It collects transaction statistics by referer.

  • whatap.stat_referer_max_count Int

    Default 7000

    Maximum number of records of transaction statistics for each referer that collects by JVM for 5 minutes.

  • whatap.stat_referer_format Int

    Default 7000

    0All (Domain + Path + Query parameter)
    1Domain (
    2Domain and path (
    3Path (/aa.php)
  • whatap.stat_ipurl_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    You can collect the transaction statistics for each IP address.

  • whatap.stat_zip_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    You can set to transmit the compressed statistical data.