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  • whatap.trace_sql_normalize_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    It enables the function to normalize any SQL statements by extracting the literal part from each SQL statement. The literal part is denoted with "#."

  • whatap.profile_sql_resource_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    It traces the CPU and memory usages during collection of SQLs in the transaction trace.

  • whatap.profile_sql_param_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    It is used to record SQL parameters in the transaction trace details. The parameters can be viewed by entering a separate security key.

    • PHP agent v2.8.0 or later: The security key is set to 6 characters (paramkey) in the WHATAP_HOME/security.conf file where the whatap.ini file is located.

    • Below PHP agent v2.8.0: The security key is set to 6 characters within the WHATAP_HOME/paramkey.txt file where the whatap.ini file is located. If the paramkey.txt file does not exist, it is automatically created with a random value.

  • whatap.profile_sql_comment_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    It deletes the comments from the collected SQL statements. If the value is false, SQL statements are collected without comments. Comments can be included or deleted through the setting.

  • whatap.profile_db_connection_map_size Int

    Default 20

    It is the maximum size to store DB connection data that keeps connection at the same time. Upon connection of exceeded DB, the oldest data is deleted first.


    The setting is applied after Apache and PHP-FPM have been restarted.

  • whatap.profile_mysql_return_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is true, the function to mark as an error when the result of the Mysql library function is false. If the whatap.profile_mysql_return_enabled setting is false, this is not applied.

  • whatap.profile_mysql_error_ignore_empty Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is false, when there is no error code or message, it appears as normal. If the whatap.profile_mysql_return_enabled setting is false, it is not applied.

  • whatap.profile_mysqli_return_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is true, when the result of the Mysqli library function is false, the function to display it as an error is enabled.

  • whatap.profile_mysqli_error_info_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is true, the function to mark as an error when the result of the Mysql library function is false. If the whatap.profile_mysqli_return_enabled setting is false, this is not applied.

  • whatap.profile_mysqli_error_ignore_empty Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is false, when there is no error code or message, it appears as normal. If the whatap.profile_mysqli_return_enabled setting is false, it is not applied.

  • whatap.profile_pdo_return_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is true, when the result of the pdo library function is false, the function to display it as an error is enabled.

  • whatap.profile_pdo_error_info_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is true, the function to mark as an error when the result of the Mysql library function is false. If the whatap.profile_pdo_return_enabled setting is false, this is not applied.

  • whatap.profile_pdo_error_ignore_empty Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is false, when there is no error code or message, it appears as normal. If the whatap.profile_pdo_return_enabled setting is false, it is not applied.

  • whatap.profile_pdo_return_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is true, when the result of the pdo library function is false, the function to display it as an error is enabled.

  • whatap.profile_pgsql_error_info_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is true, the function to mark as an error when the result of the pgsql (Posgressql) library function is false. If the whatap.profile_pgsql_return_enabled setting is false, this is not applied.

  • whatap.profile_pgsql_error_ignore_empty Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is false, when there is no error code or message, it appears as normal. If the whatap.profile_pgsql_return_enabled setting is false, it is not applied.

  • wwhatap.profile_oci8_return_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is true, when the result of the oci8 (Oracle) library function is false, the function to display it as an error is enabled.

  • whatap.profile_oci8_error_info_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is true, the function to mark as an error when the result of the Mysql library function is false. If the whatap.profile_pdo_return_enabled setting is false, this is not applied.

  • whatap.profile_pdo_error_ignore_empty Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is false, when there is no error code or message, it appears as normal. If the whatap.profile_pdo_return_enabled setting is false, it is not applied.