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Monitoring Multiple Instances

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In Instance Monitoring, to monitor only one instance, Multiple Instance Monitoring allows you to check and compare metrics and active sessions of multiple instances on one screen. Graph charts make it easy to see how instances' metric values are trending and which instances have higher metric values.


If you select an agent to compare in Dashboard > Instance List, and then select Multi view, the Monitoring Multiple Instances menu appears.

Basic screen guide

Multi-instance Monitoring

  • Number 1 Instance

    It is a list of instances (databases) where the agent has been installed. The color of the instance matches the color of the graph chart placed on the screen. To exclude some instances of data from the graph chart, select the corresponding instances. If you select the instance again, the graph chart reflects the instance data.

  • Number 2 Status

    You can monitor the metrics related to the resources of your database server.

  • Number 3 Load balance

    You can monitor whether the load is concentrated on one server by checking which instance has a high metric value.

  • Number 4 Graph chart section

    The horizontal axis of each widget is time, and the vertical axis is the metric number.

  • Number 5 Active sessions | Lock tree | Process Info

    You can view the active session, lock tree, and process information for a specific instance. Select Instance Name.

  • The Process Info can be viewed by additionally configuring the XOS agent. For more information, see the following.

Selecting a metric

You can change the metric of the graph chart widget placed on the screen to another one.

  1. Select Configuration icon on the upper right of the widget to change the metrics.

  2. If the Count selector window appears, select a desired metric.

    Count window

  3. Select Save.

The metric of the selected widget is changed.


For more information about each metric, see the following.

Layout setting

To set the layout on the metrics chart, on the upper right of the screen, select Layout configuration icon. Nine (3x3) metrics charts are set on the default layout, and you can change the number of charts on a page.

Layout setting

Using the active session section

Through Active sessions at the bottom of the screen, you can see the real-time active sessions. The following provides the guide for the button on the upper right of the table.

  • Stop icon: You can stop changing the data collected in real time. To restart it again, select Start icon.
  • Refresh icon: The list of tables is refreshed.

  • Column icon: The column header entries in the table can be displayed or hidden.

  • Filter icon: You can filter the list based on the column header entries in the table. After selecting the button, you can set the conditions in each header column such as Includes, Excludes, Equal, and Unequal.


    Adjust the column width if the text field for filter condition options is invisible.

  • Download icon: You can download the content of the table as a CSV file.

Stopping an active session

You can stop a session(s) that has been running for a long time.

  1. In the Active sessions list, move your mouse cursor to the session to terminate.

  2. Select the Session kill icon that appears on the utmost right.

  3. If the Session kill window appears, enter the password.

  4. Select Apply.

The session is stopped.

  • Through the paramkey.txt file in the DBX agent installation path, you can find the password.

  • This feature is only available to the members with Edit role. For more information about member roles, see the following.

Zooming in the graph chart section

Active session

If the current screen is small and difficult to see the widget, you can check the graph chart widget in a wider screen. Select Down arrow icon in the Active sessions section at the bottom of the screen. The Active sessions section is collapsed and the graph chart widget section is enlarged.

To zoom out the graph chart widget, select Up arrow icon at the bottom of the Active sessions section.

See query details

To check the SQL query information of the executing session, select the query (or sql_text) column in the Active sessions section. The SQL details window appears. You can check the SQL query statements and plan information.

SQL detail

  • View SQL Statistics: You can go to the SQL statistics menu where you can check statistical information related to the SQL query statement.

Changing the table columns

You can display or hide the column entries in the table, and change their order.

  1. Select Column icon on the upper right of the table.

  2. When the Column Setting window appears, hide, add, or change the order of items to be displayed in the table columns.

    • Select a column, and then Left arrow icon, Right arrow icon, Add icon or Minus icon. Go to Visible or Invisible.
    • You can move the position by dragging the column while it is selected.
  3. After all settings are finished, select Save.


The setting is saved as a browser cookie value to maintain the state even after refreshing the page. If an error occurs between settings due to cookie deletion or other reasons, it is initialized.

Column information guide

For more information about columns, see the link.

sidSession ID
cpu(xos)CPU utilization collected by the installed XOS
serial#Value to increment to determine if the same session ID has been used.
usernameDB user name.
commandSame as COMMAND_TYPE; SQL command number
statusSession status
schemanameSchema. Same as the username.
osuserUsername of the OS that accessed the session.
spidOS process ID.
processID of the client process that accessed the session.
logon_timeSession created time point.
last_call_etIf the session is active, it is the elapsed time (sec) since activation.
sql_textquery, running statement, SQL statement that separates literal strings
sql_paramLiteral value separated from query
prev_sql_textPreviously executed query
prev_sql_paramPreviously executed query param
programProgram information executed by client
typesession type - can be adjusted in user background recursive (whatap.conf).
seq#Number that uniquely identifies the current or last wait (incremented with each wait)
eventNumber of the resource or event if the session is waiting.
p1First waiting event parameter (decimal point)
p2Second waiting event parameter (decimal point)
p3Third waiting event parameter (decimal point)
wait_classClass name of the waiting event
wait_timeThe value is 0 if the session is waiting. It is the last waiting time (milliseconds) if the value is greater than 0.
seconds_in_waitTime spent waiting for the wait if the session is waiting. Otherwise, it is the time elapsed since the last waiting.
machineName of the client server that accessed the session (hostname)
portClinet port number
terminalClient terminal name
moduleName of the module set by the user of the program executed on the client.
actionAction name set by the user of the running module.
client_infoClient information set by user
client_identifierClient ID set by user
session logical readsNumber of times data was read into the buffer cache
physical readsNumber of data reads from the physical disk
execute countSQL execution count
parse count (hard)Total number of syntax analysis calls (actual syntax analysis)
parse count (total)Total number of syntax analysis calls (hard, soft, describe)
opened cursors currentNumber of open cursors
db block changesChange count of all blocks in the database
session pga memorySession's current PGA size
undo_segidUndo information ID
undo_blkUndo block count
undo_recUndo record count
sql_addressSQL statement identification data
sql_hash_valueSQL statement identification data
sql_idSQL ID of the running SQL statement
sql_child_numberSub number of the running SQL statement
sql_exec_startStart time point of SQL running in the session
sql_exec_idSQL running ID
prev_sql_addrInformation that identifies the last run SQL statement
prev_child_numberSub number of the last SQL statement executed
prev_exec_startStart time point of the last SQL statement executed
prev_exec_idStart ID of the last SQL statement executed
plsql_entry_object_idObject ID of the top PL/SQL subprogram on the stack.
plsql_entry_subprogram_idID of the top PL/SQL subprogram on the stack.
plsql_object_idSubprogram ID of the running PL/SQL object
taddrTransaction address
lockwaitlock wait address (lock address where the session is waiting)
row_wait_objObject ID of the table containing the row specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#
row_wait_fileID of the data file containing the row specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#
row_wait_blockID of the block containing the row specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#
row_wait_rowCurrently locked row
pdml_statusIf the value is ENABLED, the session is in PARALLEL DML activation mode. If the value is DISABLED, the session does not support the PARALLEL DML activation mode. If the value is DISABLED, the session does not support the PARALLEL DML activation mode.
pq_statusIf the value is ENABLED, the session is in PARALLEL QUERY activation mode. If the value is DISABLE, the session does not support the PARALLEL QUERY activation mode. If the value is FORCED, it indicates the session was changed to force the use of PARALLEL QUERY.
blocking_session_statusIt provides details about whether there is a blocking session.
blocking_instanceInstance ID for the blocking session
blocking_sessionSession ID for the blocking session
final_blocking_session_statusIt provides details about whether there is a last block session.
final_blocking_instanceInstance ID for the last blocking session
final_blocking_sessionSession ID for the last blocking session
service_nameService name of the session. It is similar to the DB name.
saddrSession address
con_idID of the container associated with the data (only for multi-database support)
rss(xos)OS metrics collected by the XOS agent
pss(xos)OS metrics collected by the XOS agent
ioread(xos)OS metrics collected by the XOS agent
iowrite(xos)OS metrics collected by the XOS agent

WhaTap basically stores the client-related information.