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OpenTelemetry monitoring is a Beta version so unexpected errors may occur. It is not recommended for using it for sensitive data or in the operation environment. If you have any feedback or issues, feel free to contact the support team at

You can configure the agent to collect and process various metrics from OpenTelemetry.


  • otel_grpc_server_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    Enable the Grpc server to receive the data delivered via the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP).

  • otel_grpc_server_port String

    Default 6600

    Listening port of the Grpc server.


    After changing the port number, be sure to restart the whatap-otel service.

  • otel_grpc_server_gzip_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    It enables gzip by encrypting the data from the Grpc server.

  • debug_otel_grpc_server_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    It enables the output of debugging logs for processing the OpenTelemetry Trace data.


Agent setting option for processing the OpenTelemetry Trace data. WhaTap gets values from the attributes object of Span, an OpenTelemetry Trace element, and uses them as monitoring information.

See the following code to see how the attributes object of Span relates to the WhaTap's agent configuration.

OpenTelemetry - Span example
"name": "/v1/sys/health",
"context": {
"trace_id": "7bba9f33312b3dbb8b2c2c62bb7abe2d",
"span_id": "086e83747d0e381e"
"parent_id": "",
"start_time": "2021-10-22 16:04:01.209458162 +0000 UTC",
"end_time": "2021-10-22 16:04:01.209514132 +0000 UTC",
"status_code": "STATUS_CODE_OK",
"status_message": "",
"attributes": {
"net.transport": "IP.TCP",
"net.peer.ip": "",
"net.peer.port": "51820",
"": "",
"": "26040",
"http.method": "GET",
"": "/v1/sys/health",
"http.server_name": "mortar-gateway",
"http.route": "/v1/sys/health",
"http.user_agent": "Consul Health Check",
"http.scheme": "http",
"": "",
"http.flavor": "1.1"
"events": [
"name": "",
"message": "OK",
"timestamp": "2021-10-22 16:04:01.209512872 +0000 UTC"
  • otel_trace_server_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    It enables to process the OpenTelemetry Trace data.

  • otel_trace_queue_size Int

    Default 5000

    It sets the queue size for processing the OpenTelemetry Trace data.

  • otel_span_collector_max Int

    Default 100000

    Set the maximum size (number) of the Span data buffers for the OpenTelemetry Trace data.

  • otel_attr_dbcon_keys String

    Default sql.system,db.connection_string,db.system

    Enter the attribute name to be used as DB Connection information. Using this information, WhaTap displays it as the DB Connection step.

  • otel_attr_sql_keys String

    Default db.statement,sql.query

    Enter the attribute name to use as SQL query information. Using this information, WhaTap displays it as the SQL step.

  • otel_attr_httpc_keys String

    Default url.full,http.url,

    Enter the attribute name to use as the HTTP call. Using this information, WhaTap displays it as the HTTP Call step.

  • otel_attr_tx_url_keys String

    Default http.url,http.route,,tyk.api.path,http.url

    Enter the attribute name to use as the service URL for transactions.

  • otel_attr_tx_host_keys String


    Enter the attribute name to use as the host name for transactions.

  • otel_attr_tx_method_keys String

    Default http.method,http.request.method

    Enter the attribute name to use as the HTTP method.

  • otel_attr_tx_status_keys String

    Default http.status_code

    Enter the attribute name to use as the HTTP status code for transactions.

  • otel_attr_tx_useragent_keys String

    Default http.user_agent

    Enter the attribute name to use as the User-Agent for transactions.

  • otel_attr_tx_clientip_keys String

    Default net.peer.ip,net.socket.peer.addr

    Enter the attribute name to use as the client IP for transactions.

  • otel_attr_tx_referer_keys String

    Enter the attribute name to use as the HTTP Referer for transactions.

  • otel_attr_error_keys String

    Default error.type

    Enter the attribute name to use as the error information for transactions.


Agent setting option for processing the OpenTelemetry Metric data.


For more information about the metric data processing for OpenTelemetry, see the following link.

  • otel_metric_server_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    It enables to process the OpenTelemetry Metric data.

  • otel_metric_queue_size Int

    Default 5000

    It sets the queue size for processing the OpenTelemetry Metric data.


Agent setting option for processing the OpenTelemetry Log data.


For more information about the log data processing for OpenTelemetry, see the following link.

  • otel_log_server_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    It enables to process the OpenTelemetry Log data.

  • otel_log_queue_size Int

    Default 5000

    It sets the queue size for processing the OpenTelemetry Log data.