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Installation of the Next.js environment

Server-side rendering (SSR) frameworks such as Next.js require the Custom Server settings for application monitoring. They require an approach different from typical Node.js frameworks (e.g. Express.js, Nest.js).

Installing the agent

Execute the following command to install the agent.

npm install whatap

Agent file structure

  • package.json: Document file for sample applications and dependency management.

  • *whatap.conf This configuration file stores monitoring agent settings, access key, and WhaTap data collection server IP.

  • security.conf (or paramkey.txt): It stores the security key that is entered for viewing SQL variables and HTTP queries, or using the Thread stop function.

  • server.js (example of file name): Server configuration file for Next.js app instances.

Creating the server.js code

Create the server.js file for Next.js application instances. This file must be located in the root path of the project.

Initializing the WhaTap agent

var WhatapAgent = require('whatap').NodeAgent;

Loading Next.js and other required modules

const {createServer} = require('http')
const {parse} = require('url')
const next = require('next')

Configuring the application

const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
const hostname = 'localhost'
const port = 3000

Creating an instance of the Next.js application

In the following code, dev indicates whether it is in development mode. Set the host name and port number in hostname and port.

const app = next({dev, hostname, port})
const handle = app.getRequestHandler()

app.prepare().then(() => {
createServer(async (req, res) => {
try {
const parsedUrl = parse(req.url, true)
const {pathname, query} = parsedUrl

* Render the page.
await handle(req, res, parsedUrl);
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error occurred handling', req.url, err)
res.statusCode = 500
res.end('internal server error')
.once('error', (err) => {
.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`> Ready on http://${hostname}:${port}`)

Viewing the full code

See the completed full code.

var WhatapAgent = require('whatap').NodeAgent;

const {createServer} = require('http')
const {parse} = require('url')
const next = require('next')

const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
const hostname = 'localhost'
const port = 3000

const app = next({dev, hostname, port})
const handle = app.getRequestHandler()

app.prepare().then(() => {
createServer(async (req, res) => {
try {
const parsedUrl = parse(req.url, true)
const {pathname, query} = parsedUrl

* Render the page.
await handle(req, res, parsedUrl);
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error occurred handling', req.url, err)
res.statusCode = 500
res.end('internal server error')
.once('error', (err) => {
.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`> Ready on http://${hostname}:${port}`)

Running the application

node server.js

Next steps

  • If you run the application that is ready for monitoring, see [the following] (install-check) for the checklist.

  • The agent can be set to collect various data from APM. For more information about the agent configuration, see the following.