Installing the Docker environment
It guides you how to create a DockerFile in the Docker environment to install and run the Node.js agent. For the example file used in the following guide, see the following link.
File structure
The Node.js agent's sample file has the structure as follows.
- html/Sample application folder
- DockerfileConfiguration file for building Docker images
- http.jsSample application file
- package.jsonSample application information and dependency management document
- whatap.confAgent configuration file for monitoring
- security.conf (or paramkey.txt)Parameter encryption key
Installing the agent
Add the Node.js agent in the package.json file or execute the npm installation command.
"dependencies": {
"whatap": "^0.4.72"
npm install --save whatap
Container image building
Write the Docker file to build the image.
FROM node:latest
ADD . .
RUN npm install
CMD ["node","http.js"]
Execute the build command.
$ docker build -t sampleapp/nodejs:0503 .
Start the container by setting the collection server IP and access key in the environment variables. The application runs along with the Node.js agent.
export WHATAP_LICENSE={access Key}
export WHATAP_SERVER_HOST={collection server IP}
$ docker run --rm -p 3500:3500 \
-e whatap_server_host=$WHATAP_SERVER_HOST \
-e license=$WHATAP_LICENSE \
Next steps
Checking the installation
If you have applied all for project creation and agent installation, check the checklist in [the following] (install-check).
Agent setting
It provides various features for monitoring by applying some options to the agent configuration file (whatap.conf). It includes basic configuration, configuration for server connection and data transfer, how to manage the configuration files for multiple application servers, and transaction tracing, and more. For more information, see the following.
Starting the monitoring
After all settings are made, restart the application server. The agent starts collecting data. First, check whether the monitoring data has been collected in Application Dashboard. For more information about Application Dashboard, see the following.