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Control of agent functions

The functions of the Node.js application server are controlled.

  • whatap.enabled Boolean

    Default true

    All functions are enabled. Even when the value becomes false, the minimum data to maintain communication with the server is sent.

  • transaction_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    It enables the transaction tracing. If the whatap.enabled option is false, this is ignored.

  • counter_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    It enables the performance counter (e.g. transaction, resource) tracing. If the whatap.enabled option is false, this is ignored.

  • stat_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    It enables the statistical data tracing. The statistical data includes transactions, SQLs, HTTP calls, user agents, and client IPs that are collected every 5 minutes. If the whatap.enabled option is false, this is ignored.

  • license String

    To install the agent, set the access key granted from the server. The access key includes the agent's project and the encryption key for secured communication.

  • encrypt_level encrypt_level [1, 2, 3]

    Default 2

    The WhaTap agent encrypts data selectively depending on the attributes when transferring data to the server. It has performance benefits along with high security. To apply encryption policies in bulk regardless of the data type, see the following options.

    • 1: Encrypted transmission disabled
    • 2: Encrypted transmission for sensitive attributes such as SQL parameters and plain texts.
    • 3: Encrypted transmission for all items
  • realtime_user_thinktime_max MiliSeconds

    Default 300000

    Set the maximum call interval credited by the same user when measuring the number of real-time browser users.

  • time_sync_interval_ms MiliSeconds

    Default 300000

    Set the synchronization time interval between the agent and the server. For no synchronization, set it to 0.

  • ignore_build_file_enabled Boolean Node.js Agent v0.4.96 or later

    Default true

    Set whether to monitor the Next.js build file. If this option is set to true, the Next.js build file is not monitored.

  • ignore_build_file_path String Node.js Agent v0.4.96 or later

    Default /next/

    You can specify the startup path of the Next.js build file to exclude from monitoring. If the ignore_build_file_enabled value is set to true, the setting is applied. You can set multiple paths by using comma (,) as the delimiter.
