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MySQL metrics

Database metrics comprehensively collect the database workload and resource usage. The WhaTap monitoring service continuously collects metric data to identify bottlenecks in the database and provides data to help identify the root cause of the performance issue.

For more information about other metrics, see the following.


This category collects metrics related to agent status every 10 seconds.


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
inActTimeMillisecond(ms)Amount of time the agent remains inactive-
isActive-Whether the agent is active or nottrue / false
isRestart-Whether the agent has been recently restartedtrue / false
lastActTimeMillisecond(ms)Time when the agent was last activated0: If disabled
oid-Unique IDs for each agent in the project-
startTimeMillisecond(ms)Timestamp when the agent was started.-



The following lists the tags that are collected in the db_mysql_counter category.

Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
agentIpIP address per agent.-
dbIsMultiWhether to support the multitenant or not.-
dbNameDatabase name.-
dbTypeDatabase type.-
dbVersionVersion of the database in use.-
onameAgent nameUnique value


The following lists the fields that are collected in the db_mysql_counter category.

Aborted_clientsNumber of abnormal client disconnections.Connection
Aborted_connectsNumber of client connection failures.Connection
Acl_cache_items_countNumber of ACL (access control list) cache entries.Info
Binlog_bytes_written-Number of bytes recorded in the binary log.Performance
Binlog_cache_disk_useNumber of uses of the binary log cache written on the disk.I/O
Binlog_cache_useNumber of uses of the binary log cache.I/O
Binlog_commits-Number of commits recorded in the binary log.Performance
Binlog_stmt_cache_disk_useNumber of uses of the binary log statement cache written on the disk.I/O
Binlog_stmt_cache_useNumber of uses of the binary log statement cache.I/O
Bytes_receivedTotal number of bytes of data received by the DB server. If this value is high, it indicates that the server is heavily focused on write operations (such as insert).MySQL Resource
Bytes_sentTotal number of bytes of data transmitted by the database server. If this value is high, it indicates that the server is heavily focused on read operations (such as select). By using this value along with Questions and Uptime, you can calculate metrics such as average bytes per query and bytes processed per hour.MySQL Resource
Com_admin_commandsNumber of administrative commands executed.Performance
Com_alter_dbNumber of executions of ALTER DATABASE command.Performance
Com_alter_eventNumber of executions of the ALTER EVENT command.Performance
Com_alter_functionNumber of executions of the ALTER FUNCTION command.Performance
Com_alter_instanceNumber of executions of the ALTER INSTANCE command.Performance
Com_alter_procedureNumber of executions of the ALTER PROCEDURE command.Performance
Com_alter_resource_groupNumber of executions of the ALTER RESOURCE GROUP command.Performance
Com_alter_serverNumber of executions of the ALTER SERVER command.Performance
Com_alter_tableNumber of executions of ALTER TABLE command.Performance
Com_alter_tablespaceNumber of executions of ALTER TABLESPACE command.Performance
Com_alter_userNumber of executions of the ALTER USER command.Performance
Com_alter_user_default_roleNumber of executions of the ALTER USER DEFAULT ROLE command.Performance
Com_analyzeNumber of executions of the ANALYZE command.Performance
Com_assign_to_keycacheNumber of executions of the command assigned to the KEYCACHE.Performance
Com_beginNumber of executions of the BEGIN command.Performance
Com_binlogNumber of executions of the BINLOG command.Performance
Com_call_procedureNumber of executions of the CALL PROCEDURE command.Performance
Com_change_dbNumber of executions of CHANGE DATABASE command.Performance
Com_change_masterNumber of executions of the CHANGE MASTER command.Performance
Com_change_repl_filterNumber of executions of the CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER command.Performance
Com_change_replication_sourceNumber of executions of the CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE command.Performance
Com_checkNumber of executions of the CHECK command.Performance
Com_checksumNumber of executions of the CHECKSUM command.Performance
Com_cloneNumber of executions of the CLONE command.Performance
Com_commitNumber of executions of the COMMIT command.Throughput
Com_create_dbNumber of executions of CREATE DATABASE command.Performance
Com_create_eventNumber of executions of the CREATE EVENT command.Performance
Com_create_functionNumber of executions of the CREATE FUNCTION command.Performance
Com_create_indexNumber of executions of the CREATE INDEX command.Performance
Com_create_procedureNumber of executions of the CREATE PROCEDURE command.Performance
Com_create_resource_groupNumber of executions of the CREATE RESOURCE GROUP command.Performance
Com_create_roleNumber of executions of the CREATE ROLE command.Performance
Com_create_serverNumber of executions of the CREATE SERVER command.Performance
Com_create_spatial_reference_systemNumber of executions of the CREATE SPATIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM command.Performance
Com_create_tableNumber of executions of the CREATE TABLE command.Performance
Com_create_triggerNumber of executions of the CREATE TRIGGER command.Performance
Com_create_udfNumber of executions of the CREATE UDF command.Performance
Com_create_userNumber of executions of the CREATE USER command.Performance
Com_create_viewNumber of executions of the CREATE VIEW command.Performance
Com_dealloc_sqlNumber of executions of the DEALLOC SQL command.Performance
Com_deleteNumber of executions of the DELETE command. It counts the number of rows deleted from the table that are different from handler_delete.Throughput
Com_delete_multiNumber of executions of the DELETE MULTI command.Performance
Com_doNumber of executions of the DO command.Performance
Com_drop_dbNumber of executions of DROP DATABASE command.Performance
Com_drop_eventNumber of executions of the DROP EVENT command.Performance
Com_drop_functionNumber of executions of the DROP FUNCTION command.Performance
Com_drop_indexNumber of executions of the DROP INDEX command.Performance
Com_drop_procedureNumber of executions of the DROP PROCEDURE command.Performance
Com_drop_resource_groupNumber of executions of the DROP RESOURCE GROUP command.Performance
Com_drop_roleNumber of executions of the DROP ROLE command.Performance
Com_drop_serverNumber of executions of the DROP SERVER command.Performance
Com_drop_spatial_reference_systemNumber of executions of the DROP SPATIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM command.Performance
Com_drop_tableNumber of executions of the DROP TABLE command.Performance
Com_drop_triggerNumber of executions of the DROP TRIGGER command.Performance
Com_drop_userNumber of executions of the DROP USER command.Performance
Com_drop_viewNumber of executions of the DROP VIEW command.Performance
Com_empty_queryNumber of executions of empty query.Performance
Com_execute_sqlNumber of executions of the SQL command.Performance
Com_explain_otherNumber of executions of the EXPLAIN OTHER command.Performance
Com_flushNumber of executions of the FLUSH command.Performance
Com_get_diagnosticsNumber of executions of the GET DIAGNOSTICS command.Performance
Com_grantNumber of executions of the GRANT command.Performance
Com_grant_rolesNumber of executions of the GRANT ROLES command.Performance
Com_group_replication_startNumber of executions of the GROUP REPLICATION START command.Performance
Com_group_replication_stopNumber of executions of the GROUP REPLICATION STOP command.Performance
Com_ha_closeNumber of executions of the HA CLOSE command.Performance
Com_ha_openNumber of executions of the HA OPEN command.Performance
Com_ha_readNumber of executions of the HA READ command.Performance
Com_helpNumber of executions of the HELP command.Info
Com_importNumber of executions of the IMPORT command.Performance
Com_insertNumber of executions of the INSERT command.Throughput
Com_insert_selectNumber of executions of the INSERT SELECT command.Performance
Com_install_componentNumber of executions of the INSTALL COMPONENT command.Performance
Com_install_pluginNumber of executions of the INSTALL PLUGIN command.Performance
Com_killNumber of executions of the KILL command.Performance
Com_loadNumber of executions of the LOAD command.Performance
Com_lock_instanceNumber of executions of the LOCK INSTANCE command.Performance
Com_lock_tablesNumber of executions of LOCK TABLES command.Performance
Com_optimizeNumber of executions of the OPTIMIZE command.Performance
Com_preload_keysNumber of executions of the PRELOAD KEYS command.Performance
Com_prepare_sqlNumber of preparations of the SQL command.Performance
Com_purgeNumber of executions of the PURGE command.Performance
Com_purge_before_dateNumber of data purges before a specific date.Performance
Com_release_savepointNumber of executions of the SAVEPOINT release command.Performance
Com_rename_tableNumber of executions of the RENAME TABLE command.Performance
Com_rename_userNumber of executions of the RENAME USER command.Performance
Com_repairNumber of executions of the REPAIR command.Performance
Com_replaceNumber of executions of the REPLACE command.Performance
Com_replace_selectNumber of executions of the REPLACE SELECT command.Performance
Com_replica_startNumber of executions of the REPLICA START command.Connection
Com_replica_stopNumber of executions of the REPLICA STOP command.Connection
Com_resetNumber of executions of the RESET command.Performance
Com_resignalNumber of executions of the RESIGNAL command.Performance
Com_restartNumber of executions of the RESTART command.Performance
Com_revokeNumber of executions of the REVOKE command.Performance
Com_revoke_allNumber of executions of the REVOKE ALL command.Performance
Com_revoke_rolesNumber of executions of the REVOKE ROLES command.Performance
Com_rollbackNumber of executions of the ROLLBACK command.Throughput
Com_rollback_to_savepointNumber of rollbacks to a specific SAVEPOINT.Performance
Com_savepointNumber of executions of the SAVEPOINT command.Performance
Com_selectNumber of executions of the SELECT command.Throughput
Com_set_optionNumber of executions of the SET OPTION command.Performance
Com_set_passwordNumber of executions of the SET PASSWORD command.Performance
Com_set_resource_groupNumber of executions of the SET RESOURCE GROUP command.Performance
Com_set_roleNumber of executions of the SET ROLE command.Performance
Com_show_binlog_eventsNumber of executions of the SHOW BINLOG EVENTS command.Info
Com_show_binlogsNumber of executions of the SHOW BINLOGS command.Info
Com_show_charsetsNumber of executions of SHOW CHARSETS command.Info
Com_show_collationsNumber of executions of the SHOW COLLATIONS command.Info
Com_show_create_dbNumber of executions of the SHOW CREATE DATABASE command.Info
Com_show_create_eventNumber of executions of the SHOW CREATE EVENT command.Info
Com_show_create_funcNumber of executions of the SHOW CREATE FUNCTION command.Info
Com_show_create_procNumber of executions of the SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE command.Info
Com_show_create_tableNumber of executions of the SHOW CREATE TABLE command.Info
Com_show_create_triggerNumber of executions of the SHOW CREATE TRIGGER command.Info
Com_show_create_userNumber of executions of the SHOW CREATE USER command.Info
Com_show_databasesNumber of executions of SHOW DATABASE command.Info
Com_show_engine_logsNumber of executions of the SHOW ENGINE LOGS command.Info
Com_show_engine_mutexNumber of executions of the SHOW ENGINE MUTEX command.Info
Com_show_engine_statusNumber of executions of the SHOW ENGINE STATUS command.Info
Com_show_errorsNumber of executions of the SHOW ERRORS command.Info
Com_show_eventsNumber of executions of the SHOW EVENTS command.Info
Com_show_fieldsNumber of executions of the SHOW FIELDS command.Info
Com_show_function_codeNumber of executions of the SHOW FUNCTION CODE command.Info
Com_show_function_statusNumber of executions of the SHOW FUNCTION STATUS command.Info
Com_show_grantsNumber of executions of the SHOW GRANTS command.Info
Com_show_keysNumber of executions of the SHOW KEYS command.Info
Com_show_master_statusNumber of executions of the SHOW MASTER STATUS command.Info
Com_show_open_tablesNumber of executions of the SHOW OPEN TABLES command.Info
Com_show_pluginsNumber of executions of the SHOW PLUGINS command.Info
Com_show_privilegesNumber of executions of the SHOW PRIVILEGES command.Info
Com_show_procedure_codeNumber of executions of the SHOW PROCEDURE CODE command.Info
Com_show_procedure_statusNumber of executions of the SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS command.Info
Com_show_processlistNumber of executions of the SHOW PROCESSLIST command.Info
Com_show_profileNumber of executions of the SHOW PROFILE command.Info
Com_show_profilesNumber of executions of the SHOW PROFILES command.Info
Com_show_relaylog_eventsNumber of executions of the SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS command.Info
Com_show_replica_statusNumber of executions of the SHOW REPLICA STATUS command.Info
Com_show_replicasNumber of executions of the SHOW REPLICAS command.Info
Com_show_slave_hostsNumber of executions of the SHOW SLAVE HOSTS command.Info
Com_show_slave_statusNumber of executions of the SHOW SLAVE STATUS command.Info
Com_show_statusNumber of executions of the SHOW STATUS command.Info
Com_show_storage_enginesNumber of executions of the SHOW STORAGE ENGINES command.Info
Com_show_table_statusNumber of executions of the SHOW TABLE STATUS command.Info
Com_show_tablesNumber of executions of SHOW TABLES command.Info
Com_show_triggersNumber of executions of the SHOW TRIGGERS command.Info
Com_show_variablesNumber of executions of SHOW VARIABLES command.Info
Com_show_warningsNumber of executions of the SHOW WARNINGS command.Info
Com_shutdownNumber of executions of the SHUTDOWN command.Performance
Com_signalNumber of executions of the SIGNAL command.Performance
Com_slave_startNumber of executions of the SLAVE START command.Connection
Com_slave_stopNumber of executions of the SLAVE STOP command.Connection
Com_stmt_closeNumber of executions of the STMT CLOSE command.Performance
Com_stmt_executeNumber of executions of the STMT EXECUTE command.Performance
Com_stmt_fetchNumber of executions of the STMT FETCH command.Performance
Com_stmt_prepareNumber of executions of the STMT PREPARE command.Performance
Com_stmt_reprepareNumber of executions of the STMT REPREPARE command.Performance
Com_stmt_resetNumber of executions of the STMT RESET command.Performance
Com_stmt_send_long_dataNumber of executions of the STMT SEND LONG DATA command.Performance
Com_truncateNumber of executions of the TRUNCATE command.Performance
Com_uninstall_componentNumber of executions of the UNINSTALL COMPONENT command.Performance
Com_uninstall_pluginNumber of executions of the UNINSTALL PLUGIN command.Performance
Com_unlock_instanceNumber of executions of the UNLOCK INSTANCE command.Performance
Com_unlock_tablesNumber of executions of UNLOCK TABLES command.Performance
Com_updateNumber of executions of the UPDATE command.Throughput
Com_update_multiNumber of executions of the UPDATE MULTI command.Performance
Com_xa_commitNumber of executions of the XA COMMIT command.Performance
Com_xa_endNumber of executions of the XA END command.Performance
Com_xa_prepareNumber of executions of the XA PREPARE command.Performance
Com_xa_recoverNumber of executions of the XA RECOVER command.Performance
Com_xa_rollbackNumber of executions of the XA ROLLBACK command.Performance
Com_xa_startNumber of executions of the XA START command.Performance
Connection_errors_acceptNumber of client connection errors.Connection
Connection_errors_internalNumber of internal connection errors.Connection
Connection_errors_max_connectionsNumber of connection errors rejected by the limit of max_connections.Connection
Connection_errors_peer_addressNumber of peer address connection errors.Connection
Connection_errors_selectNumber of SELECT connection errors.Connection
Connection_errors_tcpwrapNumber of TCP WRAP connection errors.Connection
ConnectionsTotal number of client connections.Connection
Created_tmp_disk_tablesNumber of temporary tables on disk created by the server while executing commands. Because the disk usage can degrade the performance, if this value increases, consider adjusting the value for tmp_table_size or max_heap_table_size.MySQL Resource
Created_tmp_filesNumber of temporary files created by mysqld.MySQL Resource
Created_tmp_tablesNumber of internal temporary tables created by the server while executing commands. Temporary tables can be used in a few cases, typically when using UNION ALL in a query or when using ORDER BY, GROUP BY, or DISTINCT. It is recommended that the number of temporary tables on disk (Created_tmp_disk_tables) is not high (less than 10%) relative to the total number of internal temporary tables (Created_tmp_disk_tables + Created_tmp_tables).MySQL Resource
Delayed_errorsNumber of errors among delayed inserts.Performance
Delayed_insert_threadsNumber of threads handling delayed inserts.Performance
Delayed_writesNumber of delayed inserts.Performance
Deprecated_use_i_s_processlist_countNumber of uses of the deprecated INFORMATION_SCHEMA PROCESSLIST.Info
Deprecated_use_i_s_processlist_last_timestampTimestamp of the last used deprecated INFORMATION_SCHEMA PROCESSLIST.Info
Error_log_buffered_bytesNumber of bytes in the buffered error log.I/O
Error_log_buffered_eventsNumber of buffered error log events.I/O
Error_log_expired_eventsNumber of events in the expired error log.I/O
Error_log_latest_writeRecorded time of the last error log.Info
Flush_commandsNumber of executions of the FLUSH command.Performance
Global_connection_memoryUsage of the global connection memory.MySQL Resource
Handler_commitNumber of COMMIT operations.I/O
Handler_deleteNumber of DELETE operations.I/O
Handler_discoverNumber of DISCOVER operations.I/O
Handler_external_lockNumber of external lock operations.I/O
Handler_mrr_initMRR (Multi-range Read) initialization count.I/O
Handler_prepareNumber of PREPARE operations.I/O
Handler_read_firstNumber of read operations of the first record.I/O
Handler_read_keyNumber of key read operations.I/O
Handler_read_lastNumber of read operations of the last record.I/O
Handler_read_nextNumber of read operations of the next record.I/O
Handler_read_prevNumber of read operations of the previous record.I/O
Handler_read_rndNumber of read operations of the random record.I/O
Handler_read_rnd_nextNumber of read operations of the random next record.I/O
Handler_rollbackNumber of ROLLBACK operations.I/O
Handler_savepointNumber of SAVEPOINT operations.I/O
Handler_savepoint_rollbackNumber of SAVEPOINT ROLLBACK operations.I/O
Handler_updateNumber of UPDATE operations.I/O
Handler_writeNumber of WRITE operations.I/O
Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dataNumber of bytes containing data in the InnoDB buffer pool.MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dirtyNumber of bytes changed in the InnoDB buffer pool (number of dirty data).MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dataNumber of pages being used in the InnoDB buffer pool.MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirtyNumber of pages changed in the InnoDB buffer pool (number of dirty pages).MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushedNumber of pages flushed from the InnoDB buffer pool. Because excessive flushing can put a burden on the disk while writing dirty data, it must be monitored along with the disk performance.MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_freeNumber of pages available in the InnoDB buffer pool.MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_miscNumber of administrative pages in the InnoDB buffer pool.MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_totalTotal number of pages in the InnoDB buffer pool.MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_aheadNumber of read-ahead occurrences in the InnoDB buffer pool.MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evictedNumber of read-ahead pages removed from the buffer pool.MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rndNumber of random read-ahead occurrences.MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requestsNumber of logical read requests in the InnoDB buffer pool. Inodb buffer pool hit ratio can be calculated as follows, and 90% or higher is recommended. If the hit ratio is low, consider adding Innodb_buffer_pool_size.
Calculation method: Buffer Hit Ratio = (1 - (Innodb_buffer_pool_reads/Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests)) * 100
MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_readsNumber of read operations occurred from the physical disk in the InnoDB buffer pool. It is the number of logical read requests that required reading directly from the disk because there is no data in the InnoDB buffer pool.MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_resize_status_codeInnoDB buffer pool size adjustment status code.MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_resize_status_progressInnoDB buffer pool size adjustment progress ratio.MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_freeNumber of waits occurred when the InnoDB buffer pool is full.MySQL Resource
Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requestsNumber of write requests in the InnoDB buffer pool.MySQL Resource
Innodb_data_fsyncsNumber of data file fsync calls.MySQL Resource
Innodb_data_pending_fsyncsNumber of pending fsync operations.MySQL Resource
Innodb_data_pending_readsNumber of pending read operations.MySQL Resource
Innodb_data_pending_writesNumber of pending write operations.MySQL Resource
Innodb_data_readNumber of data bytes read from the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_data_readsNumber of read operations in the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_data_writesNumber of write operations in the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_data_writtenNumber of data bytes written to the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_dblwr_pages_writtenNumber of pages written in the InnoDB double write buffer.MySQL Resource
Innodb_dblwr_writesNumber of write operations in the InnoDB double write buffer.MySQL Resource
Innodb_log_waitsThe number of times waited for the log buffer to be flushed because it was small. The redo log contention rate can be calculated as (Innodb_log_waits/Innodb_log_writes), a value less than 1 is recommended. If Wait is high, consider increasing innodb_log_buffer_size.MySQL Resource
Innodb_log_write_requestsNumber of write requests to the InnoDB log.MySQL Resource
Innodb_log_writesNumber of physical writes to the InnoDB Redo log file.MySQL Resource
Innodb_num_open_filesNumber of files open in the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_os_log_fsyncsNumber of fsync calls to the operating system log file.MySQL Resource
Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncsNumber of pending fsync operations for the operating system log file.MySQL Resource
Innodb_os_log_pending_writesNumber of pending write operations to the operating system log file.MySQL Resource
Innodb_os_log_writtenNumber of bytes written to the operating system log file.MySQL Resource
Innodb_page_sizeInnoDB page size.MySQL Resource
Innodb_pages_createdNumber of pages created in the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_pages_readNumber of pages read from the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_pages_writtenNumber of pages written in the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_redo_log_capacity_resizedNumber of adjusts to the InnoDB Redo log capacity.MySQL Resource
Innodb_redo_log_checkpoint_lsnInnoDB Redo log checkpoint LSN.MySQL Resource
Innodb_redo_log_current_lsnCurrent LSN of the InnoDB Redo log.MySQL Resource
Innodb_redo_log_flushed_to_disk_lsnLSN at which the InnoDB Redo log has been written to disk.MySQL Resource
Innodb_redo_log_logical_sizeLogical size of the InnoDB Redo log.MySQL Resource
Innodb_redo_log_physical_sizePhysical size of the InnoDB Redo log.MySQL Resource
Innodb_redo_log_uuidUUID of the InnoDB Redo log.MySQL Resource
Innodb_row_lock_current_waitsCurrent number of the pending InnoDB row locks.MySQL Resource
Innodb_row_lock_timeTime spent to acquire the InnoDB row lock (in milliseconds).Performance
Innodb_row_lock_time_avgAverage time for the InnoDB row locks.Performance
Innodb_row_lock_time_maxMaximum time for the InnoDB row locks.Performance
Innodb_row_lock_waitsNumber of pending InnoDB row locks. This is the waiting count to acquire a lock, not the number of lock acquisitions. If this metric increases more than usual, the query wait occurs (lock contention) and query tuning is required.Performance
Innodb_rows_deletedNumber of rows deleted from the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_rows_insertedNumber of rows inserted in the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_rows_readNumber of rows read in the InnoDB (rows processed by SELECT).Throughput
Innodb_rows_updatedNumber of rows updated in the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_rows_writesNumber of rows written in the InnoDB (rows processed by WRITE).
It is the same as the formula: Innodb_rows_inserted + Innodb_rows_updated + Innodb_rows_deleted.
Innodb_sampled_pages_readNumber of pages sampled in the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_sampled_pages_skippedNumber of pages skipped from sampling in the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_system_rows_deletedNumber of rows deleted from the InnoDB system.MySQL Resource
Innodb_system_rows_insertedNumber of rows inserted by the InnoDB system.MySQL Resource
Innodb_system_rows_readNumber of rows read by the InnoDB system.MySQL Resource
Innodb_system_rows_updatedNumber of rows updated by the InnoDB system.MySQL Resource
Innodb_truncated_status_writesNumber of truncated records in the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_undo_tablespaces_activeNumber of undo tablespaces enabled in the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_undo_tablespaces_explicitNumber of undo tablespaces explicitly created in the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_undo_tablespaces_implicitNumber of undo tablespaces implicitly created in the InnoDB.MySQL Resource
Innodb_undo_tablespaces_totalTotal number of InnoDB undo tablespaces.MySQL Resource
Key_blocks_not_flushedNumber of unflushed key blocks.I/O
Key_blocks_unusedNumber of unused key blocks.I/O
Key_blocks_usedNumber of used key blocks.I/O
Key_read_requestsNumber of key read requests.I/O
Key_readsNumber of key blocks read from disk.I/O
Key_write_requestsNumber of key write requests.I/O
Key_writesNumber of key blocks written to disk.I/O
Locked_connectsNumber of closed connections.Connection
Max_execution_time_exceededNumber of queries that exceeded the maximum execution time.Performance
Max_execution_time_setNumber of cases whose maximum execution time has been set.Performance
Max_execution_time_set_failedNumber of cases whose maximum execution time has not been set.Performance
Max_used_connectionsMaximum number of connections made since the startup.Connection
Mysqlx_aborted_clientsNumber of clients aborted in the MySQL X protocol.Connection
Mysqlx_bytes_receivedNumber of bytes received in the MySQL X protocol.Throughput
Mysqlx_bytes_received_compressed_payloadNumber of bytes received using compressed payloads in the MySQL X protocol.Throughput
Mysqlx_bytes_received_uncompressed_frameNumber of bytes received using uncompressed frames in the MySQL X protocol.Throughput
Mysqlx_bytes_sentNumber of bytes transmitted from the MySQL X protocol.Throughput
Mysqlx_bytes_sent_compressed_payloadNumber of bytes transmitted using the compressed payload in the MySQL X protocol.Throughput
Mysqlx_bytes_sent_uncompressed_frameNumber of bytes transmitted using uncompressed frames in the MySQL X protocol.Throughput
Mysqlx_connection_accept_errorsNumber of connection acceptance errors in the MySQL X protocol.Connection
Mysqlx_connection_errorsNumber of connection errors occurred in the MySQL X protocol.Connection
Mysqlx_connections_acceptedNumber of connections accepted in the MySQL X protocol.Connection
Mysqlx_connections_closedNumber of connections closed in the MySQL X protocol.Connection
Mysqlx_connections_rejectedNumber of connections rejected in the MySQL X protocol.Connection
Mysqlx_crud_create_viewNumber of CREATE VIEW commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_crud_deleteNumber of DELETE commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_crud_drop_viewNumber of DROP VIEW commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_crud_findNumber of FIND commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_crud_insertNumber of INSERT commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_crud_modify_viewNumber of MODIFY VIEW commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_crud_updateNumber of UPDATE commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_cursor_closeNumber of cursor closing commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_cursor_fetchNumber of cursor fetch commands in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_cursor_openNumber of cursor opening commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_errors_sentNumber of errors sent to clients from the MySQL X protocol.Info
Mysqlx_errors_unknown_message_typeNumber of unknown message type errors in the MySQL X protocol.Info
Mysqlx_expect_closeNumber of EXPECT CLOSE commands in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_expect_openNumber of EXPECT OPEN commands in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_init_errorNumber of initialization errors in the MySQL X protocol.Info
Mysqlx_messages_sentNumber of messages sent to clients from the MySQL X protocol.Info
Mysqlx_notice_global_sentNumber of global notifications sent from the MySQL X protocol.Info
Mysqlx_notice_other_sentNumber of other notifications sent from the MySQL X protocol.Info
Mysqlx_notice_warning_sentNumber of alerts sent from the MySQL X protocol.Info
Mysqlx_notified_by_group_replicationNumber of group replication notifications from the MySQL X protocol.Connection
Mysqlx_portPort used in the MySQL X protocol.Info
Mysqlx_prep_deallocateNumber of SQL DEALLOCATE commands prepared in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_prep_executeNumber of SQL EXECUTE commands prepared in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_prep_prepareNumber of SQL PREPARE commands prepared in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_rows_sentNumber of rows sent to clients from the MySQL X protocol.Throughput
Mysqlx_sessionsNumber of active sessions in the MySQL X protocol.Connection
Mysqlx_sessions_acceptedNumber of sessions accepted in the MySQL X protocol.Connection
Mysqlx_sessions_closedNumber of sessions closed in the MySQL X protocol.Connection
Mysqlx_sessions_fatal_errorNumber of sessions closed in the MySQL X protocol due to fatal errors.Connection
Mysqlx_sessions_killedNumber of sessions forcibly terminated in the MySQL X protocol.Connection
Mysqlx_sessions_rejectedNumber of sessions rejected in the MySQL X protocol.Connection
Mysqlx_ssl_acceptsNumber of SSL connections accepted in the MySQL X protocol.Connection
Mysqlx_ssl_ctx_verify_depthSSL verification depth in the MySQL X protocol.Info
Mysqlx_ssl_ctx_verify_modeSSL verification mode in the MySQL X protocol.Info
Mysqlx_ssl_finished_acceptsNumber of SSL connections completed in the MySQL X protocol.Connection
Mysqlx_stmt_create_collectionNumber of CREATE COLLECTION commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_create_collection_indexNumber of CREATE COLLECTION INDEX commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_disable_noticesNumber of DISABLE NOTICES commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_drop_collectionNumber of DROP COLLECTION commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_drop_collection_indexNumber of DROP COLLECTION INDEX commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_enable_noticesNumber of ENABLE NOTICES commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_ensure_collectionNumber of ENSURE COLLECTION commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_execute_mysqlxNumber of EXECUTE MYSQLX commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_execute_sqlNumber of EXECUTE SQL commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_execute_xpluginNumber of EXECUTE XPLUGIN commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_get_collection_optionsNumber of GET COLLECTION OPTIONS commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_kill_clientNumber of KILL CLIENT commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_list_clientsNumber of LIST CLIENTS commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_list_noticesNumber of LIST NOTICES commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_list_objectsNumber of LIST OBJECTS commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_modify_collection_optionsNumber of MODIFY COLLECTION OPTIONS commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_stmt_pingNumber of PING commands executed in the MySQL X protocol.Performance
Mysqlx_worker_threadsNumber of worker threads activated in the MySQL X protocol.MySQL Resource
Mysqlx_worker_threads_activeNumber of active worker threads in the MySQL X protocol.MySQL Resource
Not_flushed_delayed_rowsNumber of unflushed pending rows.I/O
Ongoing_anonymous_transaction_countNumber of anonymous transactions in progress.Connection
Open_filesNumber of open files.I/O
Open_streamsNumber of open streams.I/O
Open_table_definitionsNumber of open table definitions.I/O
Open_tablesNumber of open tables.I/O
Opened_filesNumber of open files.I/O
Opened_table_definitionsNumber of open table definitions.I/O
Opened_tablesNumber of open tables.I/O
Performance_schema_accounts_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema accounts.Info
Performance_schema_cond_classes_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema condition classes.Info
Performance_schema_cond_instances_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema condition instances.Info
Performance_schema_digest_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema digests.Info
Performance_schema_file_classes_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema file classes.Info
Performance_schema_file_handles_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema file handles.Info
Performance_schema_file_instances_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema file instances.Info
Performance_schema_hosts_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema hosts.Info
Performance_schema_index_stat_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema index statistics.Info
Performance_schema_locker_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema lockers.Info
Performance_schema_memory_classes_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema memory classes.Info
Performance_schema_metadata_lock_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema metadata locks.Info
Performance_schema_mutex_classes_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema mutex classes.Info
Performance_schema_mutex_instances_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema mutex instances.Info
Performance_schema_nested_statement_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema nested sentences.Info
Performance_schema_prepared_statements_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema prepared sentences.Info
Performance_schema_program_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema programs.Info
Performance_schema_rwlock_classes_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema read/write lock classes.Info
Performance_schema_rwlock_instances_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema read/write lock instances.Info
Performance_schema_session_connect_attrs_longest_seenMaximum length for session connection attributes seen in the Performance Schema.Info
Performance_schema_session_connect_attrs_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema session connection attributes.Info
Performance_schema_socket_classes_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema socket classes.Info
Performance_schema_socket_instances_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema socket instances.Info
Performance_schema_stage_classes_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema stage classes.Info
Performance_schema_statement_classes_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema sentence classes.Info
Performance_schema_table_handles_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema table handles.Info
Performance_schema_table_instances_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema table instances.Info
Performance_schema_table_lock_stat_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema table lock statistics.Info
Performance_schema_thread_classes_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema thread classes.Info
Performance_schema_thread_instances_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema thread instances.Info
Performance_schema_users_lostNumber of lost Performance Schema users.Info
Prepared_stmt_countNumber of prepared sentences.Performance
QueriesNumber of statements executed by the servers, excluding com_ping and com_statistics. It differs from Questions because it also counts the queries executed in the stored program.Throughput
QuestionsNumber of executed queries.Throughput
Replica_open_temp_tablesNumber of open temporary tables.I/O
Secondary_engine_execution_countNumber of tasks executed by the secondary engine.I/O
Select_full_joinNumber of full scans for driven tables without using indexes when joining more than one table.Throughput
Select_full_range_joinNumber of join operations in full range.I/O
Select_rangeNumber of range selection operations.I/O
Select_range_checkNumber of range checking operations.I/O
Select_scanNumber of full scans for the driving table. In this case, ALL appears in the type column of the plan.Throughput
Slave_open_temp_tablesNumber of open temporary tables.I/O
Slaves_runningNumber of running slave SQL threads.Performance
Slow_launch_threadsNumber of slowly launched threads.Performance
Slow_queriesNumber of queries executed longer than the time set in the DB parameter option, long_query_time (seconds).Performance
Sort_merge_passesNumber of sorting and merging operations.I/O
Sort_rangeNumber of range sorting operations.I/O
Sort_rowsNumber of sorted rows.I/O
Sort_scanNumber of scan sorting operations.I/O
Ssl_accept_renegotiatesNumber of SSL connection renegotiations.Connection
Ssl_acceptsNumber of accepted SSL connections.Connection
Ssl_callback_cache_hitsNumber of SSL callback cache hits.Performance
Ssl_client_connectsNumber of SSL client connections.Connection
Ssl_connect_renegotiatesNumber of SSL connection renegotiations.Connection
Ssl_ctx_verify_depthVerification depth of the SSL context.Info
Ssl_ctx_verify_modeVerification mode of the SSL context.Info
Ssl_default_timeoutSSL default timeout.Info
Ssl_finished_acceptsNumber of finished SSL connections.Connection
Ssl_finished_connectsNumber of finished SSL client connections.Connection
Ssl_session_cache_hitsNumber of SSL session cache hits.Performance
Ssl_session_cache_missesNumber of SSL session cache misses.Performance
Ssl_session_cache_overflowsNumber of SSL session cache overflows.Performance
Ssl_session_cache_sizeSSL session cache size.MySQL Resource
Ssl_session_cache_timeoutSSL session cache timeout.Info
Ssl_session_cache_timeoutsNumber of SSL session cache timeouts.Info
Ssl_sessions_reusedNumber of reused SSL sessions.Connection
Ssl_used_session_cache_entriesNumber of used SSL session cache entries.Performance
Ssl_verify_depthVerification depth of the SSL.Info
Ssl_verify_modeVerification mode of the SSL.Info
Table_locks_immediateNumber of immediately acquired table locks.I/O
Table_locks_waitedNumber of table locks acquired after waiting.I/O
Table_open_cache_hitsNumber of table open cache hits.I/O
Table_open_cache_missesNumber of table open cache misses.I/O
Table_open_cache_overflowsNumber of table open cache overflows.I/O
Tc_log_max_pages_usedMaximum number of used Tc log pages.I/O
Tc_log_page_sizeTc log page size.Info
Tc_log_page_waitsNumber of Tc log page waits.I/O
Threads_cachedNumber of cached threads.MySQL Resource
Threads_connectedNumber of connected threads.Connection
Threads_createdNumber of created threads.Connection
Threads_runningNumber of running threads.Connection
UptimeServer uptime.Info
Uptime_since_flush_statusTime elapsed since the last flush.Info
WritesNumber of commands used by Write. It is the same as the formula: Com_insert + Com_update + Com_delete.Throughput
active_sessionsNumber of active sessions. It is the same value as the Threads_running metric.Connection
connect_errorNumber of connection errors.Connection
fatal_countNumber of fatal errors.Connection
lock_wait_sessionsNumber of pending sessions for acquiring a row lock. It is the number of innodb_lock_waits (data_lock_waits).Performance
long_running_sessionsNumber of long running sessions.Connection
max_connectionsMaximum number of concurrent client connections. Too ManyConnection Error may occur if the number of connections is insufficient.Info
node_stateThis database consists of replication relationships. 1: Master, 2: Slave.Info
replication_brokenWhether replication failed or not.Connection
replication_delayReplication delay time. Delay time reflected in the replication database for the replication structure, this is a metric measured in the slave DB.Performance
seconds_behind_masterDelay time behind the master (seconds).Connection
total_runtimeTotal query execution time.Performance
wait/io/file/csv/dataCSV data file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/csv/metadataCSV metadata file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/innodb/innodb_data_fileInnoDB data file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/innodb/innodb_dblwr_fileInnoDB double write file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/innodb/innodb_log_fileInnoDB log file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/innodb/innodb_temp_fileInnoDB temporary file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/mysys/charsetMySys character set file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/mysys/cnfMySys configuration file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/sql/ERRMSGSQL error message file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/sql/binlogSQL binary log file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/sql/binlog_indexSQL binary log index file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/sql/casetestSQL case test file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/sql/miscSQL miscellaneous files waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/sql/pidSQL PID file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/sql/relaylogSQL relay log file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/sql/relaylog_indexSQL relay log index file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/file/sql/slow_logSQL slow log file waiting time.I/O
wait/io/table/sql/handlerSQL handler table waiting time.I/O
wait/lock/table/sql/handlerSQL handler table lock waiting time.I/O
waiting_for_table_flush_sessionsNumber of sessions waiting for table flushI/O
warning_countNumber of warnings.Info

XOS-related metrics

The following describes the metrics collected from the XOS agent.

cpu(xos)pctCPU utilization, cpu_user + cpu_sys + cpu_iowait.
cpu_user(xos)pctTime spent for CPU to execute user code.
cpu_sys(xos)pctTime spent for CPU to execute the kernel code.
cpu_iowait(xos)pctCPU time waited for IO.
cpu_idle(xos)pctCPU processor's idle time.
disk_reads(xos)blockAmount of data read from disk.
disk_read_bytes(xos)byteAmount of data read from disk.
disk_writes(xos)blockAmount of data written to disk.
disk_write_bytes(xos)byteAmount of data written to disk.
mem(xos)pctMemory utilization.
mem_total(xos)MBTotal amount of memory.
mem_free(xos)MBAmount of memory not in use by the system.
mem_used(xos)MBAmount of memory in use by the system.
mem_buffcache(xos)MBAmount of memory used by the buff/cache.
mem_swaptotal(xos)MBSet this in preparation for the case where the total Swap size and physical memory are insufficient.
mem_swapfree(xos)MBBecause the unused Swap area and Swap area are secured in disk space, the system performance may drop drastically while using Swap.
mem_available(xos)MBAvailable memory area.
net_recv_bytes(xos)byteAmount of data received over the network.
net_recv_packets(xos)-Number of data packets received over the network.
net_send_bytes(xos)byteAmount of data transmitted over the network.
net_send_packets(xos)-Number of data packets transmitted over the network.