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DBX Agent Setting

Write the settings for the DBX agent in the whatap.conf file. For the options that can be set, see the following.

Default options

  • license String

    To install the agent, set the project access key granted from the server. The project access key includes the agent's project and the encryption key for secured communication.

  • String


    Specify the IP address of the collection server to transfer the data collected by the agent. If there are multiple IP addresses for collection server redundancy, use comma (,) as the delimiter. The collection server proxy daemon must be serviced in the listening state for the set IP address.

  • whatap.server.port String

    Default 6600

    Set the port of the collection server. Because only one port can be set, use the same port set in the "whatap_server_host" option.

  • dbms String



    If other option values are entered, data collection for monitoring may not work.

  • db_ip String

    Set the IP address of the database server to be monitored.

  • db_port String

    Set the port used for DB communication.

Data collection

  • deadlock_interval Int

    Default 60

    Set the interval (unit: minute) to fetch the deadlock data. For deadlock information, only the latest deadlock information that occurred during the set interval is retrieved.

  • tables Boolean

    Default true

    It collects the table size information. In Stat/Report > DB size, you can see the table size by selecting the database.

  • tables_hour Int

    Default 5

    Set the time to collect data for storing the table size information. The default value is 5 and collection starts at 5 am.

  • tables_hour Int

    Default 5

    Set the time to collect data for storing the table size information. The default value is 5 and collection starts at 5 am.

  • long_run_session_sec Second

    Default 10

    The session running longer than the set time is treated as the long run session (unit: second).

  • replication_name String

    If you set the replication name, it is considered that there is a Master/Slave relationship between DBs with the same replication_name.

    As an option to define the replication set, if you set the replication_name option that has the same value for both master and slave nodes, the Monitoring a Database Instance displays a tree structure. It also provides a widget to monitor the replication status in Flex Board based on the option value.

  • skip_whatap_session Int

    Default 0

    If you set 1, the session in which the query to collect from WhaTap operates, does not appear in the active session list. (Default value: 0)

  • skip_sys_session Int

    Default 1

    If set to 2, the sys sessions (root, system user, event_scheduler) are not visible in the active session. The set value, 1 makes sys sessions visible, but excludes them from the total runtime.

  • trx_rseg_history_len Boolean MySQL 5.7 or later DBX agent v1.6.15 or later

    Default false

    It sets whether or not to collect the trx_rseg_history_len metric. If it is set to true, you can check it in the db_mysql_counter category.

  • active_transactions Boolean MySQL 5.5 or later DBX agent v1.6.15 or later

    Default false

    It sets whether or not to collect the active_transactions metric. If it is set to true, you can check it in the db_mysql_counter category.

  • collect_variables_metric Boolean DBX agent v1.6.15 or later

    Default false

    DB parameters can be collected in real time. The parameters set in the variables_metric option are collected.

  • variables_metric String DBX agent v1.6.15 or later

    Set the DB parameter names such as uptime, version, and read_only. To set multiple values, use comma (,) as the delimiter. If you set the collect_variables_metric option to true and set the DB parameter names, you can check them in the db_mysql_variables category.


Active session exclusion settings

The DBX agent collects a list of active sessions for MySQL, but it also provides the option to exclude specific sessions. Excluded sessions are not included when calculating the total_runtime, and its SQL does not appear in the SQL Statistics menu.

  • skip_command String

    When collecting active sessions, the sessions for the command set as an option are not collected. For example, you can exclude the sessions in Daemon and Sleep status from collection by setting the following:


    For more information about the command that can be set as an option value, see the following link.

  • skip_sys_session Int

    Default 1

    • 0: Includes the sys sessions (root, system user) in the active session collection and total_runtime.

    • 1: Includes the sys sessions in the active session collection, but excludes them from total_runtime.

    • 2: Excludes the sys sessions from active session collection and total_runtime.

  • skip_user String

    User accounts set by options are excluded from the active sessions and total_runtime. For example, you can exclude the collections for root, system user, and event_scheduler accounts by setting as follows:

    skip_user=root,system user,event_scheduler
  • skip_whatap_session Int

    Default 0

    If you set the option value to 1, WhaTap's collection queries are excluded from the active session collection and total_runtime.

Application of AWS RDS CloudWatch

It is the description of the agent configuration using the AWS CloudWatch. If collection is started, the data is input in metrics and can be seen in the db_mysql_counter category under Management > Metrics Chart as well as the other metrics.

  • aws_region String

    Set the AWS region.

  • aws_arn String

    You can use the ARN of an IAM ROLE with appropriate roles for AWS authentication.

    Required role

    For the roles, the following policies are required.

    RoleRole details
    rds:DescribeDBInstancesCollection of the instance class data
    rds:DescribeDBClustersCollection of cluster data when using the autoscale
    rds:DescribeDBLogFilesCollection of CloudWatch logs
    rds:DownloadDBLogFilePortionCollection of CloudWatch logs
    ec2:DescribeInstanceTypesCollection of CPU counts for each instance class
    elasticache:DescribeCacheClustersCollection of instance class data when using the elasticache
    cloudwatch:ListMetricsCollection of the list of CloudWatch metrics
    cloudwatch:GetMetricStatisticsCollection of the values of the CloudWatch metrics
    logs:DescribeLogStreamsCollection of CloudWatch logs (in case of using the posted logs)
    logs:GetLogEventsCollection of CloudWatch logs (in case of using the posted logs)
  • cloud_watch String

    Set whether or not to use the CloudWatch Monitoring. The value is on or off.

  • cloud_watch_instance String

    Set the instance name of the CloudWatch.

  • cloud_watch_interval Second

    Set the interval to get monitoring values by CloudWatch (unit: second).

  • cloud_watch_metrics String

    Set the monitoring metric name to be imported into the CloudWatch. You can set it as follows:


Example of configuration for RDS CloudWatch collection

You must create the following default settings to monitor the RDS CloudWatch and collect the related data.


# Create roles in AWS IAM and then copy and paste the role ARN value.

#Example of the instance name
  • For more information about the role ARN, see the following link.

  • For information on how to collect data after granting the RDS CloudWatch metric collection role to EC2 without using the IAM ROLE's ARN value, see the following.

Applying the AES 256 encryption

The WhaTap DBX agent transfers the collected data to the server after encryption. You can change this depending on the importance of the data or setting. Basically, the XOR operation and encryption through the AES algorithm are used, and encryption and decryption are performed by dividing the plain text into 128-bit units. It can be expanded up to 256 bits depending on the setting.

Add the following options to the whatap.conf file in the path where the WhaTap DBX agent has been installed.


Add the settings and then restart the agent.

Identifying the agent name


Agent Name Setting In the WhaTap monitoring service, the term, "object" is used for comprehensive meaning of a monitoring target, and it is sometimes used interchangeably with the agent. To distinguish the objects to be monitored, the different names must be used. WhaTap identifies the target through the object name and object ID.

  • The object (agent) names must be unique on a project basis.
  • Object ID = CRC32 (object name). If the object ID or name has been changed, the previous data is not connected.

WhaTap basically uses the data collected from database servers to identify each server while collecting monitoring data. Basic information uses the database server as a unique identifier by a combination of database server type, IP address, service port, and such. If necessary, use the name set by the user or change the pattern to a unique value. The agent name must be unique.

The reason why the data extracted from the application server is used, is like the following. When a communication loss of the collection server and agent caused by the stop of the database server, network disconnection, or agent problem is restored, the continuity of the data from the reconnected agent is maintained.

  • object_name String

    Default {type}-{ip2}-{ip3}-{port}

    It is an agent naming (ONAME) scheme to identify database servers. An OID is created based on the ONAME.

    {type}Use the value set in whatap.app_name.
    {ip0}The first byte of the IPv4 address is used. (e.g. 10 in
    {ip1}The second byte of the IPv4 address is used. (e.g. 11 in
    {ip2}The third byte of the IPv4 address is used. (e.g. 12 in
    {ip3}The fourth byte of the IPv4 address is used. (e.g. 13 in
    {port}Database server port
    {hostname}Host name
  • auto_oname_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    The function to automatically obtain the agent name (oname) from the server is activated. Upon application, the options for and -Dwhatap.oname are ignored. It obtains oname through communication with the collection server and then starts the agent's normal operation.

  • auto_oname_prefix String

    Default agent

    When an agent name is automatically granted from the server, the prefix of the agent name (business name as usual) is used. The prefix + serial number (from 1) is assigned.

  • auto_oname_reset Int

    Default 0

    Modify it to obtain a new agent name from the server. If the agent name is automatically granted, the system environment variable, whatap.oname is set. Once set, the system environment variables are not changed until the Java instance is restarted. For a reset, modify the value of auto_oname_reset. If you change it to a value different from the current setting, it is to be applied.