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Event History

Home > Select Project > Alert > Event history

You can check the history of alerts. You can search up to the last one year's history. Set each item and then select View icon.

Event History


The screen images may differ depending on the selected project.

  • Time selector
    • You can select the lookup time by selecting the green button on the right.

    • By selecting Left arrow icon or Right arrow icon, you can move by the selected inquiry time range.

    • To select a detailed time, select a date or time zone. Set the detailed time and then select Apply.

  • Based on Filter: Title or Message, you can filter event records.

  • Database: You can select an agent included in the project.
  • CSV: You can save the viewed event records as a CSV file. Enter the Maximum CSV lines and then select Download.

  • Select Column: You can add columns to the viewed event records.

  • Event configuration: Go to Alert > Event configuration.

  • They are Event name and Message for the event added in Title / Message: Event configuration.

    • For more information about addition of events, see the following.

    • For more information about the notification message customization, see the following.

  • Event time: Event occurred time.

    • If an event is in progress and not resolved, the In progress tag appears.

    • If an event occurs during maintenance, the Occured during maintenance tag appears.


    For more information about Maintenance plan, see the following.

  • Event resolution time: Resolved time of the set event. If the column does not appear, click Select Column and then select Event resolution time.

  • Instance: When adding an event in Event configuration, it appears if the Filtering event targets item is set.