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Job Information

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The following provides information about jobs executed by SQL Server. The Job section at the top of the screen displays the entire job list and related information, while the Job History section at the bottom provides the detailed execution history of the job selected at the top. This allows you to manage the jobs and monitor their execution status.

Job Information

  • If a job fails, analyze the failed step and message to resolve the issue. For example, you can identify the database connection problems or script errors.

  • You can analyze the run_duration to optimize the steps with long execution times or consider parallel execution.

  • You can check inactive jobs and activate them if necessary or delete unnecessary jobs to improve the management efficiency.

  • A Job is a unit of work managed by SQL Server Agent and it is a process that is configured to automatically perform specific tasks (e.g. database backup, data cleanup, query execution). Job is useful for automating tasks that need to be performed repeatedly or at regular intervals. For more information, see the following link.

  • Jobs are supported in SQL Server 2016 or later, and are not supported in the Express version.

Basic usage guide

  1. Select a target to query from the Instance options at the top of the screen.

  2. In the Job section, select an item to view from the job list.

  3. The Job History section displays the execution history of the selected Job.


If there is no item to view in the job list, select Refresh icon.

Screen guide by section


It provides basic information of the job registered in SQL Server. You can check the job's creation/modification time, execution status, and notification settings. For more information about the provided columns, see the following:

  • job_id: Unique identifier (UUID) of the job.

  • job_name: Name of the job.

  • enabled: Whether the job is enabled or not. If enabled, it displays yes. Otherwise, it displays no.

  • description: Description of the job. If there is no description, it displays No description available.

  • date_created: Job created date and time.

  • date_modified: Date and time when the job was last modified.

  • notify_level_eventlog: It is the level of event log notification setting based on the job execution result.

  • notify_level_email: It is the level of email notification setting based on the job execution result.


You can search up to 50 jobs.

Job History

You can check the execution record details of the selected job in the Job section. It contains the execution results, messages, execution times, and durations for each step of the job. For more information about the provided columns, see the following:

  • step_id: Unique identifier for the step executed in the job.

  • step_name: Name of the executed step.

  • run_status: It is the step execution result.

  • messages: Messages occurred during the step execution. It includes detailed information about success or error.

  • run_date: Step execution date.

  • run_duration: Time (hhmmss) when the step was last executed.

  • last_run_retries: Number of retry attempts on the last execution of the step.

  • last_run_outcome: Previous execution result of the step.

Filtering the searched results

Adding the filter conditions

  1. In the Filter option, select .

    Adding condition

  2. In Filter key, select a desired filtering criteria.

    • If the value of the selected item is text, you can select any of Includes (blue) and Excludes (red).

    • If the value of the selected item is number, you can select any condition of == (equal to), >= (greater than or equal to), and <= (less than or equal to).

  3. In Condition, select a condition.

  4. Enter a string or number to match the condition.

  5. Select Apply.

  • To add filtering conditions, select Add and then repeat Step 1 to 5. Added conditions are applied based on AND (&&).

  • To delete some items while adding conditions, select Delete icon on the right of the filter conditions. To delete all conditions, select Delete icon Delete All.

  • To quickly delete the conditions applied to the Filter option, select .

Modifying the filter conditions

Edit filter

Click any applied to the Filter option. If the Edit filter window appears, modify any desired items and then select Apply.

Downloading the viewed result

You can download the search results for each section in CSV file format. Click csv icon at the top of the screen and then select Job Info or Job History.

The name format of the downloaded CSV file is as follows:

  • Job Info: job_info_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.csv

  • Job History: job_history_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.csv