User Behavior
Home > Select Project > Sitemap > Management > User Behavior
The WhaTap monitoring service automatically detects the interactions conducted by users in the project, providing insight into user behaviors. You can see the menus and functions commonly used by project members. If a problem occurs due to incorrect project settings, you can quickly detect and respond to it by tracing user behaviors. Through this, you can detect and prevent security issues.
Set the search period in Time selector.
Select the targets for viewing user behaviors in Account email. The users that can be selected are identified by email address.
You can view your own activities without any special roles. To view the activities of others, the Member Management role is required. For more information about the member role scheme, see the following.
The maximum search time for user behaviors is 62 days.
The retention period for user behavior data is 1 year.
Message format
A user behavior message consists of email address, IP address, and a specific behavior description., ip=, msg=Successfully logged in.
: Email address of the user -
: IP address of the device connected by the user -
: Specific behavior of the user
Search Scope of Metrics
You can view the following user behaviors:
Membership registration history
Log in, log in failure, and log out
Switching to a dormant account and recovery
Modification of personal information, membership withdrawal, API token issuance, and project list inquiry
Multi-factor authentication registration, modification, deletion, and update
Mobile phone authentication
Downloading invoices, adding promotion keys, and saving payment information
Project manager inquiry
Project subscription and history inquiry
Project creation, modification, and deletion
Project token issuance history, access key generation, metering data inquiry
Maintenance plan addition, modification, and deletion
Addition and deletion of projects to a group
Viewing the project member list
Server status update history for the project
Inviting members to the project, setting roles, and deleting members
User custom data (Preset) creation, modification, and deletion
Flex board creation, modification, deletion, and sharing
In Real-time Alert List, event batch process history
In Alert > Event Configuration, user activities
Event creation, modification, and deletion
Editing, saving, and loading event settings as JSON
In Alert > Notifications, the event notification settings per user can be viewed.
SQL built and formatted SQL request history
Report settings update and download and email sending reservation history
Opt-out history for email notifications
Using another member's User Behavior menu
Merged data request
URL check setting
Settings for data extraction and parameter decoding
Database product project
Request, success, and failure records for the Session kill feature
SQL execution history of the user in the Laboratory > Script Manager menu
Agent update history of the user in Management > Agent Update
Group creation, modification, and deletion
Viewing the group member list
Inviting members to the group, setting roles, and deleting members
Viewing the group list
Adding and deleting groups in the organization
Organization creation, modification, and deletion
Viewing the organization member list
Inviting members to the organization, setting roles, and deleting members